Delayed Inffinity

OMG WHAT GOING ON!!!!!!!! Where is Horatio and Ryan!!! I hope they don't hurt the baby or Nat!! I can't wait for the update I wanna know what happens
Ok heres yall's update! I couldnt wait! But the next chapter will have to wait! Still editing it! But here is this chapter! :)

Chapter 14

Natalia woke up to find herself on the floor and her house wrecked. There was no sign of Eric anywhere. She could hear the sirens coming. She quickly got up and ran upstairs to check on Kaydence. But when she got up there her daughter was nowhere to be found. Natalia ran down the stairs and out the door to find a knocked out Eric.

"Eric!" Natalia screamed as she ran down to his side.

Natalia started shaking Eric back and forth to try and wake him up.

"Eric....wake up." Natalia said as she could see Eric starting to wake up.

"Natalia?" Eric said as he sat up really quickly.

"Eric, they took our baby." Natalia said letting the tears fall freely.

"What do you mean they took our baby?" He looked at her with a confused look.

"I think its pretty self explainatory Eric."

"Where were you?"

"I was knocked out just like you!" Natalia said as she was practically screaming at him now.

"Oh, well it's ok baby. We'll find her." Eric said as he wrapped her into a hug and let her cry into his shirt feeling sorry for thinking that she just let them take their daughter.

Eric could hear the sirens outside the front of their house and knew they would be breaking down the door sooner or later. He had a million things going through his mind.

"Come on, we have to go let the paramedics in." Eric said as he pulled Natalia up.

"I don't want to. I wanna go find my little girl." Natalia said as she practically fell onto him again. The chlorophome still takin over her body.

"I want to find her too baby." Eric said as he rubbed the back of her head and kissed it gently.

They walked inside to find the paramedics knocking on the door. Eric walked over to let them in.

"Are you Eric Delko?"

"Yes I am."

"Your neighbour called in saying they could hear some stuff going on next door and thought we needed to come out. Is everything ok?"

"Well....our little girl got taken and she's only 3 years old." Eric said just a little above a whisper as the other paramedics took Natalia over to the couch to check her out.

"Oh ok well, what does she look like?"

"She has dark skin, dark hair, dark brown eyes, and she looks just like her mom."

"Ok, I'll send it in."

"Ok thanks."

"You're welcome."

"Mrs. Delko?" One of the paramedics said as he bent down to her level.

Natalia just looked to the paramedic with a tear stained face and red eyes.

"Listen, I need to ask you a few questions."

Natalia didn't say anything and just looked away.

"Did you remember what the person looked like who did this to you?"

Natalia felt more tears start to run down her face as she looked back at him.

"No. He was dressed in all black and I couldnt see his face."

Natalia knew how these things worked. She had seen it too many times working in the lab. Eric walked over to where she was and sat down beside her on the couch and gently carressed her back.

"Ok, where was your little girl when you came down here to find Eric?"

Natalia sat there in silence and then lost it.

"I dont remember." Natalia screamed while letting the tears fall and fell into Erics chest.

Eric wrapped his arms around her and rocked her back and forth.

"Nat, baby, its ok. We're gonna find her." He said into her ear.

"I'm sorry to tell you but we're gonna have to make sure she wasn't raped."

Natalia sat straight up and looked at the paramedic.

"Natalia it's the safest thing to do just to make sure." Eric said as he brushed her hair out of her face.

"I wasn't raped." Natalia said as she ran upstairs and slammed the door.

Natalia stopped dead in her tracks when she slammed the door and saw he little girls bed in front of her. She walked over to her little girls bed and ran her hand over it.

"I'm sorry." Natalia said as she cried even more and went to her room and over to her bed and curled up into a ball and softly cried to herself.

The paramedics had left and Eric had gotten the call from Horatio that they were out looking for Kaydence. Eric opened up the bedroom door to find Natalia asleep on the bed with a tear stained face and swollen eyes.

He walked over to her side and layed behind down behind her and wrapped his arms around her to pull her closer to him.



"I love you."

"I love you too, baby, and I'm gonna find our daughter if its the last thing
I do."

"I know you will." Natalia said as she rolled over and pulled him closer to her and kissed him.

After Natalia fell back asleep Eric got up and left to go find his daughter. Horatio had been relaying messages to him telling him where people had last seen the guy and his little girl.

Let me know what you think :thumbsup:
Did someone take her for revenge or just wanted a baby? Sounds like this was pretty planned. I hope they find her and that she's okay.
Ok this chapter is really short! Sorry but I will update it later! I'm still trying to work on the next chapter to see if there's anything else I can come up with. If you have any ideas let me know. :) I have the next 2 chapters finished I just dont know what to do from that point on. :)

Chapter 15

The next morning Natalia rolled over reaching for Eric but to find no one there. The things that happened the night before started replaying in her head. She let a tear fall as she thought of where her little girl could be. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by her cell phone ringing.


"Hey Nat, its Calleigh."

"Oh hey." Natalia said as she yawned.

"Hey, I'll be there in 25 min to get you."

"For what?" Natalia said as she felt a headache coming on.

"We're going to help Horatio, Ryan, and Eric look for Kaydence."


"Yea, I'll see you in 25 minutes."


An hour later after they met up they all set out to find the little baby girl.

They had heard someone say that the guy was getting ready to leave
Miami and go out of town so they all headed for the airport. They all got out and started running around the parking lot looking for the car that was described to them. Except for Natalia and Calleigh. They were in heels and heels arent the proper running attire.

"Ok they said it was a silver Honda accord with the tag 5HL 77S." Horatio yelled across the parking lot.

"H!" Eric yelled.


"I found it."

Natalia practically took off but was stopped but the pull of 2 hands of Calleigh and Ryan.

"Ok Eric slowly approach it."

Eric and Horatio both walked around each side of the car. They saw a person sitting in the car with it running with the little girl in the back seat.

Horatio motioned for Eric go ahead and open the door.

"Put your hands in the air and dont move." Eric said as he opened the door and held the gun to the guys head.

There was no movement in the guy at all and felt no pulse when he touched the guys neck.

"He's gone H." Eric said looking up at Horatio.

Just then he heard the sound of his little girl cry in the backseat.


"I got her Eric." Horatio said as he opened the back door and picked the little girl up.

Horatio took Kaydence over to Eric who took her over to Natalia. Natalia held her so close and never wanted to let go of her again. Just then they heard a gun lock in. Eric turned and jumped in front of Natalia who was pulled down by Calleigh and Ryan.

"Eriiiiiiic!" Natalia screamed as she saw him get hit and fall to the ground.

She saw their whole life flash before her eyes. She felt like she was about to throw up and Ryan saw how she looked.

"Natalia, you ok?" Ryan said as he backed away from her.

"I feel real....." And with that she threw up her morning breakfast.

"Mommy, you okay?" Kaydence said as she looked at her mom.

"Come here Kaydence, give mommy a little space." Calleigh said as she pulled her away.

"Here's some water." Ryan said handing her some water.

"Thanks." Natalia said as she grabbed the water out of his hand.

"And some gum."

"Very funny Ryan." Natalia said as she rolled her eyes and took a piece of gum.

"I was being serious." Ryan said as he put his packet of gum back in his pocket.

Natalia could feel her whole body going numb and she just collapsed in Ryans arms while Ryan rubbed her head to try and keep her mind off of the things that were going on. They could hear gun shots being fired left and right and all Natalia saw was Eric lying on the ground screaming helplessly. All she could do is sit there and wait and that was killing her.

"My life could'nt possibly get any worse." Natalia thought to herself.

Just then there was a gunshot and she realized Eric wasn't screaming anymore.
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You'll have to wait and see! :rolleyes: I'm actually editing the next chapter! It should be up later. Thanks for reading though! :) I'll let you know what chapter I have stopped at! I really can't think of anything else! So I will need yall's help if we want this story to keep going on! :lol:
They all got out and started running around the parking lot looking for the car that was described to them. Except for Natalia and Calleigh. They were in heels and heels arent the proper running attire.

