Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

I think the actor that portrays Ecklie does a remarkable job. I do prefer him to have some sort of complexity though, as he did better in Iced and GD. I hate it when they make him a total a$$ with no senstivity whatsoever (but sadly I did know an executive that fit that total bastard profile, so it's not unrealistic). I think the Sheriff has taken over as total creep on the show now, with his indifference to Brass' plight and not even meeting with Ecklie in person in GD.

To me he's the new bad guy. I can live with Ecklie doing snotty things, but I like they added a bit more levels to which he will at least do the right thing when forced.
Re: Dislike A Character?

i agree with the person who said if you hate the character then the actor must be doing their job.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Dislike is not the word for, but despise is more like it.
I despise Ecklie!

I used to despise Hodges, but after he saved everyone from being blown up in the season finale, I tolerate him (not much though)!
Re: Dislike A Character?

*grabs her thesaurus*

Hmm, let's see...

'Hate = abhor, abominate, detest, dislike, loathe.'

*throws thesaurus aside, saying* Nope, think I'll stick with 'dislike', much kinder, milder term :devil: :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I still can't stand Ecklie. He could get hit by a cross town but for all I care.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I cannot STAND sophia!! I wish that she would just go back to the day shift so we don't have to see her anymore. she gets placed on the graveyard shift and she thinks she runs the place! :mad: and it gets annoying when she flirts w/ grissom. another person i can't stand is ecklie, b/c he broke up the team. i wish he would just get killed off or something.
I'm totally agree with it! I hate Sofia and Ecklie the most.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Hm, I sometimes dislike Hodges - but that's coz he's irritating in a childish way, and don't really like the way he suck up to Grissom but takes a bit of an attitude with the other CSIs. But hey, it would be boring if the writers tried to make all the characters likeable and everyone liked all the characters :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I don't like Ecklie, and Cathrine's been driving me nuts with her "I'm a supervisor, and you're my minions" attitude. Sophia can stay as long as she doesn't upset the GSR too much.
Re: Dislike A Character

I dislike Ecklie most of all. I really didn't like how he broke up the Night Shift team, it just made the show less pleasuring to watch for me. I liked them as one unit.

I also dislike Sara. She does have some scenes where she impresses me, but other than that she annoys me. How she treats Catherine like an underling, and her whole ongoing thing with Greg annoys me too.
Re: Dislike A Character?

ecklie, brass, and catherine there all very annoying. ecklie cause he split up the teams, brass cause he blams everyone and defends cops too much and finally catherine cause if her "im your boss" and "i was a stripper...you like" attitude. there all three VERRY annoying but for some reason catherine annoys me the most!!! :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

*squishes Ecklie* That pretty much sums it all up.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I dont know who Ecklie is....but I dont like Brass. yuck! he's got attitude problems!
Re: Dislike A Character?

ugh! i really dislike Ecklie and Hodges. I dislike them becausee one- Ecklie split up the team and he really a pain. I dislike Hodges because he is a goodie-tooshoes!
Re: Dislike A Character?

justCSI Ecklie is now the director in charge of the crime lab, he was orginially the head of day shift but got promoted and is now Grissom's boss.

Hey you all know this is a type of thread that you can list who you dislike, why and also who you like and why.