Don't let CBS dump Jorja Fox!

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i'd hate to see her go, b/c i think she's a good character, and without her there would only be one female on the team. she is needed to balance things off. however, i do have to say that if it was between her and catherine, i'd rather see sara leave.
For the record gang, I did'nt say that George Eads should be let go just to save Jorja's job. I love all the characters and my partial reason for enjoying GSR is because Billy has in the past played roles where he was usually a very passionate kind of man and it seemed odd to me that the writers of CSI would make Grissom too much of a science nerd to have any kind of romantic/sexual relationship.
The age thing is a matter for the two people involved, if they have no difficulties with it then it's case closed. As to Grissom being her supervisior, if that was truly a factor to concerned about, wouldn't it have made sense to have some scene where Ecklie does a employee seminar on 'sexual harrasment in the workplace' or something like it?
Besides, were'nt Catherine and Warrick this close to having 'a thing going on' nobody seemed upset that a gambling addict and, sorry for this, a woman who seems attracted mostly to men who treat her badly* being in a possible relationship.
They both have their fair share of emotional baggage, the whole group seems to, short of Greg Sanders and Sophia Curtis. Relationships in the workplace, good or bad do happen, it's difficult to work that closely with others in such an emotionally-charged atmosphere like solving criminal cases that may reflect on a person's attitude about themselves and their past/present problems in their lives.
This can have it's affect on how the team treats each other both personally and professionally, just my thoughts here nothing written in stone.

*I love Marg Helgenberger and how she plays Catherine, the writers have at times done her a disservice by making her someone who in spite of being able to rise above her past as a stripper and become a CSI, they make her far too vulnerable to jerky men she encounters on the job.
jeanmacgreen said:
For the record gang, I did'nt say that George Eads should be let go just to save Jorja's job.

Good, as me, plus MANY other fans would disagree with George leaving over Jorja.

But I don't want to see Jorja leave either, being a Nick/Sara fan, either George or Jorja leaving is bad.
But I would save George over Jorja anyday.
Sorry guys.

But I hope we will find out if she has signed before next season, or else this will be one VERY long summer.
Wow, I'm out of the loop so I had no idea any of this was going on...

It totally smacks of PR though. Keep the viewers tuned in thanks to some well placed rumours. Bah, I don't buy any of it. I'm sure Jorja will be back, and that this is all just a ratings grabbing attempt.
Jorja Fox was the reason I watched an episode of CSI for the first time and she made me love Sara.
I would find it hard to watch with out Jorja because she is such a good and under rated actress, it would be a total waste to let her go from her contract. And it wouldn't happen without a fight from William Petersen, who has invested so much into Sara and Gris.
If they kill off Sara, then Grissom will have to be completely broken or CSI loses all credability and I believe that William would leave shortly after, he has said they should leave together. To me be like ER which I loved, Jorja was there at it's peak but as the cast left, so has much of its original audience. I no longer watch it and I used to be the best thing on TV.
I'm of the opinion that it's an ensemble show first and foremost. I don't know that I could pick a favorite character and/or actor from CSI. I feel like everyone has good chemistry with each other and for any of them to go would probably make me lose interest rather quickly. I'm not saying that I would quit watching (let's not be hasty :lol:) but I tune in to see everyone. If there's an episode without one of them, I miss them and hope they'll be in the next week's episode.

I do really enjoy Jorja/Sara so I would be totally bummed out and ticked if they killed her off.
yea, i hear you Harmony, I like all of the characters, (although cath is my fav) and i want to see them all work together, not just 3 of them. If sara went, they would lose the chemistry that they have as team (and i think they need more team episodes actually b/c lately the episodes have been focused on just a few people)
i heard jf is meant to die in final episdoe of season 7 but due to contract they filmed diffrent ending leaving cliffhanger to wheter she does die or not. S if she doesnt appear in season 8 then that is stupid coz we wnt know what happened 2 her
Well, guys, I read in another section that Michael Ausiello (if you can put any stock into what he reports) claims that JF is "this close" to signing up for S8. Is it for real? I dunno, but it seems to support all of our suspicions that this is just a publicity stunt/mind game produced by CBS. Can't find the link, but check out his latest reports at TV Guide.
I think it's a stunt as well. I think the network wants her on, the show still wants her on, fans still want her on, and everyone involved with contracts and stuff will come to their senses and everything will work out. The show would not be the same without JF. Chemistry within the team would be all off, and a character that has been played for 7 years doesn't seem like the sort of thing a person could just give up like that. If JF were to give up Sara Sidle over whatever reason is holding her back from signing for s8, she's not the awesome person I think she is.
I think that they left the cliffhanger the way it was (with her under the car) to see if they can renegotiate, as opposed to killing her right away.
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