Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by kazzy:
^ohh, pssh. Things like that makes me ashamed of my country. :rolleyes: I hate the english accent...I dont know why, maybe it is because too many people make fun of it? :p

Hey! the English accent is fine. I've been told that mine's posh but I don't think it is! An Essex accent is hardly posh compared to some though!!!

BTW MissJazz I'm sure that I would join the Sofia Hater's Club since she hasn't actually appeared over here yet, but I agree with you for the Sara & Grissom thing!
Re: Dislike A Character?

What's wrong with Hank? I've only seen him in 2 episodes so far and he seems ok.

As for Sophia, I just can't figure out what accent she has! Is it English?

Bobby Dawson can be annoying at times too.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Catherine_Willows:
What's wrong with Hank? I've only seen him in 2 episodes so far and he seems ok.

As for Sophia, I just can't figure out what accent she has! Is it English?

Bobby Dawson can be annoying at times too.

In Crash and Burn... (don't read if you don't want to be spoiled!)

Sara finds out that Hank has a girlfriend, who he has cheated on with Sara. There's an excellent scene at the end of the episode where Catherine askes Sara if she wants to go for a beer, and you can see the understanding between the two of them. :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Catherine_Willows:
What's wrong with Hank? I've only seen him in 2 episodes so far and he seems ok.

As for Sophia, I just can't figure out what accent she has! Is it English?
Without spoiling it for you lets just say you will discover he is a creep in deguise.

Here is some information on the actress that plays sophia.
Her accent is English, Louise is from
Birth Place: Redbridge, Essex, England
Re: Dislike A Character?

Although I realize that he is there for a specific purpose (gotta have conflict) and I applaud the actor for making me so frustrated with the chracter, Ecklie bugs me. I wasn't a fan of the Sheriff, either. I think it's similar reasons...it seems like neither of them really cared about the victim or the actual crime, but more about forwarding their careers. And the Ecklie injustice thing burns me.
I go through periods where I am annoyed with characters like Catherine or recently Sara, but it never lasts long.
I was all for Hank until "Crash & Burn"...he totally played both Sara and his girlfriend - arghhh!
In addition, I have occasional dislike for some of the suspects/culprits...but i'm going to consider that a good thing. It's kinda comforting that I don't get all warm and fuzzy about killers. :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Hey, good point. In that case, I DETEST the mother of the 13 year-old victim in Turning of The Screws. Absolutely an evil woman.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I think I saw the end of 'Crash and Burn' about Sara and Catherine but other than that I had no idea what they were talking about.

Turning of The Screws? What season is that from?

yeah, it's a good thing that you don't like the killers. I was scared for a second. :eek:

Do you guys know the name of the one lab gal who was really snippy with Warrick that one time? She was looking at fingerprints or something. I think her name might have been Mindy but she was really annoying.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by MissJazz:
I would LOVE to join the Sophia Hater's Club! She annoys me silly!

On the other hand I LOVE SARA AND GRISSOM!!!!!!!!

I guess that just proves to the majority that you are immature and have a lot to learn. What are you like 14. that is how 14 year olds talk. I think Jorja and Billy would expect better from their fans. That is just chidish and immature and goes to prove the point the majority of GSR are. Young and immature
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by squirt:
Posted by MissJazz:
I would LOVE to join the Sophia Hater's Club! She annoys me silly!

On the other hand I LOVE SARA AND GRISSOM!!!!!!!!

I guess that just proves to the majority that you are immature and have a lot to learn. What are you like 14. that is how 14 year olds talk. I think Jorja and Billy would expect better from their fans. That is just chidish and immature and goes to prove the point the majority of GSR are. Young and immature
squirt disagree with their opinions, do not attack the poster, your being officially warned for Flamming & Trolling, if you have questions reguarding this feel free to discuss it in the QSF Forum.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Destiny:
Posted by squirt:
Posted by MissJazz:
I would LOVE to join the Sophia Hater's Club! She annoys me silly!

On the other hand I LOVE SARA AND GRISSOM!!!!!!!!

I guess that just proves to the majority that you are immature and have a lot to learn. What are you like 14. that is how 14 year olds talk. I think Jorja and Billy would expect better from their fans. That is just chidish and immature and goes to prove the point the majority of GSR are. Young and immature
squirt disagree with their opinions, do not attack the poster, your being officially warned for Flamming & Trolling, if you have questions reguarding this feel free to discuss it in the QSF Forum.

My apoligies. No disregard intened..
Re: Dislike A Character?

Said this before and i'll say it again and again... I DISLIKE CATHERINE!!!!!!
she drives me totally insane and with her new power trip she's on right now she's not doing herself any justice. i've never been a Catherine fan and it's always been her attitude that's always gotten on m nerves something fierce.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I do dislike Catherine mainly for her hypocrisy, sometimes bi***y attitude and selfishness. But lately tptb have made such an overt effort at making us dislike her that I suspect it will lead to a future demotion plot that merges the shifts(yay!). So I sort of think it´s positive that they make her look bad if you know what I mean. All for a good cause. :)

Also I must say that even though I was annoyed with the "WE´VE got a problem" etc. KB is the first time ever I´ve seen Cath semi-reflect on her own behaviour and regret it at the end. Maybe someday she too will mature and learn to take responsibility :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by birdie:
In all fairness to gregs_girl666, it was only two weeks ago when we learned of Sara's past. She has been swooning for Grissom since the show started (pretty well since the start, anyways). I too have gotten annoyed with it. It doesn't mean that I am being callous over what she has experienced. I think it's awful! No kid should go through that. However, I think it's due time that she got over Grissom, for her own well being most of all.

If she continues this way I think she'll come out hurt.

I wasn't suggesting that anyone who dislikes Sara is callous, insensitive, or doesn't care about her past. In general, with all characters, it really bugs me when I see someone type out that they hate a character, and give really dumb reasons. It's true, that people don't have to do anything specific in order to be disliked. There are just people that rub you the wrong way, and you can't pinpoint the reason why. That's fine, I won't contest that.

What bugs me is that when people do try to rationalise, they come up with really weak reasons, sometimes to the point of inventing character traits that really have no basis (good example, those people who call Sofia 'Spork' and go nuts every time she says 'Hello' or something :rolleyes:).

Also, another thing that gets to me is when people don't like characters because they don't behave in the way the viewer wants them to behave. The character is not you. She can't yield to your demands and wishes. It's time to let it go! :rolleyes: (That's not directed at anyone, by the way. Just an observation...)