Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

Off topic...

I don't even know how people manage to visit other boards! I come on this one on my coffee break (any whenever I can manage to sneak on the computer at work ;)) and I only can get through some of the threads.
Re: Dislike A Character

I agree Hegemon, as much love as I have for Nicky's character, they do downplay him a bit. It'd be nice to see more of him nowadays. I'd definately like a deeper look into his character/his past. (Sure we have little bits and pieces, but I think we generally know more about the other characters.) Here's hoping for more Nicky action in the future. It's doubtful though, "Compulsion"'s swing case featured more Nick than usual so he probably won't do much for a while...(I hate how the producers do that, but it's only fair to all the characters...*sigh*)
Re: Dislike A Character

if i had to pick a character i didn't like, i would pick ecklie. he is turning nice, but that makes him all the more evil. and sofia has no personality and is taking gil away from catherine! i guess that should be left for another thread though... :rolleyes:

i have been visiting this board since the beginning of the month. there are too many people who post on it, it is soo hard to keep up!
Re: Dislike A Character

I didn't really want to post at this thread, trying to keep at least one of my new year's resolutions. I have a problem with Warrick. To paraphrase Sophia and Mia--he's hot and he knows it. I just think his character comes across as a huge jerk off sometimes, just this way-too-fine-for-this-world playa who probably has the phrase "hey, baby, don't hate the playa, hate the game" tattooed somewhere on his body. I guess Warrick Brown (and I stress the character, not the actor) rubs me the wrong way most of the time, and when he's "okay," he still bugs the crap out of me. Not all the time, just most of the time.
Oh but those eyes! Are they actually blue, or contacts? Inquiring minds want to know.
Re: Dislike A Character

I dont HATE Catherine but sometimes I dislike her cos we know WAY too much about her, She was funny with Sara when she was trying to help her (Lady Heather's box for example) Like someone said previously.. Now shes a supervisor she might calm down a little..

Also Ecklie.. Because he's a creep and doesnt NEED to be nasty to everyone.. Power is a bad thing for some people and hes one of them that has been affected badly by it!
Re: Dislike A Character?

I think Ecklie is one of the bad guys. The writers have done a good job with him as a bad guy. He always gets me going when I am watching the show. HAHA. :eek:
Re: Dislike A Character

You dislike Catherine because you know too much about her???
If you knew too much about Grissom, you would dislike him, too? Personally, I would like to know more and more about the characters, and I don't mind who's in the focus in the current episode.
Re: Dislike A Character

I think what paper_flowers is saying is that (and I'm quoting one of my friends here) "Catherine's charcter is overplayed". Sure we know a lot about her, but it seems she maybe has too many things wrong with her, and there's just too big of a deal about them. The more we know about a character the better, but when we know so much and it keeps popping up again, it could start to get repetitive.

I dunno if that's what paper_flowers was trying to say, but that's how I interpreted it.
Re: Dislike A Character

......... :D

I just like backing people up. But who knows, that's probably not even what paper_flowers even meant! :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

yes that is exactly what I meant thankyou very much for backing me up anyway LabRat101 :D
Re: Dislike A Character

Oh my Gosh! I knowthis might be "against the rules" But I heard like at least 2 people say they disliked Katherine...
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :O :O :O :O I F-ing love her. I love her so much. Anyways like someone said she flirted with everyone, and to this thread. I can say I sorda dislike Sara becuae I find she flirts with everyone. Like I saw this one eppisode (I dunno the name of it , It had CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY(I love him.) :) ) Where she was taking pictures and then some guy tels her he moved a bra or somthing and yeah they brought that up in court that she had a relationship with him and it wasn't the first. And also there is the whole Sara/Grissom vib thing.. I havn't seen all the eppys so I don't really know whats going on with them, what I am guessing is that he chose work over her or somthing.. all I know is she has had like 3 work realated relationships and I think they should keep it out of the work area but I do sorda like her and Grissom.. lol. So I dunno. I love Sara though becuase I love them all. Katherine is a my lover though. Yes I am a girl ;) lol. No I am hetersexual too. Ha ha ha. Anyways, this is a good post though. :)
Re: Dislike A Character

Let me just say, that i mostly do not dislike the characters, but i can say that one of them irritates me the most and that is Sara. In season 1, she came off to me, as a self-righteous, and 'i'm better than you' expression. But as the season went on, i started liking her. But i also have to say that i love Catherine.
Re: Dislike A Character

I'm the same. I've been watching CSI from the beginning, and Sara really bothered me at first. Probably because when she came on she was trying to get Warrick fired.

Then in the episode where her a Warrick are working a case together, and she's supposed to find out whether or not he was gambling and she asked GRissom to take Warrick off her case and kind of berrated Gris for not firing Warrick...I really didn't like her!

I love her now, but really didn't like her in the beginning. Maybe we weren't supposed to.