Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Well my problem with Cath is she´s such a hypocrite. Condemning Sara for stuff she does herself. Especially now as a supervisor she should know better than to make snap judgements. Just try to talk to Sara alone before trying to get her suspended and fired.

When Cath makes mistakes she expects everyone to take "her very special circumstances" (Lindsey/Eddie) into account. But now she can´t give Sara a break?!
(when Cath was backlogged with her reports, failed her proficiency test, blew up the lab and took the Braun check she blamed Lindsey. When she told on the cheating husband, which got a man killed, her excuse was Eddie cheating on her etc).

When Cath did the paternity test and the Braun-case got thrown out she covered up by ensuring Greg wouldn´t tell. Now she ignores his concerns for Sara?! Isn´t Cath worried the past will come back to haunt her?

Everytime Cath´s been out of line with Sara, a suspect or witness (or Lindsey) Sara´s been understanding and patient. But Cath can´t do the same in return??

Jumping to conclusions and oversharing around suspects is something that Cath has done a lot. Also Cath is a dramaqueen(remember the office etc). Yet Sara is to be fired for the same things??

Cath gets away with everything, maybe that´s the problem, she can rationalize and never take responsibility for her actions. Cath´s just not a good supervisor. If she won´t empathize with, or defend, her underlings- why did she take for granted Grissom´d do it for her before?

Just give back some of what you got woman!

I can´t see any redeeming qualities in Cath right now, the power trip so enforces her bad sides in ND. Cath ignoring Greg, not telling Warrick and Nick about the suspension(she knew they would have sided with Sara) and what was that ´tude with Gil about grave being backlogged?

The ending was the deal-breaker: Cath going "what HAVE you done about it?" to Gil and snuggling up with Ecklie with his arm around her..I´m afraid she´s sold her soul.
Re: Dislike A Character?

i am starting to have a problem with catherine, especially seeing this most recent episode, "nesting dolls", it looks to me like she is getting cozy with ecklie in the office, plus her asking grissom whether or not he's done anything about sara.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Actually with catherine i think she was just asking, because she knows sara was called up on the carpet for that, and its not like she hasn't asked him in the past what he was going to do about someone.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Frankly, I have ALWAYS liked Catherine. She is a strong, determined character who has managed to make a good career and life for herself.

However, I completely agree with FoxRox that Cat has made the MOST mistakes of any CSI. She also has been the one to give the most lip to Grissom as well.

I can't begin to express my disappointment with her attitude in ND. I find it odd, her disdain towards Sophia at the beginning of the season was implied she thought of her as Ecklie's puppet. Now it seems she is dangerously close herself.
Re: Dislike A Character?

well if catherine does appear as ecklie's little pet, I'm assuming that the other CSIs will give her a bad time about it.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Love Catherine. Always have always will.

I don't know if I actually dislike Sara or just the some of the comments that her supporters make. I'm pretty sure it's the latter. I actually didn't mind Sara at all in the first/second season, but then in the third and very much in the forth she became very whinny and depressing all the time and her constant obsessing over Grissom was extremely irritating! I think I'm beggining to warm up to her again with this season but everytime I say that her character does something to piss me off...so I really should speak so soon.
Re: Dislike A Character?

:confused: I like everybody. Weird, huh?

I like Catherine. I like Sofia. Hell, I even like Ecklie.

I guess the only person I can't stand is... Lindsey. Yes, yes, she's a child going through difficult circumstances. But when she showed up with an attitude and clothing not applicable to a girl her age... I was reminded of how much children bug me. Well, not all children.

Then again, I also tend to blame parents for horrible children. Yet I like Catherine. Brain hurts now :(
Re: Dislike A Character?

Hmmm...I dont know if I actually dislike anyone...In the beginning I though Catherine was unprofessional when she slept with the suspect, but then heeyyy Nicky did it too. After a while Sara and her emotions kinda bugged me, but now I realize that there was an actual reason for everything. Greg and Grissom never bothered me, but other than that I never had a constant problem, i had kinda spurts of the moment.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Arkee:
:confused: I like everybody. Weird, huh?

Hell, I even like Ecklie.


That is truly scary, how ca you *like* Ecklie? The guy is toxic waste in human form. Unless you just mean he's entertaining to watch in which case I agree, he is a great villain.
Re: Dislike A Character

i know its stupid to goon this thread if i like all tha characters but they all play an imporptant pert in the show
grissom: the smart loner boss
cath: the sexy girly one
nick: the ladys man nice guy
warrick: the cool slick guy
sara: the one with a bad background who full of problems
greg: the funny smart guy
ecklie: he the mean one
have i missed any one out
Re: Dislike A Character

Its not stupid, actually read the page one of this thread the first post, and you will see you can state both what you might dislike about a character, and what you also LIKE about the characters.

Its the generalized sense, for example,
I dislike Ecklie because ... <insert reason>
But i like this about him ... <insert reason>

basically if the character is aimed to play the "Bad" person, its giving them Kudos for doing a great job, if their role isn't meant to be bad your letting them know that is how the fans see it.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I don't like Ecklie. He hates Grissom and so he punished the entire lab for it. He demoted Sophia(though not particularly fond of her, either) for absolutely no reason. Well, because she wouldn't give Ecklie a reason to fire Grissom. He didn't give Catherine the position in day. Actually, he didn't give her any position in day. Plays an excellent bad guy, yes. I guess the dislike for him is based on the fact he tends to pull out and flaunt other people's weaknesses even though he's full of them himself. Okay, done ranting now.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Anyone who hates Grissom can answer to me :devil:

I REALLY dont like Ecklie. He makes me want to kill my T.V. with a baseball bat...
Re: Dislike A Character?

If you kill your TV then you won't be able to watch Grissom argue back at Ecklie.
I haven't seen the later eps with Ecklie in but I've seen the earlier 1s. I remember when Grissom was arguing with him about the only thing Ecklie considers the work to be is a career & not about helping the victims!
Re: Dislike A Character?

:eek: *gasp* you have a point!! No T.V., no Grissom :eek: :lol: *doesnt break T.V.*

Ecklie is either mentally disturbed or he acts like a dipwad for the fun of it :lol:

:devil: *finishes loading guns* Whos coming with? :devil: