Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

I dislike the Ecklie character!! He only got to where he is because of who he knew and his tremendous butt kissing not by his skills on the job. I work in a place that is just like that; it's not how well a job you do, but who you know and who you suck up to that will get you promoted. AND THAT JUST STINKS. I believe office politics is a cowards game and that's why the Ecklie character disgustes me!!
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by redcherry69:
I dislike the Ecklie character!! He only got to where he is because of who he knew and his tremendous butt kissing not by his skills on the job. I work in a place that is just like that; it's not how well a job you do, but who you know and who you suck up to that will get you promoted. AND THAT JUST STINKS. I believe office politics is a cowards game and that's why the Ecklie character disgustes me!!

That sucks! Where I work, you can see who the boss prefers by the shifts you get. Fortunately, I do well. But being a fair person, it really bothers me.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I HATE ECKLEY!!!!!!! THAT SLEASE BALL lol. In Sara's words I say What a kiss A.s! lol ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Just my two cents, but after last week's new episode ('Complusion') I'd say there's only a few characters I can say I dislike. For starters, both Sheriffs, (Mobly and Atwater.) they get annoying after a while, (short while mind you) Ecklie's still a jerk for splitting up the team (even though he's a bit better behaved after 'King Baby'), and Detective Cavalier needs a reality check... (Grrrrrrrr. :mad: )

To defend Catherine just a tad, I'd generally have to agree with the political turn her character has taken, but after watching 'Compulsion' I'd say she's on the fast track back to normal. She's come away from the politics for a bit, and hopefully will stay away.

Concerning Sophia, I don't quite have a fondness of her character yet. Possibly because she was involved in the team split and other 'romantic' interventions with Grissom...(please no!!!) They need to keep Grissom single and mysterious, no relationships. *Runs from all shippers* :p
Re: Dislike A Character?

You're right. Grissom should remain single, otherwise the show won't be the same. CSI is not a soap opera, it isn't about the ships. A can't understand those 'fans' who say 'If Sara and Grissom doesn't get together soon, I won't watch the show'. I mean WTH, are they watching the Sara & Grissom show or what???
Re: Dislike A Character?

I bet most of the GSR shipper's will be happy for the first few episodes if they ever do get together and then the excitement'll die off, cuz it's the tension between the characters (relationship related or not) that makes the interaction so good!

But I'm not really against relationships, (Particularly interested in this Catherine/Warrick thing going on here, too bad I missed 'Down the Drain'....) Plus the early seasons flirting between Nick and Sara was priceless. :lol: Back on topic...*ahem* sorry.... :rolleyes:
Re: Dislike A Character?

Occassionally i quote this.
Posted by Destiny:
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting i love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or ship. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
Re: Dislike A Character?

Well comparing the other CSI characters, I dislike Catherine.
When I was new to CSI, I liked all the character equally, but then I found Catherine to be mean, selfish and too glamorous. Most of the time she has been rude to Sara (starting from Cool Change)And again her character is common; many shows have characters like her. Well she is strong and good in her job but there's nothing special about her. However, I like it when she shows her attitude on some rude suspects.

Another character I hate would be Sofia. Well after watching CSI and those amazing ppl workign so well together for this many years, it annoys me to see a new cast trying to be smarter. It just doesn't fit in. Other than that, Sofia is kinda like Catherine, and to have two Catherine is toooo much for me to like.
I dislike Ecklie as well because he broke the team and his character is just not likable at all. However, as others have said, I like to hate him. He makes the show interesting. So, he's not a big problem.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I don't dislike any of the main characters, although, I dislike the direction Catherine's character has taken.

As for the supporting characters, I do dislike Mobley and Atwater basically because they are one-dimensional characters. They serve the purpose of "walk-on villain." I used to feel a similar rancor for Ecklie, but now that he has been given some dimensions, I actually look forward to seeing him.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I liked Cath before the Split.

Ecklie split the team up.I love Catherine as much as the other guy, but what the HELL is with the Power Tripping? I mean In my opinion Nicky should have gotten the swing Sup postion! Catherine has messed up countless times. When Eddie was accoused of rape, Griss specifically told her "You have to pass this case off Catherine, give it to Warrick, he can double up.". The explosion in the lab. The time when she let the women cheating on her hubby get personal, and she told the husband that his wife was cheating. I know yall remember that! The husband ended up murdering the guy she was sleeping with. Come On! did she get punished for that NOOOOOOOOO! They handed her a Sup postion! I know some time later, but still Gris did little things. HE got punished. He got his team broken up. Catherine does big things and she gets REWARDED! Ok I'm gonna shut up know other wise I may go on all night! Catherine and Grissom worked well together. Why Fix Something, When It's Not Broke????? HUH CBS.

Ecklie, I have one thing to say about him, He needs pull his head out of the police cheifs ass long enough to see what he is doing to that team! OH MY GOD he is such an Asshole!!!!! Ecklie is the kinda guy you ABSOLUTLY LOVE TO HATE!!!!!
Mea Culpa is the one eppie that I wish I could crawl through the television, hunt Ecklie down and wrap my fingers around his wormy little neck and choke the life right outta him!:devil:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I dislike Cath since "After the show",what she said in front of sara and Nick seemed like she is superior to the
other CSI.I don't know if she wanna get back at sara after
Eddie's Death.But she definitely got worse after that.I like Cath in season 1 and 2.I miss that Cath. :(
As for Ecklie,don't mention his name any more :mad:Though he's not that bad
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by ancienttomb:
what she said in front of sara and Nick seemed like she is superior to the other CSI.

She is (and was then). She's of a higher rank than Sara or Nick.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by LuvinNickyStokes:
Catherine has messed up countless times.
Come on now they have all messed up a time or two badly and have not really been punished its not just Catherine.
but still Gris did little things. HE got punished. He got his team broken up. Catherine does big things and she gets REWARDED!
One then why isn't Grissom partly to blame for this then with Catherine? Seriously hear me out for a second, at said time he was Catherines Supervisior, it was up to him to hand out said punishments, it was also Grissom that recommended Catherine for Dayshift Supervisior.

Grissoms team was broken up because Ecklie took every ounce of little particles of dirt he could find to try and justify his decision to split the team, hence the interviews with the team.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Plus she's been working in the lab for over 15 years, while the others (except Griss, of course) have been there for only 6-7 years (Sara only for 5).
LuvinNickyStokes: I understand your problem, but every CSI made mistakes, and were they punished for them? Only Grissom (in The Strip Strangler, although he didn't really make a mistake), Catherine (in Play With Fire) and recently Sara. Warrick got away with it twice, but I think it's OK, because you can't suspend everybody for all their mistakes. Grissom said in Play With Fire, that 'There's no lab without people', and he was so right (as always). Anyway, I liked Catherine more before the split, too.
Re: Dislike A Character?

ya i guess. In all fairness they do great job together, though some mistakes were just ignored. I can't really complain who did greater or lesser mistakes, cause mistakes happen and that's what make the show more real. Everything can't be perfect..even for brilliant people. I donno about others, but I thought the 'mistakes' and 'punished' parts were interesting and made good episode.