Lucy said:
I've had an idea (scary!), but please let me know if you would all be happy with this:
As the Horatio thread is also nearing 1000 posts, maybe we should close this DC one when it reaches 1000 posts, and not re-open it? Anything relating to both Horatio and DC can be posted in the other thread. So, we would just have the one thread. Having two threads can cause confusion and they inevitably crossover at times anyway.
The title of the new 'all in one' thread could have HC/DC in the title, so we will know it is fine to discuss anything relating to our favourite red head there, whether it is CSI:M or his movies etc.
Sounds good to me; might be less confusing. And way to go brittany! :devil: It was worth the wait!
Here's another of my fave David photos: this one had me in stiches when I first laid eyes on it. :lol: I think this one came from here.