Don't let CBS dump Jorja Fox!

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I'm still fairly new to the CSI bandwagon, I've been playing catchup - I like Sara's character, and I'm not a shipper so her relationship with Grissom doesn't bother me one way or another. I do think the dynamic in the show seems different, especially since I am burning at both ends so to speak, by watching season 7 and from season 1 onwards simultaneously. I'll be interested to see where this plot goes. I thought the events of the finalé were a little contrived -- I've come to expect more from CSI, but at the same time the resolution might blow it out of the water. Whether Jorja stays or goes (I do hope she stays) there's probably going to be some changes in the works.

As long as they don't do anything to Brass I'll be fine XD
alright, i signed the petition. do you think it will actually do anything? well, if we even have a hope, we need A LOT more people to sign it- I was only the 53rd person the sign it!!
i caught the episode where sara was abducted..but missed the next episode...could someone tell me what happened...i would appreciate it..thank you very much...i really hope they dont kill her off i like her and grissom together :)
The ratings have already dropped and CBS doesn't seem to care too much. Honestly I don't think they will as long as CSI is still one of the strongest shows and keeps bringing them huge benefits.

And I still don't think online petitions with people signing anonymously will make a change.
Well I do hope that even if JF decides to leave, that she comes back for an episode or 2 just to clear up the story, the way 'Kate' did in S3 of NCIS.
^^ Same here. I think if she does decide to leave then she'll be in the first ep of S8 to clear things up. It'd be hard for them to do a season premiere without her after the season finale right? I mean they can't just go 'Oh, Sara died.' and be done with it. Man I hate cliffhangers.
If she wishes to leave, I wish her well. If not, I don't really mind if she goes off the show. I feel like there're way too many main characters to this show. And no one has singnificant role. I mean, I see less and less important role of Nick or Warrick. Lately they just show up to do a little bit of this and that. It might be better with less main character but more detail of them.
After Keppler, I'm ready for a change. I'd be upset if Jorja left, but I could probably handle it.

However, I think CSI definately is ready for a big shake up. They've got a major case of cast bloat. And some of the characters have practically disappeared this season. So, I'm ready for it.

I just hope that it will mean more detailed storylines for Greg, Nick and Warrick. They've earned it.
As much as I love the original cast (and they have been with us - untouched - for 7 years) it's good to have a change from time to time. But I also found myself very attached to all of the characters (true, some more than others) and it would be a shame for me, as a fan, to see any of them go. For whichever reason. I do hope Jorja stays, but if she doesn't... I guess I'll get used to it as well.
lucyj0720 said:
Jorja Fox was the reason I started watching CSI, I have loved in ER and in The West Wing and I was please to see her get a regular series instead of guest starring.
To be honest I still think she is the best thing in CSI,if she does leave, I doubt I will watch CSI that much. I like Warrick and Grissom though.
I do think that Jorja is a very capable actress and she has worked with the biggest names: George Clooney, Martin Sheen, John Spencer, Allison Janney and Noah Whiley. I would like to see her stretched abit more but within CSI.

Yeah me to, She a great actress. I do not think the show we do as good if she not on it. Also Sara my favorite character.
I do like Sara and would hate to see her go, but if Jorja Fox wants to leave and do something else, it's her choice to do so and I respect that.

I really wish they hadn't made Keppler dirty and killed him off though. I liked him and felt that if William Petersen and Jorja Fox HAD left the show, he could have led the Night Shift, been a potential romance for Catherine, and it would have made room for Nick, Greg and Warrick to move up the chain, along with giving more room for Hodges, Wendy and the Lab Rats to have larger roles.
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