~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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I didn't take it that you were offended at all, lol. ;) Usually, I can pick up on humour in posts (I guess when you read so many of them, you get very used to use of tone etc) and I realized you were being funny!

I have to wholeheartedly agree with you and your dad btw! :)
Lucy said:
I suppose it's a little different for me as I became a DC fan in the early nineties when he was on NYPD Blue. It was because of him that I started to watch CSIM. So, being a DC fan before I was a Horatio fan puts it in a slightly different context.

Even though John Kelly was a great, adorable character who I warmed to immensely, I admit that I was first drawn to him as I thought he was gorgeous! ;) Yes, it was definitely a crush and has remained so since, but there's more to it than that. DC is a fine actor and I have alot of respect for how he has turned his career around again. I remember feeling so disappointed when he left NYPD Blue! :(

God bless Anthony Zuiker for deciding that DC would be a good choice for the role of Horatio. :)

^WHat she said. Man Luce, we have to be identical twins :eek: :p
*Huggles* Ducky. I knew it all along! :D

Some John Kelly cuteness....

Wow thanks Lucy. I just noticed NYPD was on court tv on weekends but, DC was fixing to leave the show. Missed it again. *sigh* Hangs head in shame.
Thanks for the pic Lucy!

I own the first season, but didn't get to see the couple of episodes from the second season. *sigh* Life goes on.

But that is a really great picture! He has the head tilt and the smirk going for him. He was born to be Horatio. :p But, I should really start watching NYPD Blue more often. John Kelly was such a great character, and it's really fun to compare this character to the Holy H-man. (They're so different, yet so similar)

Again, thank you for the picture. :D
aww it is so beautiful one Lucy ! thank you! :)

i wish i would be able to watch NYPD Blue..he looks so cute in there... :D ehh.. :(
mission impossible for me :p
You're all most welcome. It's been awhile since we've seen a JK pic, so I thought we were overdue. ;) Glad you liked it! :D
Well it's always a pleasure viewing the pictures you post. :)

Aw, that picture makes me all warm inside. *hugs DC* :D
Very nice of you to say that Geni! :) I posted this pic a long time ago, but we have some new members who may not have seen it. I'm sure no one will mind seeing it again though.... ;)

Oh I love John Kelly pics. Thanks you all for posting them. Does anyone notice that as John Kelly, Caruso's eyes are held more open? You really notice how blue they are. In CSI:M Caruso squints more. This has preplexed me for quite a while. Ever sense I watched first season NYPD Blue DVD's. I wonder if Caruso needs bifocals? Oh my...I don't think they make bifocal contact lenses. Do they? (I do NOT look forward to the day I am gonna have to get glasses much less needing bifocal lenses)
MMMM not me that's for sure. :lol: Thanks Lucy.

Oh my...I don't think they make bifocal contact lenses. Do they? (I do NOT look forward to the day I am gonna have to get glasses much less needing bifocal lenses)

Yes they do. As a matter of fact I'm thinking about getting some myself. :lol:
Oh yea???....*gets kinda excited* Maybe David Caruso will get some so he can SEE normally again. Maybe we can see his baby blues like we use to un NYPD BLUEEEEEEEEeee.... *faints at the thought* Who am I kidding. My reception stinks so bad I barely can see Horatio's lovely eyes in detail anyway. I remember watching CSI:M at my sisters house (who has cable) and the picture was so clear and colors so pretty that even Frank Tripps eyes looked fantastic. Davids eyes in that eppy dropped me.

I also first became a DC fan back in the early 90's, when I saw him on NYPD Blue. I adored John Kelly. :D

I know I've told this story in here before, but that was several threads ago, and we've had a lot of new members since then, so I hope no one minds me retelling it:

When NYPD Blue first premiere, I only had a small black and white tv in my bedroom b/c the picture tube on my color one finally went out and my Grandfather gave me the b&w tv to use until I could get a new color tv. Anyway...I only watched NYPD Blue in my bedroom, so I got quite a surprise when watching tv in the living room with my mother one day and I saw a commercial for NYPD Blue...I had no idea until that moment that DC had red hair. :lol:
^ No, he left in 1994. He was in all of the 1st season and the first 4 episodes of the 2nd season. I think NYPD Blue finished in 2005. :)

I always love hearing your b&w TV story Thumpy! :D
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