Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

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I too think that the monologue will be centred around the whole Ruben storyline. I am very interested in hearing this and really look forward to it. I know that Anna will do a fantastic job, and I am excited to hear Lindsay's take on the situation. Hopefully we get an inside look on Lindsay's feelings about her relationship with him and how all this is affecting her emotionally and mentally.

Yo Liffers, I got a hold of Carmine. He says that everything is going to be alright with DL. They'll be making more love come the end of the season :devil:

I refuse to believe the little blurb in the TV Guide. Not after the wondrous news we have received over the last few days. Of course, this whole "cooling down" thing could be bad or good :rolleyes: *drama hands*

I'm not sure if Lindsay should offer Danny the option of backing out. I think Dutch is right; the girl needs to make a stand.

Oh, I so want Flack to find out about them! I would love to see him tease Danny about it :guffaw:he would never let it down.

I hope Danny is past his grief starting next week. I hate how he's practically ignoring everyone, even his own girlfriend. Danny can be like that, however, but still. It irks me. It's almost as if no one is there for him save Flack and Lindsay. Which makes sense considering they're his best friend and girlfriend. Okay I'm done ranting now...none of this is really making any sense to me. All I am going to do is wait and see what the rest of the season holds for us. I'm excited about this date and everything else, but I'm still wary about other things. TPTB have a nasty habit of throwing wicked curveballs at us...

Dutch, it looks like DL are holding hands in your picture ;) and please note the extremely close proximity of those two.
MTC, are you happy because of the promo being up, meaning new episodes are coming soon, or because there's a lil' bit of DL in there we should know about??? SPILL IT! Those of us that aren't in the US/Canada require you to relay the message! :lol:

the promo i saw was during CSI:Miami just saying that NY was coming back on next week. no new shots from the ep or anything. sorry i got you guys all excited. the shots were from some eps last year like the team walking away together from the end of an ep (totally forget which one shame on me).

dutch the pic you posted: Danny looks like he's soom pissed off at something. it's like he's thinking "alright Montana i love ya and all but for the love of god enough!!!" lol
*Liffy bounces into the thread, cruising along to the Vengaboys which Dutch doesn't like so much.... "Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom, Let's spend the night together, together in my room"* Hiya guys! :lol: Yep, I'm still running around blissfully excited for our new eppys which are giving us a holler in just 7 days :eek: Cupcakes.

Danny looks like he's soom pissed off at something. it's like he's thinking "alright Montana i love ya and all but for the love of god enough!!!"
Maybe she's nagging on him to go and shave :lol: Sometimes I miss the more dorky and clean-shaven Danny, but without the blonde highlights of course. That was kind of creepy at first. :eek:

the promo i saw was during CSI:Miami just saying that NY was coming back on next week. no new shots from the ep or anything. sorry i got you guys all excited.
Ah, okay. :lol: I get excited over everything. But it's good that you're getting a promo! You at least have a reason to be all happy and jumpy, I'll just tag along and be excited with you! :guffaw:

The way I see it, the cooling flame doesn't necessarily have to be bad for us in any way. Up to now, we've barely even had a flame, and that therefore counts as a cooling flame too. Also, compared to Mac's new love interest, it may be we're taking back seat to that, but are still going strong. Still another cooling flame so to speak.

Personally, I'm glad they're not going to be at the forefront this season. Although I wish we'd get more scenes, I like not being picked on so much. Give someone else the limelight, BUT I'm not happy the limelight is been given to Mac instead of another character who's deserving of it...oh...I dunno like Hawkes?

Okay, time for another piccy!


*jumps up and down*Oh I just love that picture. They're just simply hilarious together. "Footage from your 30th birthday, Messer?" Hahaha...I wonder if they've made their own 'walrus' documentary yet... :lol:
Hi there!

I'm glad to hear Mo is still around somewhere. And Aud, I hope you feel better soon!

This will be my last post for the next couple of days, 'cause I'm going away for the weekend. To Brugge en Gent in Belgium. I promise I'll be on the lookout for some great places Danny and Lindsay can go to when they go to Europe.

It almost sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? But I got a feeling it'll be the 'deepening of their relationship' TPTB were talking about at the beginning of this season. It has to be, right? 'Cause up until now, we only had the condom spray-scene and another one where they were on the stairs in front of a big building (I'm sorry, don't remember the eppy's name...) Anyway, make me happy when I get back to you on Monday or Tuesday with some great news!

See you all soon!
Well dammit, I had selected the Multi Quote option then pressed the wrong button and lost the quotes :confused: So back to the good old way !

Liffy said
It's so frustrating to watch that. You just feel like getting up and yelling at them. "SHE LOVES YOU TOO YOU IDIOT! JUST KISS HER ALREADY!!" :p
I am forever screaming that at my television :guffaw:about a lot of pairings! My husband just shakes his head and rolls his eyes. Luckily DL has kinda gone past that point.... hopefully!

Well there goes my optimisim about the date. Is the TV Guide piece about a particular episode? And what has been said about Lindsay's monologue? I think that i may have missed something

In answer to Auda's question regarding the LRC scene - this is from memory alone.... but the first thing that sprung to mind was Danny is his green tee and sunglasses :drool: Hellllloooooooo! Anyone want to make me happy and post a picture for me? But I think Lindsay is concentrating on solving the crime because it is way of avoiding talking about the date. She seems nervous and on edge whilst Danny just wants to hang out. I love that he still wants to grab something to eat with her, even though she stood him up. He didn't seem to buy her excuse yet he was still trying to get to spend some time with her. Others may have decided she was not worth the hassle but Danny is still there for her. Aaaaawwww:)
^ Have fun Jen! Brugge is such a beautiful and romantic ;) city...

Liffy said:
It would be great to see how much it takes to piss Lindsay off.
I think when someone tries to hurt the people she loves or when someone is questioning her intelligence, she could get really, really pissed :eek:...Don't know what it would take for her to get pissed at Danny, but perhaps when he ignores her or starts to take her feelings for granted...I don't really can imagine him doing something like that - so whenever she might blow, it will be at someone else. :cool:
I think when Lindsay is just supporting Danny is will be more than enough to help them both through this...she doesn't have to do or say anything special, but he just has to know that she's there...The spoilers (date) and the article (dying flame) are rather contradictory, so I'm really curious how everything will work out, but since the article quote was by Mr. Zuiker :rolleyes:, I think it'll be nothing...

Stuffy said:
Dutch, it looks like DL are holding hands in your picture ;) and please note the extremely close proximity of those two.
And then MTC said:
Danny looks like he's soom pissed off at something
LOL, yeah there always so close together that it very often looks like they're holding hands...and MTC that's probably why Danny looks so pissed :guffaw:. He really just wanted to hold her hand for real, but because they're walking through the lab, with eyes on all sides, he couldn't...Only thing he could do is walk as close to her as possible to at least share some body heat...:devil:

Aaaw, I love it when the seem to be holding hands...did I hear green shirt and sun glasse?


*tackles Stuffy and snatches her address book* :p
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Well like Dutch said, the spoilers are pretty contradictory depending on how you interpret the cooling flame. *whacks Dutch* watch your language! It's not DYING! it's COOLING!! Big difference there. But yeah, it's AZ and he lives in a different world. He just thinks he's being cool. :p

Anyway, I think the cooling flame concentrates more on the first few episodes when Mac's new interest takes over the love department of the series, so naturally (much to my annoyance), DL takes a back seat. But hopefully, that back seat means they're taking time to work things out. By 4x19, they've said what needs to be said and are just enjoying being together. Going to a basketball game is supposed to be fun and I think that's just why they're there. To have fun :) Lindsay can shock Danny with the amount she knows about sports and he'll be so glad he's not dating some shmuck who only cares about sex and her hair. :rolleyes: :)

So that's that. Nothing's going to deter our ship. Ever. Nuuuuurthin. Nope...nothin'. Got it? Good. :D

the first thing that sprung to mind was Danny is his green tee and sunglasses
The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear LRC is lunch and ice cream. :rolleyes: Y'all probably know why by now... :p I still want that scene to redone (complete with the right wardrobe). It would be freaky cool and awesome and I'll just drop to the floor and roll around in happiness. :)

I think when someone tries to hurt the people she loves or when someone is questioning her intelligence, she could get really, really pissed :eek:...Don't know what it would take for her to get pissed at Danny, but perhaps when he ignores her or starts to take her feelings for granted...
I don't think Danny would ever take her for granted either knowing how much he went through to get her in the first place. He's not just going to give that all up or start acting like she's just a task rather than a person he needs to love. No he wouldn't do that. He's not that kind of person (if what we've seen so far is any indication). I think someone questioning her ability as a CSI would piss her off, as it would everyone really. You dedicate your life to a field of work only to be have your ability questioned? No, I think that would just equal pissed off Lindsay Monroe. Whoever said that is going to end up crying. :lol:

I think Danny pisses her off on a daily basis, but in the cute teasing, it's why you love me, way. :p Okay it's not really pissing her off, but more irritation and annoyance. I don't know why, but Danny just strikes me as someone who can be seriously annoying sometimes but you just can't help but laugh along with him. We've seen her roll her eyes at him more times than he's said Boom. :lol:

He really just wanted to hold her hand for real, but because they're walking through the lab, with eyes on all sides, he couldn't...Only thing he could do is walk as close to her as possible to at least share some body heat...
Aww. I wouldn't put it past him to sneak them in uber early one day just so that he can hold her hands at the lab when there's not so many people there. :lol:
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Stop whacking me! Cooling, dying, what's the difference realy - It only takes a little poking :)angel: what? :devil:) to stir up that fire again...as long as it's not extinguished were fine :)
Danny just strikes me as someone who can be seriously annoying sometimes but you just can't help but laugh along with him. We've seen her roll her eyes at him more times than he's said Boom.
Yeah, he seems like the type that can really get on your nerves. And perhaps when she's having a real bad case of PMS and he's been at it all day she will get a little pissed :eek:, but most of the time she will just shrug and laugh along with him knowing full well that given the opportunity she can be just as much of a tease as he :lol:
I wouldn't put it past him to sneak them in uber early one day just so that he can hold her hands at the lab when there's not so many people there.
Hhhmm, I don't know, when there's no one around things could get totally out off hand ;)
Yeah, he seems like the type that can really get on your nerves. And perhaps when she's having a real bad case of PMS and he's been at it all day she will get a little pissed :eek:, but most of the time she will just shrug and laugh along with him knowing full well that given the opportunity she can be just as much of a tease as he
I figure headaches. People with their odd schedules must get frequent headaches. Maybe Lindsay has a migrane or something after a long day and Danny's completely oblivious to it, as he probably is to everything when he's in that happy 'I'm on top of the world' mood and she's sending him death glares. Deatch glares becomes her paper weight and Danny will end up rubbing the back of his head and turning around to see Lindsay face down on the desk. THEN he'd get it and go get her some aspirin and water. :lol: Aww...I grin myself with fluff sometimes...

Hhhmm, I don't know, when there's no one around things could get totally out off hand
Night shift workers are still about so I doubt it could be *that* empty for them to be run around naked :rolleyes: But...Danny could probably manage to walk a stretch with her hand in his, and she'd be staring at him wondering why on earth he dragged her out of bed so dang early, and how hard can she whack him in the head for doing it. :lol:

Dying is such an ominous word! Cooling is much better. And yep, just a poke would so bring that flame back to life. :devil:
**BUMP**!! Where is everybody today? :( Now y'all are makin' me sad and makin' Liffy sad is not a good thing. See I'm not even singing or dancing around anymore... :(

ANYWHO! Since nobody's here, I'll post the next piccy down memory lane...


Good cop, bad cop. Remember how different they were on that scene? It really struck me during the episode the two worlds they came from; Danny can't seem to think of a reason why anybody would want to take their shoes off in that situation. He's a cop, she's a possible suspect. Not supposed to be nice to them... but Lindsay's actions still baffled the waffles out of him nonetheless. Which was cute because he was basically mentally asking "what's wrong with you??" :lol:

I think they soon learned to accept that they were so different, but yet had things in common. She surprised him for not being like the ordinary women he was accustomed to. She was different. She was interesting to him. And I think she felt the same way about him too. Slightly obnoxious maybe...but still interested.

And then BOOM! The love hit them - like a baseball falling on your head out of nowhere. And damn did it hit hard. :D

To all the (possibly lurking) shippers: Come out, come out wherever you are! :) I've got ice cream and chocolate sauce!

and a cast iron skillet....
I think that scene really highlights their differences but also shows how special they are together. They are just so charming. Not only do I love it when she takes her shoes off (with a really baffled Danny reaction), I love the conversation about 'flooring' that ensues after. Bronx Marble!! :guffaw: I remember Lindsay's big smile afterwards. I love it when they play good cop/bad cop. :devil:

Do not dump chocolate sauce on my hair or hit me with a skillet. I just re-'did' my hair for tonight. I say that you whack Danny with the skillet. Hey, Lynny's not here. Somebody's gotta do it! :wtf:
But if I whack Danny then Linds gets mad at me and I have nobody to play pool with anymore :(

I love it when they play good cop/bad cop.
They should play cops and robbers in the bedroom. :devil: Now that would be fun don't you think? Danny can be the bad guy and Lindsay gets to tie him up, play with him a bit, dumps him on the bed AND....leave him to go watch music videos on TV. He'll be whining like 4 year old who's not allowed dessert :)

I love Danny and his linoleum. (I have to go check, but did his apartment have any linoleum at all? :p ) Maybe that was just his parents' house... :lol:

Lindsay's smiles always makes him grin back. They're like totally addicted to each other. It's intoxicating... :)
To all the (possibly lurking) shippers: Come out, come out wherever you are! :) I've got ice cream and chocolate sauce!

and a cast iron skillet....

:eek: Noooo!!! No skillet! *runs away* :guffaw:

Sorry y'all, I've been lurking without any muse to post. But with all the nice ideas being tossed around (coming to work early, cops and robbers.. :devil:) I thought I'd stop in for a bit.

It's a given that when Lindsay smiles, Danny smiles right back. It's how they're wired. :lol:
I am not worried about what came out in TV Guide. Cooling down doesn't necessary mean an end. But I am really waiting for the basketball game (even though it leads to work.

I love the smiles that they give each other but I love Danny's smirk more. :)
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