Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

justCSI Ecklie is now the director in charge of the crime lab, he was orginially the head of day shift but got promoted and is now Grissom's boss.

Hey you all know this is a type of thread that you can list who you dislike, why and also who you like and why.

LOL. OK then. I avoided this thread, but hey, this could be fun! :)

I don’t like Sara. I find her often smug, judgemental, and having a disproportionate sense of entitlement, especially where the job and Grissom are concerned. Mostly, to me, she is too uninteresting to provoke anything as strong as hate , but occasionally she sparks a real dislike. Like when she jumps to conclusions with co-workers, suspects, and victims. She wanted Warric fired for allegedly gambling on the job (it turned out he wasn’t), but being drunk on the job is apparently OK for her. She chastises Catherine for her judgement with men, but her own judgement is less than sound. One cheating boyfriend in 5 years (she conveniently forgot about that when yelling at Catherine), and propositioning her boss and then going into a 3-year-long sulk, because he turned her down. She can’t seem to find a single word of compassion when Catherine’s ex gets killed, but she expects people to sympathize with her own plight. Plight that she doesn’t bother to tell anyone about. She resorts to emotional blackmail, and then she expects people to indulge her self-rationalizations. I can go on, but I think it’s enough for stating my case. LOL.

I understand that her graceless behavior stems from some real tragic roots, but that doesn’t make me like her any more. If anything, it makes me like her even less. Get help. Take a Midol, take an antipsychotic, take a long walk back to San Francisco for all I care, but don’t take you misplaced anger out on other people. OK, rant over. :)

Re: Dislike A Character?

I just finished watching "Justice is Served" and I have to say that Catherine's moral outrage at the mother who drowned her daughter lost a little of its effectiveness when, instead of going to spend time with her own daughter, she goes to spend the night with her latest bit of fluff.
Re: Dislike A Character?

she goes to spend the night with her latest bit of fluff.

:lol: :lol: I haven't seen this epi for a while - I remember the storyline but I don't remember Cath doing that. I'll have to check that epi out again :) but I have to say, I haven't been so keen on Cath in Season 5 than in previous seasons - I don't dislike her, just gone off her a bit (I'm not totally sure why but probably has something to do with her being promoted). I thought she was great in Grave Danger though :D I think the team split this season was not a very good idea :eek:
Re: Dislike A Character?

I dislike Ecklie. He drives me insane. I don't understand the tension between him and Grissom and I don't get why Ecklie HAS to be better than Grissom even though everyone knows that Grissom OWNS. Gah! [throws darts at a picture of Ecklie]
Re: Dislike A Character

DISLIKE A CHARACTER???????????......Why would you dislike a character in csi.....That is odd.....LOL
Re: Dislike A Character

Definately Ecklie. I've met people like him and have had to work with them (cleaning up their messes) and can't stand it.
Re: Dislike A Character

Ecklie is a jerk!!! someone should kill him. But,what addicted_2_sara mean, and I know 'cause she's my cousin, is that the main characters, the ones that come up in the opening, who could hate them!
Re: Dislike A Character

Hmm being the fact that the Actor and Character are highly attached to each other, let us remember that even in jest somethings could be taken as a threat even if not intended.

Okay lets try a poll to see how this thread is doing overall:
*Pretty Good - Means that it works for what you have to say.
*Not So Good - Means that it doesn't work for you so much.

Then we can get back to the topic of the thread, if you are new or unsure please read page 1, post 1 for what all this thread is about.

Thank-You for voting and for your time. ;)
Re: Dislike A Character

i don't really like brass because he's so angry and mean to the possible suspects and in the interrogation room... but sometimes he can be nice and funny (mostly towards the CSI crew)
Re: Dislike A Character

and i also dislike ecklie (everyone knows why) but he was OK in the season 5 finale grave danger.
Re: Dislike A Character

I voted Pretty Good because this thread works for me ;) I know character and actor are highly attached, but in my opinion they're still very separate. As this thread states 'dislike a character', then that's fine because we should be talking about why we don't like a particular character. I mean, at the end of the day, however much we dislike a character, we can't really bash the actor because it's not up to them who the character is they play. It's not completely black and white though, because I can think of a few arguements as to why the divide between character and actor can become a little 'grey'. (Like the actor could turn down the part they're offered because they don't like the character they're being asked to play, or people think an actor doesn't portray a character the way they think they should be portrayed). There, things are a bit more complicated, but this is just my humble opinion :D