Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

Goodness!! How could anyone justify hating the actor just because thier character is estranged??!!! I hope no one here has actually gone that far.....

As referred to in my earlier post, I think there's a general feeling of discomfort among fans with Sophia's character. (I'm guessing especially among GSR shippers...*sigh*) If Sophia's character does stick around (I think the actor is going on maternity leave or something) season 5 will serve as a "feeling out" period to get used to her. I mean, after 4 steady seasons and then just completely destroying all the order in the world and adding another character is a rather large change...
Re: Dislike A Character

Okay, so everyone hates her, but nobody knows what she does or what she's doing on the show? Hm... strange.

As for why I haven't seen this season, it comes on too late in the evening for me. I'm already in bed because I get up for work at 4:45 for work. ;) I've seen seasons 1-4 though, either through rental (S1) or through buying/receiving the DVDs.

The one episode I did see this season was King Baby. Ugh... not my bag, baby.
Re: Dislike A Character

Ur right. I kind of don't like her cause I'm a GSR shipper, what can I say, I protect what I believe in. *shrug*
Re: Dislike A Character

"relationshipper"-pretty much anyone who follows the romance/possible romance between characters like a religion........*sigh*

Shippers are also the people who write the majority of fanfictions........*sigh* (There are no good casefiles anymore....*sigh*)

I myself am not a shipper (GSR or otherwise) but I have nothing against them. A matter of opinion and I respect that.

But yeah, when Sophia got tossed into this team split, it kinda threw a monkey wrench into GSR shipper's plans. (Epecially that little dinner invite a la Grissom) *watches GRS shippers slowly get steamed over Sophia* But that's why there's a general dislike for Sophia among GSR shippers.
Re: Dislike A Character

Ah okay. That makes perfect sense then.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself a GSR shipper, but I do want them to be together over any other woman being with Grissom. Then again I think I may prefer them flirting, and if Sara and Grissom ever did get together it should be dragged out over a season with them flirting more and more and maybe finally a date. *shrugs* I don't know. I just like their interaction.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by addict:
Okay, so everyone hates her, but nobody knows what she does or what she's doing on the show? Hm... strange.
Sophia is a CSI orginially from the Day shift team ran by Ecklie, she was also Quality control, doing internal investigations when cases come up and something goes wonky she looks into the investigator/s.

She was Assigned to Grissom when his case in court went wrong due to a print showing up long afterward, Ecklie sent Sophia to do the investigation (While he went to grissoms team to quietly get pieces of dirt against grissom).

Ecklie figured with sophia's bad report and what he found
he would have the perfect excuse to get rid of grissom, what he didn't count on is sophia not being as low as him, when she gave her report it was in favor of grissom, as she truely saw it, and knowing ecklie wouldn't like her answers (which cost her any chance at the promotion that went to catherine).

Ecklie split the team and demoted Sophia to grave yard.
As to the dinner grissom and her had been talking she was thinking about quitting because she was a supervisior that was what she was use to, also not alot of people on the team were receptive to her presences.
Grissom had time for his dinner break and figured she wanted to talk, and maybe even convince her to stay so he combined the two (hey both have to eat).

IMO only there was nothing overly romantic about it, on either persons part, by the next ep she was staying, and they seem to be just friends or respective collegues.
What might look like romance could be the fact that grissom respects Sophia for basically tanking her job to do the right thing and stand up for truth, and for sophia its the fact that grissom and his team showed her that during her investigation.
Posted by greglover14:
Ur right. I kind of don't like her cause I'm a GSR shipper, what can I say, I protect what I believe in. *shrug*
Protect what you believe in, thats not a crime, but there really has been no moments to show that sophia has in anyway been a threat to any ships, actually just the opposite from where i sit.

She started the turning point with grissom, getting him to talk it through the way she did, and him not knowing if it worked (that was funny), or getting him to laugh like they were long lost friends, and just being respectful.

All in all i can't see a person hating a character really to say one hates is using a strong emotion Hence why i stick with dislike, but thats me.

