~David Caruso Thread #5 'Half A Century Of Hotness!'~

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rotfl Stef you're funny :lol: calm down...

I'll go check out CBS tomorrow. Now it's getting late. I always miss out a lot since I'm usually not online on weekends. :(

Here's a pic for y'all. I really like this one especially since it's black & white. Someone posted this before but I'd like to post it again. Got it from here .

Oh Zippy I love this pic, side profile, black and white is all good!!
It's bank holiday so have been happily working at home, with John Kelly crooning at me, couldn't think of a better day off ;)

(Ah Luce like your new avvy by the way, really happy for Reading, hope they adapt well next season)
Thank you Liz. :)

I love that picture too zippy. Very handsome. :D
Ooh that black and white one is just hot. I love pics like that.

Nathalie_Emily's pic looks like there having a disagreement. Trouble in paradise??
this pic post by Nathalie_Emily i from S 4 epi 12 "The score" and she (Marisol) at this moment invite H to dinner agrrr :mad:
Ahahaha rotfl :lol: :lol: That pic with impostor-H and Aerosol is hilarious. Impostor-H looked umm... :rolleyes: and he's growing trees on his head...

am I being mean? But I seriously find it funny. Sorry if I offend anyone.
he's growing trees on his head...
:lol: I thought imposter H looked like a reindeer in that pic! Albeit with very little antlers!

I find it quite funny too zippy. I really cannot take the H/Marisol storyline seriously at all. I suppose this should be in the Horatio thread......
Now I am ambivalent about the whole H/M thing with the way things will go but am finding I have a bit more in common with the woman that plays M (forgot her name for a sec!)

I read an interview by her and aparently she ended up screaming in delight:
"I get to be David Caruso's girlfriend" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now I am taking to her a little more that is something I could get excited about too ;)
he's growing trees on his head...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

zipster will u believe me that after every one epi from S4 i at furst go angry (if M play there don`t watch last 5 min) and after 1-2 min start to laugh a lot. thing there are so so ridiculous, i don`t take this CSI M seriously any more and why have to lose my nervous...this is just tv show ...

and for this interview that Liz mention there again was say that Caruso push in S4 this H/M relationship...heh :mad: if he claim that love his character H, why he (DC) do this to him (H) ?! :confused:
Pusher said:
i don`t take this CSI M seriously any more and why have to lose my nervous...this is just tv show ...

...if he claim that love his character H, why he (DC) do this to him (H) ?! :confused:
I'm still laughing at that image of trees growing on impostor-H's head. Reminds me of a Japanese anime character Totoro. :lol:

I get upset about what's happening to CSI:M now because TPTB're destroying my hero. Yeah, it's just a TV show but they know people become attached to characters they can connect with. And after 3 seasons of showing us how wonderful Horatio is, they turned him into someone I don't know anymore and I feel so betrayed. :(

And I guess we will never find out why DC thought H/M plot was a great idea. :rolleyes:

So I'd better get back to my comfortable cocoon of denial.
Even though it was DC's idea for H to get involved with Marisol, I wonder how much he had to do with how the storyline has developed. I try to comfort myself with the thought that it wasn't all his idea ie. that baby conversation (which, I have to say, is one of the worst pieces of dialogue I've ever heard on a tv show I like), and the marriage. I blame the writers for those daft storylines! :rolleyes:
*sneaks in*

I actually like H&M! lol But it seems like I am the only one.
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