Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Let's see....I didn't real like Det. Lockwood all that much, I prefered Vega.

Again, with Ecklie it's the character you love to hate. I think Hodges is funny though, I feel that the CSI sort of need him to be the character that only Grissom can get info from. It adds to the story for me.

I didn't like Sara in the begininng episodes, she was just a tad annoying but then she starts to grow on you.

When I first saw Sofia (even though I thought she was Teri Miller :lol:) she was also a bit annoying but then when you realize she used to work under Ecklie, you just ahve to like her after that.

So basically, I didn't like a lot of people at first but then they grow on you!
Re: Dislike A Character?

I was almost to the point of hating Catherine until I came here. Now I have learned to be tolerant and learned to even like her :D
Re: Dislike A Character?

hmmm...I don't think that Ecklie was in enough episodes in seasons 1-4 for me to hate him...But now that he appears more often, its like GRRRR!!! you make me mad...I mean come on, how could you think about a career so much that you forget about everything else...and have no human compassion what so ever. ( and i know i know...they are not supposed to have any compassion towards the victim..but come on!)
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by GilGrissomCSI:
I was almost to the point of hating Catherine until I came here. Now I have learned to be tolerant and learned to even like her :D

*rubs hands together evilly*

Hoo-ha-ha, then my work here is done!

*tries to vanish in a puff of smoke*
Re: Dislike A Character?

:lol: :lol: This forum has taught me well. I am now one with the CSI DVD and at peace with the one they call 'Catherine' *silently walks out of thread like a monk*
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Catherine_Willows:
What about the other CSIs? I know this isn't the board for them but are there any characters you 'dislike' on them?
As you said thread isn't for the other shows, its for this one only.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I dislike Sophia....a lot. I don't know why, I always have, before the whole Grissom/Sophia thing. For one thing, her accent is SOOOOOOOOO annoying. Then, the whole "flirting with Grissom" thing REALLY gets to me. I am a huge Grissom fan and I know that he can do SOOO much better. I would also like to join the SH'ter club thing.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by CSIfreak989:
I dislike Sophia....a lot. I don't know why, I always have, before the whole Grissom/Sophia thing. For one thing, her accent is SOOOOOOOOO annoying. Then, the whole "flirting with Grissom" thing REALLY gets to me. I am a huge Grissom fan and I know that he can do SOOO much better. I would also like to join the SH'ter club thing.

:rolleyes: I guess everyone should learn to talk like you then.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Why is everyone ragging on Hank I was laughing sooo hard at the end of crash and burn.
I think you can guess I don't like sara after that. I don't like her because the whole pining oiver Grisom thing is getting old and just because she can't have Grissom she completely dismisses people who want to out with her like David and Greggo!
Luv Hannah.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by birdie:
Posted by CSIfreak989:
I dislike Sophia....a lot. I don't know why, I always have, before the whole Grissom/Sophia thing. For one thing, her accent is SOOOOOOOOO annoying. Then, the whole "flirting with Grissom" thing REALLY gets to me. I am a huge Grissom fan and I know that he can do SOOO much better. I would also like to join the SH'ter club thing.

:rolleyes: I guess everyone should learn to talk like you then.
Okay you two lol ... hmmm :D

Her accent is English, Louise is from
Birth Place: Redbridge, Essex, England
For those who didn't know.
Re: Dislike A Character?

^ohh, pssh. Things like that makes me ashamed of my country. :rolleyes: I hate the english accent...I dont know why, maybe it is because too many people make fun of it? :p
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by gregs_girl666:
Why is everyone ragging on Hank I was laughing sooo hard at the end of crash and burn.
I think you can guess I don't like sara after that. I don't like her because the whole pining oiver Grisom thing is getting old and just because she can't have Grissom she completely dismisses people who want to out with her like David and Greggo!
Luv Hannah.

I guess the whole thing about her having psychological difficulties as a result of a traumatic childhood event that shattered her world means very little to you, then. Do you dismiss all people with psychological problems with the same lack of understanding?

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I just want to make sure that you're not making quick judgements like that. You can dislike her for being, maybe, neurotic, non-socializing, or being a little too sharp with her words, but you can't fault her for being attached to Grissom in the needy way she is. That's something that could've been really different in her life had her past been different.

About Hank? He's got no excuse as to why he led her on. It's not like he foresaw a future relationship with her, she was just the girl on the side for when he needed a new face besides his long-time girlfriend.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Arkee:
Posted by gregs_girl666:
Why is everyone ragging on Hank I was laughing sooo hard at the end of crash and burn.
I think you can guess I don't like sara after that. I don't like her because the whole pining oiver Grisom thing is getting old and just because she can't have Grissom she completely dismisses people who want to out with her like David and Greggo!
Luv Hannah.

I guess the whole thing about her having psychological difficulties as a result of a traumatic childhood event that shattered her world means very little to you, then. Do you dismiss all people with psychological problems with the same lack of understanding?

I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, I just want to make sure that you're not making quick judgements like that. You can dislike her for being, maybe, neurotic, non-socializing, or being a little too sharp with her words, but you can't fault her for being attached to Grissom in the needy way she is. That's something that could've been really different in her life had her past been different.

About Hank? He's got no excuse as to why he led her on. It's not like he foresaw a future relationship with her, she was just the girl on the side for when he needed a new face besides his long-time girlfriend.

In all fairness to gregs_girl666, it was only two weeks ago when we learned of Sara's past. She has been swooning for Grissom since the show started (pretty well since the start, anyways). I too have gotten annoyed with it. It doesn't mean that I am being callous over what she has experienced. I think it's awful! No kid should go through that. However, I think it's due time that she got over Grissom, for her own well being most of all.

If she continues this way I think she'll come out hurt.

I also want to say, I LOVED Hank...right up until Crash and Burn. I thought him and Sara were darn cute together. Too bad he turned out to be such a two-timing Ass. I also loved Chris Bezich. :rolleyes: Both relationships seemed so promising.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I would LOVE to join the Sophia Hater's Club! She annoys me silly!

On the other hand I LOVE SARA AND GRISSOM!!!!!!!!