But when people associate the Actress and the character in the same and dislike or hate them does seem over the top.
In some respects if the characters intent at the time is to have people truely feel that emotion in reguards to them its a kudos to them.

It's assumed that Sophia will be the crimp in any ship, its assumed she would be a crimp to the team, but the thing is except for getting passed back and forth between swing shift and grave yard she stands around and offers to help while trying to get people to realize she isn't there to cause a problem, and i think thats what the wanting to quit was all about.

As to the actress herself yes Louise Lombard is Pregnante as you can well see (dressed in black against dark back grounds, bending odd angles, thick heavy coats, loose clothing, shots from the neck up or sitting down).

She is due to leave on Maternity leave in early 2005 that was what was reported, the eps are sometimes taped 1-2-sometimes 3 in advanced depending, will she return next season nothing has been said, how will she be explained again nothing has been said.
Re: Dislike A Character

Thank you very much for the insight on the Sophia character. She doesn't seem as bad as everyone seems to be making her out to be. In fact she sounds pretty cool. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

your welcome Addict and you will find some others who feel the same way, i am one of them.
But you know some of the problem does come as one said, the team had just split, she was the new kid in the grave yard shift, in away her not playing ball with ecklie saved grissom but split the team.

The fact that at the time when her character really should have started getting developed she announced her pregnancy and they said that she would be showing to much, so they basically lone her out, leaving us not really knowing her.
Which lead to alot of speculation on her character, and you know its a shame really.
I think that she would be a good asset to the show, i mean you have two strong women already among 4 guys (not counting brass and so on), at least give them a fighting chance sophia has the potential to be a strong character.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
I do however talk strictly of the character in my previous posts, and not the actual actor as a person.
Good glory, there are people who harp on the ACTRESS now? I don't get it, I really don't. I'm so glad not to have seen any of that on any of these forums. :)

Although, I have an uncomfortable feeling that if any of this goodwill and tolerance towards the character of Sophia is expressed in a larger setting, say, fanfiction.net, the person who does this will immediately be creamed by a polarised mob of angry G/S supporters. :rolleyes:

Holy elephant, we've been on the subject of Sophia for a long time now... Is this okay? :confused:
Re: Dislike A Character

Actually Yeaaah Sofia doesn't bother me either.
I'm just not happy with additional characters: More new characters, less screentime to regular characters. They already have Hodges, Mia and the new lab guy and others. Their ensemble of 7 (the best 5 and then our Greg and Dr. Robbins) is already perfect. There just have been many changes at a time this season: Greg's promotion, team's split, new lab guys and then Sofia. Takes time you know.
I agree, ppl shouldn't complain about any character without giving them a chance.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't get what there is not to like about Sophia. She's smart, pleasant to everyone, she defended Grissom when Ecklie tried to take him down (to her own demise, I might add). All in all, she seems like a pretty stand up gal!

(Plus, I enjoy the fact that she's caused turmoil among the GSers. ;) Hehehe)
Re: Dislike A Character

You answered your own question! ;)
Plus, she's a new character to bash instead of the good old Catherine! :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by birdie:
I don't get what there is not to like about Sophia. She's smart, pleasant to everyone, she defended Grissom when Ecklie tried to take him down (to her own demise, I might add). All in all, she seems like a pretty stand up gal!

(Plus, I enjoy the fact that she's caused turmoil among the GSers. ;) Hehehe)

I too like Sofia and have so since she was first introduced. It was first thought that she was a wolf in sheeps clothing... that she would turn on Grissom and his team and give Ecklie what he wanted. I enjoyed the addtion of Sofia and loved how she brough back the season 1 Grissom. Someone who smiles and jokes. I find it odd that people judge someone with out knowing them or feel that there ship is threatened. Grissom said it best... Soemone who does not judge me. Think he was on to something.

As to the comments about the actress. Yes I have read some horrible things that people have wished on her (LL) so she was unable to return, hence the demise of Sofia. That is just down right mean and wrong. Think some have reality confused with fiction.