Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character

i really dislike Brass i have done from the start. because of the way he treated holly in the first episode and he still hasnt redemed himself

i also dislike ecklie
Re: Dislike A Character

wibble makes a great point about separating character and actor. honestly, i'd never go to bashing the actor for the character. but i'll gladly bash a character i do not like.
Re: Dislike A Character

I do hate Ecklie - but in a good way. ;) What fun would it be without the 'office jerk' that everyone loves to hate? There's always one wherever you work that thinks he's so much better than everyone else even when he's not. Ecklie and Grissom are oil and water to each other. Grissom is a man of science and Ecklie is a political monster. Neither one of them can relate to the other and neither want to - that's what's so great about it! Ecklie loves to remind Gil that he's inept at playing politics and Gil loves to let Ecklie know that he's smarter. Like two kids fighting in the sandbox. :lol: :lol:

I almost wish they'd clash more often. :devil:
Re: Dislike A Character

I found Greg extremely annoying last season. It felt as if he was being forced down our throats and I really didn't give a flip about watching him become a CSI.

Maybe if he had gotten to work with some of the other characters instead of being attached to Sara's hip all season, I might have liked him better.
Re: Dislike A Character

Only one person I can't stand is Ecklie. He is jealous of Grissom all the times. Sara and Catherine are okay in my books. Sara need to stop be so depress all the times and Catherine need to stop be so bossy and pain in the butt all the times.
Re: Dislike A Character

I've done the avoidy thing with this thread for a while, cuz in truth, I don't hate an particular character in the show. I love the core cast, warts and all - and in fact I love them more because they mess up, throw moods, make mistakes, are wrong, etc, occassionally- it makes them human and if i wanted to watch perfection i'd watch... uh... okay, cant think of a show off the top of my head where everyone's perfect (prob cuz i don't watch it :D) I adore Sara, worship Grissom, want to hug Greg, wanna grab a beer with Warrick and Nick, want to go shopping with Cath. I want Brass and the Doc to each have their own shows (as well as do CSI) cuz their just that damn good.
I don't even hate Ecklie - I love hating him. Without him popping up being a b@st*rd every now and then, I'd feel something was missing...

It's seems like I'm missing the point of the 'Dislike a Character' thread, but I'm not, because while watching 'Strip Strangler' (for, like, the thousandth time) last night, I finally realised who i truly hated. I loath him, I despise him. In fact, when this actor comes on screen in any other show now, I have to surpress the urge to yell at the TV screen - 'Special' Agent Culpepper - what an a-hole!!! A more arogant and patronising piece of human waste I'd never want to meet.

Ahem... rant over :D
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't like Sophia.. because she became a main charater as soon as she appeared first, despite none of characters left , while Hodges,Greg,Dr.Robbins gradually have got more screen time over several seasons.. I feel some awkward when she interacts with other charaters.
Re: Dislike A Character

I, along with a lot of other people it seems lol, dislike Ecklie terribly. Ever since the first time I saw him, I just couldn't stand him. The way he is with Grissom makes me very angry :mad: haha.
Re: Dislike A Character

Some might not know about this thread, thought i would give this a boost. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

I dislike Sara Sidle...And Tina Warricks wife. Bleh..(>_<)...-Sessy
Re: Dislike A Character

To be honest I don't dislike any of the CSI's! i mean Grissom, Sara and Nick are my favouites but I enjoy any screen time with Warrick and Cathrine. Ecklie for example became more likeable, he started to understand the respect the CSI's had for Grissom...
Re: Dislike A Character

Hmm you do have a good point there. Wow never thought of it like that. Ecklie is indeed comming around. That is amazing as heck. Ya dude!-Sessy
Re: Dislike A Character

Oooh... I thought I bump this thread since I felt some negative energy in one thread :lol: