Dislike An LV Character?

Re: Dislike A Character?

Posted by Arkee:
Posted by birdie:
In all fairness to gregs_girl666, it was only two weeks ago when we learned of Sara's past. She has been swooning for Grissom since the show started (pretty well since the start, anyways). I too have gotten annoyed with it. It doesn't mean that I am being callous over what she has experienced. I think it's awful! No kid should go through that. However, I think it's due time that she got over Grissom, for her own well being most of all.

If she continues this way I think she'll come out hurt.

I wasn't suggesting that anyone who dislikes Sara is callous, insensitive, or doesn't care about her past. In general, with all characters, it really bugs me when I see someone type out that they hate a character, and give really dumb reasons. It's true, that people don't have to do anything specific in order to be disliked. There are just people that rub you the wrong way, and you can't pinpoint the reason why. That's fine, I won't contest that.

What bugs me is that when people do try to rationalise, they come up with really weak reasons, sometimes to the point of inventing character traits that really have no basis (good example, those people who call Sofia 'Spork' and go nuts every time she says 'Hello' or something :rolleyes:).

Also, another thing that gets to me is when people don't like characters because they don't behave in the way the viewer wants them to behave. The character is not you. She can't yield to your demands and wishes. It's time to let it go! :rolleyes: (That's not directed at anyone, by the way. Just an observation...)

You know, I agree completely with what you've said. :)
Re: Dislike A Character?

i dont reallly like sophia nad i used to like catherine butsince she became supervisor she seems power hungry and i hate icklie. but i LOVE grissom and sars
Re: Dislike A Character?

But Ecklie was actually pretty cool in the last ep.. I think he got the flu or something :eek:
Re: Dislike A Character?

Hi All! I'm new to the Forum and have just started watching old seasons of CSI (and the new ones) so I might not know the characters toooo well but these are my opinions at the moment. :)

Well I think that there are little things that I dislike about some of the characters but I suppose we all have something about us that we could improve upon.

I DISLIKE Catherine because: well, I think it's maybe just that I know too much about her. I need to know about other characters a little better now. And she can get a bit 'grouchy' without cause to be sometimes.
I LIKE Catherine because: she is a strong woman!

I DISLIKE Grissom because: he hasn't tried to improve his 'social' skills. He concentrates so hard on the case (and that is good for the case) that he loses touch of anything else that might be going on around him.
I LIKE Grissom because: He knows his job and he doesn't stop working until a reasonable explanation has been found. He certainly doesn't kiss any butt to get ahead and sticks to his beliefs.

I DISLIKE Sara because: She can be a little too pouty at times. She is a strong character but she isn't strong when it comes to Gil.
I LIKE Sara because: She brings some conflict into Grissom's life and that's always fun!

I LIKE Greg because: He brings humour onto the show.

I LIKE Sophia because: Possible love triangles are always interesting.

I don't know much about Nick and Warrick so I will just say that they are nice eye-candy!

And ECKLIE - well every good guy has to have a bad guy to play off of and I think that Ecklie is fabulous at being that boss that all of us love to DISLIKE.

Thanks :)
Re: Dislike A Character

I don't dislike cathrine, but i don't really like her either. I do agree she had potential to be a great character, but the producers runied her. I only have started watching about a year ago, but already i don't like how she acts.
Re: Dislike A Character

I think she's just becoming too political. Normally I like catherine, but .....

However, I do not think the producers have ruined her but do I think they are starting to explore those issues that scare us women to death - like getting old. I'm only up to crows feet,season 5 but the look on her face when she was listening to that doctor - not a happy bunny.
Re: Dislike A Character

i've never been a big Catherine fan but last year she didn't bother me and S3 she didn't bother me as much. but this year.. that's a whole other story.

always thought Catherine had an attitude problem and the writers are just making it worse with her power trip that she's on right now. also like someone else said we know way too much about her and her whole life we don't need to know anymore than we do.

i reallie do want to like Catherine but it's been soo hard of late to do that. maybe when the team gets back together and she's under Grissom again she on't be the way she is.
Re: Dislike A Character

Maybe that's partially why Marg Helgenberger is getting all of those awards. She's been getting a lot of screentime than the others would normally have, and it's like I can almost predict her reaction to things on the show. I feel like I know her and Grissom well enough now, but I'm sorta still in the dark with the other characters.
Re: Dislike A Character

I think it's silly how men can act a certain way (ie: strong willed) and it means they're "a man!" and if a woman acts the same way they're bitchy.

I have never thought of Catherine as anything but a strong woman. I love her character, I think she's someone to look up to.
Re: Dislike A Character

I disslike one of Brass guys, this fat guy who gives the report to grissom and the guys of a case, is this fat guy. But anyway, he is not a main character, so i really don't care.
Re: Dislike A Character?

I use to love the character Greg but now I am starting to really dislike him. He was great in the Lab but there is just too much of him now in the field. I rather see Warrick and Nick instead of Greg in the field.

Never like Sara and still don't and there are many reasons for me not to like her.
Re: Dislike A Character?

Well, I like all characters.. :D But I don't like Catherine and Warrick as much as the others... :)

Actually I really don't have a dislike character :D
Re: Dislike A Character

Posted by birdie:
I think it's silly how men can act a certain way (ie: strong willed) and it means they're "a man!" and if a woman acts the same way they're bitchy.

I have never thought of Catherine as anything but a strong woman. I love her character, I think she's someone to look up to.

Catherine is a strong character i like that about women on tv (EX. Sydney Bristow from Alias, Jordan Cavanaugh from Crossing Jordan). i like it when Catherine can show the guys that she can do something on her own but she has to have the right attitude about it.

for me it's all about the attitude with Catherine. when she's not feeling her oats she's great but when she is it's like she just needs to get a dose of reality and the boot taken out from her rear.

eventhough i dislike Catherine i admire her when she's at her strongest and being nice about it and perservers through tough times.
Re: Dislike A Character

I agree with you to the extent of Catherine being a strong character. I definitely enjoy her tough attitude and her ability to never let her guard down. However, there are some aspects about Catherine that, well, make her less lovable. When she's not quite feeling optimal, she can be nothing short of bitchy. If you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and wish to take your anger out on someone, do it in a more mature manner. i.e. Countless time in the past five seasons, even as far as "Cool Change", Catherine has, in some way or another, gotten on Sara's case. Well, not on her case, but is not quite open to improve her and Sara's relationship. In "Lady Heather's Box", a fight between Sara and Catherine broke out, and yes, I am aware of the extreme emotional stress that Catherine was under, but she could've handled herself a bit more maturely than she did.
But, of course, that is Catherine's character, likable or not, and unfortunately, I am one of those dislike her generally. :rolleyes:
Re: Dislike A Character

Now, one character that I definately dislike: Conrad Ecklie. Sometimes I think the writer's are taking his 'enforcing' personality a bit too far. They make him look like more than a jerk, and in an unrealistic high position to prod into the other CSI's lives, split them up, and get away with it. I also find it difficult to believe that a man of his stature cheated his way up to his ranking; giving him, an irrationally immature person the ability to demote Sophia, who I believe is quite a stable and determined CSI and split up a highly functional Graveyard Shift.