Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

i, like many others dislike, even H**e conrad ecklie and i feel like i want to claw his face out but you see, i am a christian and thinking negative deadly thoughts is something i shouldn't be doing. :lol:

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Re: Dislike A Character

I dislike Sofia. Mainly because she's completely pointless. She does nothing other than talk to herself and take screentime away from the other regulars, who are the actual reason I watch the show. Her ever-changing accent is completely annoying.

I think it's amusing people think G/S shippers don't like her because she's a threat to the ship. Um, no. What threat? She's had all of two flirty scenes with Grissom. I feel my ship more threatened by Grissom/Nick than Grissom/Sofia.

It's funny how you guys are talking about judgements, yet some of you are the ones who are actually making the judgements. About people from another board and G/S shippers in general. That's just not fair. Especially since I've seen some folks from here bash a certain other actress on another board. Hmm.
Re: Dislike A Character

Now you were talking in general, too ;). If I mention the rudeness of the GSR fans, I always add 'some of', 'the minority', 'a few' and so on.
Re: Dislike A Character

Ah, you got me. :p I had meant to say "some of you guys" instead of "you guys" (and wasn't referring to you, just for clarification) but in my defense I did later clear that up by saying that some folks were doing actress-bashing on another board and then come here saying G/S shippers are the ones doing it against Louise Lombard (which I've never, ever seen on any G/S site). Er, I'll shut up now.
Re: Dislike A Character

Obviously you weren't aware how sharp my eyes are, haha :devil:
The actress-bashing is the worst. Most of the people who bash the actresses didn't watch their other films. They bash because they hate the character.
Re: Dislike A Character

What is said on other boards and by whom does is irrelevent it has nothing to do with this board.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, just keep it to the reason the thread is here, which is the dislike of a character and not about the posters who post their opinions.

Thank you. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

Yes, sir!

I think this thread wasn't the best idea, because it can easily lead to bashing or off-topic posts...
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by Hegemon:
Ah, you got me. :p I had meant to say "some of you guys" instead of "you guys" (and wasn't referring to you, just for clarification) but in my defense I did later clear that up by saying that some folks were doing actress-bashing on another board and then come here saying G/S shippers are the ones doing it against Louise Lombard (which I've never, ever seen on any G/S site). Er, I'll shut up now.

Hey now, Im a GSR fan and I think Sofia is cool :D Shes all like....cool. Same with GSR. :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by CSILevel1:
Yes, sir!

I think this thread wasn't the best idea, because it can easily lead to bashing or off-topic posts...
:lol: i am a woman. (But i know what you meant) :D

Some thought that but if you read the first post of the thread which includes the rules, It was going pretty good if you read back through, its only been recently that i have had to remind people what the first post says.

This is a post where people can come in and Discuss who they dislike and why, its not for bashing the character (Ie stated in the rules) or the posters, (Again in the rules), also the board rules apply here as well.

I just feel that you all can be civil and actually discuss things, without resorting to anything against rule or just plain bad. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

Yes Ma'am! :D

I made that comment because I had bad experiences in threads like this on other boards. Maybe this board will make me forget them (I hope so!)...
Re: Dislike A Character

:lol: CSILevel1 I can understand what you're saying there are some out there that allow the bashing of not only the characters, but the actors and the posters.
Rest assured that doesn't go on here, this post i keep a close eye on, but i also trust as i said people to be civil and not go that direction.
State the dislikes, heck even say "I dislike this about a character, but hey i like this about the character", but don't jump in just to say "Hate <name>" and thats it, kind of redundant if you think about it, its a discussion thread.

But yeah i see where some come from but remember we are not like most board. :D ;) :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character

I agree Destiny, everyone's entitled to an opinion, and if they can back it up with reasons, more power to them. But just posting "I hate so-and-so" and leaving it at that isn't quite cutting it.

I find it interesting to discuss the many ways characters can be viewed. (Ie. Sophia.) I won't be attacking anyone group or person here but just voicing my two cents on the issue.

Just to clarify, (and because I forget sooo much stuff...) Is LL definately coming back next season? (Sans maternity leave) If so, I feel this season has served (and is currently serving) as a warm up for her character. Until she becomes a familiar face among fans, Sophia will seem a bit different and won't seem to belong with the CSI crew. Give her a chance, but based on first impressions, it may take me a while to get used to the new addition.
Re: Dislike A Character

I think I have to agree with LabRat101, about getting used to Sophia I mean.

At this point she still seems like one of Eklie's people, not one of Grissom's. Maybe by the end of the season it won't seem like she's trying to work her way into Grissom's good graces so much, but now, I dunno...

If she had become one of the team BEFORE the whole splitting up thing I might not feel so... suspicious (I guess that's the best word for it...). Who knows, maybe it's all for the best?
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by Destiny:
What is said on other boards and by whom does is irrelevent it has nothing to do with this board.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, just keep it to the reason the thread is here, which is the dislike of a character and not about the posters who post their opinions.

Thank you. ;)

Sorry, but someone else brought up stuff about other boards earlier in the thread before me and they weren't reprimanded so I thought it was hypocritical that they were doing the same thing elsewhere. Won't mention it again.

Anyway, back on topic, despite my dislike for Sofia's general pointlessness (really, why is she on the show anyway), I'm not liking Nick this year. I think if he had more of a storyline, he'd be far more likable, but he has so little screentime that he's gotten incredibly boring. Er, I guess that isn't dislike for a character, but more of a dislike for a character's lack of screentime. Which I blame on Sofia since she's taking away screentime from everyone. :p
Re: Dislike A Character

Hegemon, You were not reprimanded, trust me if you were you would have been informed of it, as to who that was addressed to it was addressed to everyone to keep in mind.

The thing is as i told CSILevel1 we have no authority, over what is said on, or by whom on other boards, so that is why i stated that as being irrelevent to this board.

I believe you were referring to Arkee's post reguard the forum YTAW? Can't say as i know what their intent was reguarding that part of the post, judgement passing or what.

but a reminder was issued before that statement, and now after, hopefully as i said since it was addressed not to one person but to everyone, that it will be taken to heart and remembered.

Thank you for taking the time to further explain why you said it and reverting back to the topic its appreciated. :)