Re: The Great Ship Debate--CSI: NY
My first and foremost OTP was definitely Danny and Don. God, there's all this subtle chemistry going on between them, and I think that they care deeply about each other. For example, in Run Silent, Run Deep, Danny turns to Don and talks to him about all this crazy stuff that's happening, and it really felt like they have such a connection. Of course, I'd never want TPTB to sink their hands into this pairing and ruin it like they've ruined DL (I'm
not a big fan, and that's putting it nicely)... this pairing can stay in the fandom and develop on its own. Besides, we all know that Danny and Don are just in denial. They
want to jump each other.
Even though I'm a Danny/Don shipper at heart, I still loved the Danny/Rikki development. They had an actual basis of their relationship (an unhealthy one, but an established basis nonetheless), and they had such great chemistry. As opposed, of course, to DL. Their scenes are more forced and flat-line than the Danny/Rikki scenes. It was such a great pairing. Too bad TPTB ruined it.
Also, I honestly think that Mac and Stella should get together. They have a lot of chemistry too, and it's obvious that there's a huge amount of trust between the two of them. However, I'm reluctant, because TPTB might ruin it as well.
And, finally, the last one, a relatively unknown one that will probably never come true: Danny/Adam. Seriously, after Snow Day, there was such potential for their relationship to develop into a close friendship. I mean, come on! They shared a traumatic experience, and had to watch each other get hurt. That does something to people. But, then again, TPTB isn't known for continuity.
Other pairings that I like, but aren't my OTPs:
~Danny/Aiden- It had such great potential, and there was always this subtle chemistry between them. And then they had to go ruin it and put Lindsay in the mix.

~Sheldon/Adam- I think Adam and Sheldon have gotten particularly close to each other, especially in Green Piece. I wouldn't mind a little more of that.

~Don/Jessica- I like this pairing mainly because the actress can really pull of the character well, and they fit well together.
Ships that I don't like:
~Lindsay/Anyone- I'm not fond of Lindsay's character. She was poorly written, and Anna cannot pull off the required emotions for a character like Lindsay.
~Don/Stella- I see them more as friends. There's potential there too, because they have such great chemistry together, but to me, they seem more like best friends, or brother and sister. Plus, I don't see her with anyone other than Mac.
~Adam/Kendall- Kendall's too... I don't know, she seems more like a Danny or Don kind of girl to me. I really can't see her with Adam.
~Adam/Stella- I can see that he has a crush on her, but... no. I really can't imagine Stella with anyone other than Mac, and that just makes me think of cradle-robbing. I know, it's mean... but that's the way I see it.

~Sid/Anyone- Come on, the guy is married.

~Don/Sheldon- Great potential, but they're not really in a lot of scenes together. It would be great if their relationship ever developed into a closer friendship. I'd probably be able to see it then... but honestly, TPTB isn't known for its character development either.