~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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This is a good place to post what ever you want about David Caruso (positive stuff of course) and not feel like a freak.

Rebecca (Who feels like a Freak when it comes to liking David Caruso)
Well.................what can I say I was 47 when I became a fan of Horatio's then DC if that makes sense. LOL As I said I think in the other thread more of an admiration than a crush. I quit having crushes I think LOL as I got older. Now..............I'm not saying he's not good looking cause to me he is. I just don't scream & holler when I see him like I use to do when I saw David Cassidy & Bobby Sherman. LOL
I totally understand Katpin31791. I am 43 and those wild throbbing crushes are a thing of the past. Yes, I had a thing for David Cassidy too back in the day. I admire the charactor Horatio Caine and would probably like David Caruso as a person if I was to meet him but I could not see myself getting all squishy with the thoughts of him. It would be nice just to have a relaxing conversation kicking back. I will admit about a week ago I had this intense sex dream about him. It totally FREAKED ME OUT because I do not see him that way. I had to get a grip as it almost ruined the whole image thing for me. That is NOT how I see David/Horatio at all and I kinda had to think "Why did I dream that anyway?" I guess at 43 I still have hormone. For bloody sake I don't have time for that!

Well, well Rebecca. Nah just kidding. I don't see him that way either, I think it is more admiration than physical. Don't get me wrong, he is good looking but to me the character is what is attractive and hence makes the bearer attractive.
I suppose it's a little different for me as I became a DC fan in the early nineties when he was on NYPD Blue. It was because of him that I started to watch CSIM. So, being a DC fan before I was a Horatio fan puts it in a slightly different context.

Even though John Kelly was a great, adorable character who I warmed to immensely, I admit that I was first drawn to him as I thought he was gorgeous! ;) Yes, it was definitely a crush and has remained so since, but there's more to it than that. DC is a fine actor and I have alot of respect for how he has turned his career around again. I remember feeling so disappointed when he left NYPD Blue! :(

God bless Anthony Zuiker for deciding that DC would be a good choice for the role of Horatio. :)
Hey Lucy, I never watched NYPD when DC was on there but, however I do remember the comment he made when he left. I thought oh boy he sure is stuck on himself. I think that's why I didn't watch CSIM when it first came on cause I still remembered the comment but, life sure does have a way of well............sneaking up on ya. Almost four yrs after I said I'd never watch it, here I am stuck on it. :D

Just watching the Horatio character the way he is got me to thinking if that's acting & if DC's anything like his character then that tells me that he can't be all that bad. Let's just say Horatio first then DC. I have alot of admiration & respect for DC. He's humbled himself over the years. If what he did had to teach him that then I say okay. He's grown over the years from what I see & hear.

He's a mighty fine actor and I'm very proud to call myself a fan now. As far as a crush well...................maybe not like all the hoopla as I stated earlier with David Cassidy & Bobby Sherman but,an older wiser crush. Make sense? :lol: Hey, Rebecca I met David Cassidy back in the early 70's. Boy, did I swoon then. :lol: sorry OT.

Please, I hope I don't offend anyone here. Just explaining why it took so long for me to become a fan. :( Stupidity on my part. :( :lol:
He's humbled himself over the years. If what he did had to teach him that then I say okay. He's grown over the years from what I see & hear.
I feel the same way. By his own admission, he says he was so naive back then and didn't know how to handle the success of NYPD Blue. But, he sure has learnt from his mistakes and more power to him for that. He seems very comfortable and happy with life right now and has mellowed a great deal. Life has taught him alot and I think he is a better person for that. :)
Lucy said:
He's humbled himself over the years. If what he did had to teach him that then I say okay. He's grown over the years from what I see & hear.
I feel the same way. By his own admission, he says he was so naive back then and didn't know how to handle the success of NYPD Blue. But, he sure has learnt from his mistakes and more power to him for that. He seems very comfortable and happy with life right now and has mellowed a great deal. Life has taught him alot and I think he is a better person for that. :)

I couldn't agree with you more Lucy. It takes a good man to admit his mistakes. I'm sure if he could undo all that he did about his career move he would but, he can't, so he learned from that. I'm just sooooooooo thankful he was given the opportunity(hopefully spelled right)to redeem himself with Miami. I just can't imagine anyone else playing Horatio Caine. :D
I have posted this quote from Anthony Zuiker way back in an older thread, but I will post it again as it is very telling and also reassuring. When some people questioned Anthony's choice of actor for Horatio, this is what he said:

"He (DC) is a changed man and a very smart man. I would have nobody else in that part. Maybe he made some mistakes back in his NYPD Blue days, but you shouldn't punish a guy for stuff he did in high school."

He's a wise man, is our Anthony! ;)
I freely admit that I do have a crush on DC. Not the stamp feet/jump up and down sort but definitely the giggle/act-silly-if-I-ever-met-him variety. Never had one before, when I was younger, so maybe am going thru 2nd childhood. I write about him, draw pretty pictures (go to http://www.davidcarusofans.com/gallery/album77, scroll down to fan art, click, I'm the first album) gather photos, etc. Could be, I'm being silly, but I do not care. If this be silliness then bring it on! ;)

And where am I getting the hormones for this at my age?? Who knows? :confused: But they are raging and I am enjoying it all no end. :lol:

Oh, by the way, I found David last December and since then have lost fifty pounds!! Blame it on David? Nothing else changed in my life! I think declaring him an Angel, on that basis alone, works for me. :D
Lucy said:
I have posted this quote from Anthony Zuiker way back in an older thread, but I will post it again as it is very telling and also reassuring. When some people questioned Anthony's choice of actor for Horatio, this is what he said:

"He (DC) is a changed man and a very smart man. I would have nobody else in that part. Maybe he made some mistakes back in his NYPD Blue days, but you shouldn't punish a guy for stuff he did in high school."

He's a wise man, is our Anthony! ;)

I wasn't questioning giving DC the role. Hope it didn't sound that way. Sorry if it did. Was just saying I was ever soooooooo glad that he did. Need to learn to hush literally. :D
Oh no, I didn't interpret it that way at all. Quite the opposite infact. I just posted that extract out of interest. ie. Anthony Z thinks the way we do too. :)
Hehe! ;) It's not you - things seem to get misinterpreted/wires get crossed when trying to communicate via the interent, so no worries. :)
I've noticed and Lucy I don't know if you read my one post before I deleted it but, I wasn't offended by what you said about my age. Was trying to be funny about it and well.............someone thought I'd been offended & commented on it. So, no I wasn't. Good grief not long from now I'm gonna be 48. Didn't bother me when I turned 30, nor 40, or any other time so no age doesn't bother me.

My daddy use to say you're as old as you feel. LOL
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