Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

and i used to dislike Hodges, but now i think it's funny how hes so...rude
Re: Dislike A Character

I dislike Sofia I not sure why she just gets of my nerves, maybe cause I don't like new people getting added this late in a show. I think that if she had been there sicne sometime around the begining I like her more.

I also dislike Ecklie his is rude and un-throughtful. I relize that who is set up to be. He as reminds me of my 5th grade teacher right down to the way he sounds and looks it kinda scary. He was a little nice in Grave Danger but still he gets on my nerves.

I also dislike Catherine as a supervisor she was so much nice to everybody when they all had Grissom as superviser.

I use to dislike Hodges but he grew me. I still dislike him but I would be very sad if he left.
Re: Dislike A Character

Hey Cath..got something to say to ya...


and ..

Re: Dislike A Character

I definetely dislike Sofia and Ecklie...Sofia is annoying at she's stealing Grissom from Sara!!!
Re: Dislike A Character

Dislike is too mild a word for me.

I hate Sara.

I find her character to be too judgemental, too whiny, and too concerned about carrer advancement for me to feel any sympathy towards. There have been instaces where she was not a teamplayer. I also find it diturbing that, Harvard graduate that she is, she remains in Las Vegas, giving up her old life, just because Grissom asked her to. I find her crush on Grissom to be disturbing and unhealthy. I believe Freud calls it an Electra conplex.
Re: Dislike A Character

well I outright hate Agent Culpepper (from The Strip Strangler) - what a jerk! I also find myself shaking my fist at Ecklie. As for all the main cast - LOVE EM!
Re: Dislike A Character

I definetely dislike Sofia and Ecklie...Sofia is annoying at she's stealing Grissom from Sara!!!
that's the reason why i hate her! when i was watching a rerun of formalities i was cursing at her
Re: Dislike A Character?

Okay just putting up the usual reminder for those who didn't notice the first post of the thread, we do this periodically, to help out new folks and just as a reminder, so no one is in trouble. ;)

By Destiny:
Hate is such a strong word, so i use "Dislike".
As you will see i didn't specify a character and therefore Any character (Grissom, Catherine, Sara, Nick, Warrick, Doc, David, Sofia, Ecklie, Brass, or a Janitor even, your getting the picture) can be talked about from this show.

If you want to discuss why you dislike something about a character and what you also like about them thats cool to.
But if you come in jumping up and down shouting i love [Name] for the sake of it, or have a shipper discussion you might try one of the threads dedicated to that person or ship in the Shipper Board. :D

Also lets remember this is just a persons opinion of a character and not a bashing so there really isn't a need to defend the character.
Example: I dislike/disliked this character because... or
Example: I disliked this about the character but i also like this about the character.

But There are 3 rules for this thread.
1. keep it on topic
2. don't attack others if their opinions differ from yours
(Some might come in and say I like so and so), its fine but lets not (To anyone) bash okay.
3. Don't bash a character (Give a good reason for disliking them without resorting to name calling ie slut and so on).
Re: Dislike A Character?

*wafts in*...read posts

Hmmmmm.....some one got on Destiny back up......it's going to be a reprimand....

*wafts out,escapes* :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I hate Sarah and Ecklie. I was really hoping she had left that one episode, but no Cath had to open her big mouth and trick Grissom into sending her flowers. That was the only time I disliked Catherine.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I like Sofia. She's cool, you know, the down-to-earth-kinda-gal! Reasonable.
Warrick is the one that annoys me sometimes. Don't get me wrong Gary Dourdan is a sweet guy. Very good looking. Sexy. But I don't like the way he talks. Kinda bores me. It's hard to listen to him. Warrick is a good criminalist, though. No doubt in that. Very calm.

Re: Dislike A Character?

I loathe Sara, always have and always will.

Her sense of entitlement and her sense of I'm so special really annoys me. I was so hoping when she threatened to leave during "BOP" that Grissom would have told her don't let the door hit it you on the way out.

Get over yourself Sara it isn't ALL about you!!!!