I liked Greg as a lab rat, and I like him also as a CSI.
As a lab rat, he was very smart, charming and very funny. He was also very young.
As a CSI, Greg is maturing. He’s still very smart and charming, but his funny side has been hidden under the bushes. He took a decision to get out of a job he liked but felt was restraining him, and he followed on this decision. It took a lot of determination on his part to do that. He didn’t even allow a paycut to alter his decision, he took it in stride.
As a CSI, he’s still trying to show his funny side, sometimes very successfully, as in Rashomama (very romantic there, the ladies should like that!), and sometimes not. I’m glad he was only with the two policemen when he tried the joke about odor eaters in Bite Me; that would have attracted a frown, not only from Grissom but also from any other CSI who would have heard him. It was not the time nor the place, and I believe he learned his lesson.
As a CSI, he has to prove himself fit for the job and be serious. Only time will tell if he succeeds, but I have a feeling he will. After all, he’s a very smart guy! Then, when he’ll feel more secure in the job, his funny side should reappear in all its splendor and we will see the well-rounded man he will have become. In the meantime, I’ll settle for a one-liner here and there...