Hehe, I like this part. I get so annoyed when women on tv start running in heels.

:lol: at the gum part. In other words, Talia, your breath stinks. :guffaw: Too funny!

I hope Eric's okay.

"My life could'nt possibly get any worse." Natalia thought to herself

That's never a good thing to say in a time like that, but it shouldn't count since she didn't say it out loud.

ETA: Okay, something screwy happened and my post ended up being posted four times instead of one. Browser issues? I dunno. Weird. I had to delete the other posts.
They all got out and started running around the parking lot looking for the car that was described to them. Except for Natalia and Calleigh. They were in heels and heels arent the proper running attire.

Hehe, I like this part. I get so annoyed when women on tv start running in heels..

Well I can't run in heels so that came from experience! :lol:

:lol: at the gum part. In other words, Talia, your breath stinks. :guffaw: Too funny!

And on this I know when I throw up my breath stinks so that came from experience to! Except I brush my teeth lol
Ok heres the next chapter! It's kinda short. Sorry again. Hope yall enjoy! I have one more chapter that I'm workin on now! Then I will need ya'lls help if we want this story to keep going. If not, I will try to start another story. Anyway here ya go....

Chapter 16

Natalia really felt like she was gonna be sick as she stood up to see what was going on. As she saw Erics helpless body laying there she could only try to imagine life without him. Natalia tried to run over to him but got pulled back down by Ryan.

"Ryan let go of me right now." She said as she tried to pull away from his grip.

"Natalia you can't go over there. Not till Horatio ok's it." Ryan said holding her down.

Ryan didn't know how strong she was until he had to actually had to try and hold down. He felt like a dog trying to play with his toy against a human. They heard one more gunshot fire and saw the guy fall to the ground.

They saw Horatio run over to Eric. Thats when Ryan let go off Natalia. He was about to collapse just from trying to keep her sitting down there. She ran the fastest she had ever ran to Erics side.

"Eric?" Natalia said as she grabbed his hand

"Natalia honey..." Natalia felt Horatios hand on her back.

Natalia could hear the sirens getting closer and closer.

"You promised me you wouldn't leave me." Natalia said as she cried and held onto his hand and saw the pool of blood getting bigger from behind his head.

"Hold on, Eric. Don't you go like this." Calleigh thought to herself as she held onto Kaydence.

Ryan ran over beside Natalia as she tried to stand up but about fell.

"Shhh...Nat he's gonna make it." Ryan said as he rubbed her back and let her cry into his chest. He had to use all his strength to hold her up cause if he let go she would fall.

The paramedics put iv's in Eric's arm and has the breathing machines going. The rushed Eric to the emergency room. A few hours later they doctors come out telling them the news. Natalia was the first one to stand up as they entered the door.

"Mrs. Delko?"

"Yes?" As everyone else stood up.

"Eric's in critical condition. We were not ablt to get the bullet all the way out.

"Ok but he's gonna make it through right?" Natalia said as she crossed her arms.

"The chances are limited. But if you would like to come see him now you can."


When Natalia gets back there she sees Eric hooked up to a bunch of different machines.

"You can go in now." The nurse said as she walked out of the room.

"Ok, thank you."

Let me know what you think. :thumbsup:
Aww please let Eric survive. I think Natalia should say something abotu what Eric means to her and why he has to survive in the next chapter.
Goodness, girl... you're posting this story like crazy today. I like! :D

Try not to double post though. You can always edit (for up to 24hrs) and if you want to separate earlier comments from the story, well I always use lines to divide like this:

____________ (it's the key next to the zero on most keyboards, but you have to hit the shift key with it otherwise you get a minus sign)______


then I put the story under the line. :)

He felt like a dog trying to play with his toy against a human.

:lol: I like that line.

I adore Ryan being the comforting friend. :adore:

I think it would be sweet if Eric's daughter's voice/touch/kiss was what brought him back. :) I can almost hear her tiny voice begging him not to leave her.
Haha thanks I forgot about that! :) And when I was on vacation I was able to work on the story a little bit so I got like three chapters done.