Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Ecklie irks me... He's such a meanie... Shame on him for being such ******************* (no, that is not a very long word, I am leaving up to everyone's imagination!)
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by alf:
Actually it's not a stupid reason to give someone a promotion. The promotion should go to whoever's more qualified and would contribute more to the lab's effectiveness. Nick not willing to sacrifice his work ethic (which proved to be effective) over a promotion makes him a prime candidate.

I wouldn't blame Grissom for turning Sara down about the dinner thing. It was horrible timing. The lab had just blown up, and Sara had just made an incredibly stupid move trying to be a hero. Grissom probably was thinking "with everything that just went on, you now want to get dinner?" Plus he's a tad socially inept.
Well said about why Nick received the promotion.

I dislike Ecklie, Sophia, and Hodges. Ecklie is numero uno on the list without a doubt. I'm not against Hodges or Sophia as much, but they keep climbing up the list. I doubt anyone can top Ecklie. He's not very professional in my opinion.

Catherine, as of late, can be a tad annoying for previous mentioned reasons, but overall I like her character as well. I definitely can't fault her character in the first three seasons.
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't think we really know enough yet about Sophia to hate her. If she does anything to hurt the G/S realtionship then we can flame and hate her all we want. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

I think there's a general dislike of Sophia because she's new. I mean, after 4 whole seasons of the same characters growing together and interacting and all of a sudden we'll split everyone apart and throw someone else in there with them. She just hasn't had time to grow on fans yet...I'm just not sure how long that will take...
Re: Dislike A Character

You know what TPTB said about the bringing of new characters to the show, "to say to the cast "you're replaceable""
What kind of BS is that? You can't replace the characters! *shaking head in frustration* :mad:
Re: Dislike A Character

But let us remember if it wasn't for Sophia, Ecklie would have found a way to destroy Grissom, it was Sophia who didn't back down from Ecklie and buckle, she knew there was a chance she was making a sacrifice and she opted for truth over destroying someones career.

TPTB didn't actually say that they were replaceable, i believe that was Marg's and others interreption of what they were saying by bringing other characters in.
Re: Dislike A Character

I dont think I hate Sophia, shes getting a bad wrap cause shes new. We shouldn't really worry about it though, she might not even be back for the 6th season.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by greglover14:
I don't think we really know enough yet about Sophia to hate her. If she does anything to hurt the G/S realtionship then we can flame and hate her all we want. ;)
You know, this is true. lol I'll reserver further judgment for her until I see more of her. I just have a feeling.
Re: Dislike A Character

I know I have that feeling too. I had it since we first saw her in that elevator with Grissom. She just rubbed me the wrong way I guess.
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by Wild_Blue_Gil:
Posted by greglover14:
I don't think we really know enough yet about Sophia to hate her. If she does anything to hurt the G/S realtionship then we can flame and hate her all we want. ;)
You know, this is true. lol I'll reserver further judgment for her until I see more of her. I just have a feeling.
Exactly! If only all people could be reasonable and reserve judgement and give judgement where it's due... *shakes head*

How can you dislike someone you've hardly had the chance to get to know? Sure, there are gut feelings, but this woman is on a TV show... we'll never actually MEET her.

Over at the "Your Tax Dollars at Work" forums, they've taken their hate to insane levels (I wonder if they've even been watching the show or dubbing over everything Sophia says with dialogue from their own heads...). I think I'm going to challenge them, thesis-and-argument style, to a battle of "Defend your statement!", for whenever they attempt to make a false claim about Sophia. :p

And now, back to our irregularly scheduled topic. :rolleyes:

Catherine's starting to bug me. Not because of anything in particular, I'm just not liking how the dynamic between her and the others has changed. Not that she's become the overlord(ess) that people say she's become, it's just the dynamic that's changed. Also, I really think her character gets too much screentime.
Re: Dislike A Character

I have a question about this Sophia person - what does she do on the show?

I've only seen one episode this season... *ducks and runs for cover*
Re: Dislike A Character

See thats the thing. WE DON'T KNOW! How can we hate someone we know nothing about. Come on people lets be reasonable.

P.S.- How could you have only seen ONE episode this season. I don't think I've missed an episode to date. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

Greglover: Same here.

Arkee: That's insane. People really should know more about the character before going so far in their judgment. I do however talk strictly of the character in my previous posts, and not the actual actor as a person.