Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

I find it astonishing how different people interprete different characteristics. The way Sara handles herself is what makes her so interesting to me.

Re: Dislike A Character?

The way Sara handles herself is what makes her so interesting to me.
Yeah, that's sara.I got a feeling that she's the woman waliking between the living and the dead, life and death.

I love sara
Re: Dislike A Character?

*wafts in*...read posts

Hmmmmm.....some one got on Destiny back up......it's going to be a reprimand....

*wafts out,escapes* :lol:

*looks at ancienttomb* hmmm no actually no one got me riled up, alot of new people tend not to read the first few pages to keep up (some do) and some of the regulars forget what its about (some don't).
This just keeps it stuck in peoples minds. ;) and consider it a pre-emptive strike if you will for anyone thinking about jumping in to defend a character, this all just based on anyone persons opinions, which tends to come with a set of rules for the thread. ;)

Otherwise i am cool, hate a fictional character i find odd but hey thats other's rights.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Otherwise i am cool, hate a fictional character i find odd but hey thats other's rights.

Hmm.......Be calm and rational......that's a real moderator..

*imagines Destiny standing in the wind, her hairs rised up by the wind.....emotionless facial expression* :lol: :lol: :devil:
Re: Dislike A Character?

Otherwise i am cool, hate a fictional character i find odd but hey thats other's rights.

Hmm.......Be calm and rational......that's a real moderator..

*imagines Destiny standing in the wind, her hairs rised up by the wind.....emotionless facial expression* :lol: :lol: :devil:

You guys are so funny! :lol: I'm interested to see the apparently 'nicer' side of Ecklie in Grave Danger :devil: :D *gasps* is that possible? :eek: well, only 11 more days til I find out :D And I agree with Destiny - odd people hate some characters. I can't hate any character, not even Ecklie. At the end of the day, they just... characters. And if I was inclined at some point to hate a character, I'd put all my energy into blaming the writers - they the ones who create the characters :devil: ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

LMFAO :lol: I agree if you dislike them the actors must be doing something right in one respect as some don't like to be miss, mrs, ms, or Mr Nice person all the time, they like to have that little give inbetween that allows them to run with the character.
They can be liked one minute, disliked another and then level out to a comfortable "oh well".

Emotionaless expression huh? *peers at screen really hard, can ya see me now?* :lol: ;)
Re: Dislike A Character?

I agree with the fact that, if we "hate" certain characters, they must be doing something right. With, I am sure, some exceptions, I would imagine that the actors playing the characters we dislike are really not mean and snarky in real life......so they are probably acting their little heads off to get the reactions from us, the viewers, that they do.

Did any of that make sense??? I haven't had my full cup of coffee yet this morning! :D
Re: Dislike A Character?

Made sense to me and i have had no coffee yet today *umm thats a good thing* :lol:
Re: Dislike A Character?

Thanks - good to know the brain is working before I start an experiment today!! :)

And, Wibble1......seeing the, well, kinda nice side of Ecklie in Grave Danger is pretty odd!!! Though he has been lightening up lately......he was acutally funny in "Iced" (though I won't give away details b/c I don't know of you guys have seen that yet).
Re: Dislike A Character?

And, Wibble1......seeing the, well, kinda nice side of Ecklie in Grave Danger is pretty odd!!! Though he has been lightening up lately......he was acutally funny in "Iced" (though I won't give away details b/c I don't know of you guys have seen that yet).

Thanks - that's considerate of you :) nice to know someone's thinking of us poor people here in the UK :) but some countries are even further behind than us :(

Yeah, I agree with what was said since my last post - you can't expect someone to be nice all the time :) otherwise they wouldn't be human. But I guess with Ecklie... his emotional rollercoaster dips more often into 'dislikable' rather than 'likeable' :) Bah, that's just his character though - he probably think everyone else has problem, and not realise... it actually him :eek:
Re: Dislike A Character?

hmm....I used to not like Ecklie with the whole Sophia inestigating the Grave Yard shift. However, they somewhat changed his character to a more "likeable" guy. Even though he was nice in Grave Danger, I still have no desire to like the guy, considering that he was a "butt" in the first 4 seasons of the show. It will take me another 4 seasons to somewhat like him!!
Re: Dislike A Character?

No problem, Wibble1.......I feel bad for you guys, especially with all the chatter that has been going around here about the finale......I actually think I will be in England when grave danger airs over there! Darn, I'll have to re-watch it! BTW, I will be in the Witney/Oxford area July 22, 23, and the morning of the 24th!!!! :D Send me a PM if you want more info!

Ok, back to topic. I think that every show has got to have someone like Ecklie - just to keep things interesting. There has to be a source of controversy.......and the guy who plays him does it really well. Every time he comes on screen, I get that eeewwwww feeling!!! :) You just know he is going to cause some kind of trouble. So, I guess I like to dislike him!