Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Thank you for that forensics_freak it's not a problem.
Your right, to play the bad Man/Lady all the time can not be easy, your kind of in the "Love to be disliked" catagory, if thats what you strive for cool.
But if your striving the other way i lable that an opps. :lol:
But we can't like everything about everyone, and for some reason i find "Hate" of a fictional character odd, they are fictional, but yeah i understand that feeling might come up there, but i like to call it "Dislike" lol or even "Dislike alot".
But All i ask is everyone remember lol that those fictional characters that you dislike are attached to an actor or actress who is "Real". ;)

Though i still bet either Catherine or Sophia would hit Ecklie in the foot with a hammer just cause he is Ecklie. :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I am going out on a limb here but i am really not all that crazy about O'Riley. He just stands around and really doesn't contribute all that much to any given case.

I am not a big fan of Ek either. Guess we will just have to wait and see who wins the softball game this year. And oh that would be a nice twist like have something happen at the softball game that turns into a crime!!!
Re: Dislike A Character?

hmm...i dislike Ecklie because he just bugs me. but i guess he`s good to have there for reasons.

and...am i the only one who disliked Kristy Hopkins? [or was it Kristen?] well..i only dislike her because i was mildly jealous of her. :D but i dislike her for getting with Nick and lying to him! :devil:

Re: Dislike A Character

I'm here to join SHC... i really don't like that woman... I love the rest of the characters because each one has something the other ones don't... but sofia.... my hated sofia... I'm planning a strangulation :devil:
Re: Dislike A Character

Yeah..I think after seeing Sophia in action. I don't like her much either. She's too aggressive and almost a little pushy...

I don't like Hodges either..I want to see someone deck him being such snotty brat!!
Re: Dislike A Character?

Just reposting for anyone new who just clicked and didn't get to this post which is the first one, and to have it kept in mind of the regulars ;) (hey what kind of mod would i be if i didn't do this occasionally? ) :D
Posted by Destiny:
There are lot of people who go into other threads stating they dislike this or that character to the point of arguments, which is totally not on topic of that thread.
Hate is such a strong word, so i use "Dislike".
As you will see i didn't specify a character and therefore Any character (Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Nick, Warrick, Doc, David, Sofia, Ecklie, Brass, or a Janitor even, your getting the picture) can be talked about from this show.

I have decided to reform this a bit, if you want to discuss why you dislike something about a character and what you also like about them thats cool to, lol.
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting i love (Name) for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or ship. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
Re: Dislike A Character?

I use to really dislike Sara but season 5 let you understand her a bit and she not as bad but still not my fav. and hodges strange person.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Lets see...
Well, whenever I watch it, its either Ecklie or Hodges that really starts to piss me off. Ecklie is just evil by nature but Hodges is more like a suck up Greg wannabe :lol:

I thought Sara was pretty cool at the begining of the show, but I also thought she could be a real...*cough* forget it. I agree with you though. This season they really showed you some of her backround and feelings, etc.

Right up there with Hodges is Sophia. Theres just something about her character that I dont like/dont trust. hmm....*ponders over whether or not shes a trustworthy character*
Re: Dislike A Character?

Well I dislike Sophia and Ecklie because they are just rather well Ecklie is a jerk and Sophia is kinda how do you say it? Strange?

I like Catherine but after season 3&4 I got sick of her, I call her the Teflon lady because when something goes wrong it gets covered up. Nothing sticks to her. But I still like her, I wish we could focus more on Warrick or Nick or Greg we don't know too much about them.
Re: Dislike A Character?

okay moving up but please keep the B**** comments to a low level please (not point at anyone just giving suggestions.)
Thanks ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

The only one I really loathe is Ecklie. I also applaud that actor for making that character so thoroughly unlikable.

I'm not a big fan of Nick's. He's always struck me as a sort of token "hunk" character just put there to attract young female viewers who doesn't really have much personality or add much to the show. I think some character development would help with him.

Catherine certainly has moments when she can be incredibly self-absorbed and flirts too much but in other episodes I like her and Greg makes me want to smack him sometimes but other times he's really funny.

I *like* Sophia. I don't know why a lot of people don't seem to like her, maybe it's just because she's new or they associate her with Ecklie but I think she's an interesting character. I like the way she interacts with Grissom and seems to bring him out of his shell a bit.