Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

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i know this is OT but hope it is OK....

Liffy passed on the bad news
^Bella, because of the new board, you must have 100 posts before you can send/receive PMs and post pictures; which includes avatars and now, images in your signature

No way?? :eek: :eek: :eek: No one told me that - silly new board :p (only teasing Mods, tis quite fancy!)I just spent ages trying to work out what was wrong :confused: But Mods it may be worth putting this in the FAQs ?

Ah well, I will just to have post lots more to win back my signature - I like a challenge!! And Liffy - thanks for the heads up!
^So I'm seeing some lovely D/L spoilers. So I hope they're equally as lovely on the inside because I'm still (retartedly) SF and can't bring myself to click 'em buttons to read the future. :lol:

But yeah, I'm keeping hope that we do get a scene in one of the future episodes this season. A good one where we get confirmation as well as material for a big squee-fest.

Right, people need to start coming back to this thread or I'm evicting y'all from Gutterville!!! :p Don't test me...I'd do it...

Oh and I had the sweetest D/L dream last night (sort of). Some one was against Danny and Lindsay's relationship and one of the higher ups was trying to split them up. Danny and Linds were a wreck and sort of lost about what to do. Then suddenly Mac was defending them and I was like...dying out of happiness in my sleep. Mac was defending D/L saying how he won't take any replacement of either one, and neither worked better with anyone else save each other and I was so happy I woke up grinning like an idiot. :lol:

Ok so I always wake up grinning like an idiot when I have a D/L dream but you get my point. :)

Bella, I suggest you try visiting the PM thread in QSF here.
You always have the greatest D/L dreams or theories, you know that Liffy? I also like the fact that it made you wake up grinning like an idiot!

So, you've been able to resist all those shiny, new spoiler boxes, hm? I always said you had great willpower. I wish I had some shiny, new pictures to post of Danny and Lindsay, but alas, I don't. They seem to be a rare commodity, as most of the preview pictures for the episodes invariably involve Mac and Stella. Not complaining, just doesn't leave much for us D/L shippers! So, now that I've posted here, can I keep my address in Gutterville? And congrats on making Pathologist, that makes two of us in the last few days!
I think everyone keeps giving me their cold. Yep, that's it. :wtf:

Liffy suggested:
Danny: Can I grab your ass?

Why? Because Danny likes to grab Lindsay's ass, and she likes her ass to be grabbed by him (and this whole ass-grabbing thing is Auda's fault for getting it in my head all those weeks ago). It's a win-win situation (for them and for us :) )

~Excuses, excuses.~ You chose your ass-grabbing path in life, cowpoke. :evil: But while we are on the subject, how funny would that be if they were processing a crime scene and Danny suggested that?!

I actually blame you for my D/L dreams. While they are nifty and beautiful, I'd much prefer dreaming about the guy I met at the softball field the other evening. But no, it's all about D/L making love with the beautiful moonlight shining against their silken skin amongst the fluffy pillows and sheets. ~Sighs~ Actually it's not such a bad thing to dream about. ;)

It is fun seeing spoilers come out and episode information come out! I hope the rest of the season works out better---so far it has seemed like the writers have been asleep at the wheel. :rolleyes:

Seriously, I think everyone should pm or email Mo. She's the life of our thread here. She needs to inject some serious fluffy D/L thoughts into this place!
I am ready for April 2nd for the return of the show. I have the day off (not because of the return of CSI Ny, but other reasons).

I must be a bad shipper but I don't dreams about d/l. But when the show is on, I daydream d/l scenarios during the commercial breaks.
Holla! *Stuffy skips into the thread, a bit frustrated with RL but glad she's surrounded by her lovely buddies*

Thanks for the spoilers Cate :) always appreciated. You stay true to the title Spoiler Queen. Not sure yet how to use a spoiler box here, so I'll just say that I'm looking forward to the future episodes.

it's all about D/L making love with the beautiful moonlight shining against their silken skin amongst the fluffy pillows and sheets.

:devil: I think our resident Gutter King has taken over your thoughts Auda, because that was downright naughty! Made me giggle though hehe.

how funny would that be if they were processing a crime scene and Danny suggested that?!

Oh, it would be hilarious. Or his hand could be on her back and mysteriously end up in the southern region, and he'd just look at her with a cheeky grin and act all innocent.

I think everyone should pm or email Mo.

Aye, she's dearly missed here. I wonder where she went?

I wish I had some shiny, new pictures to post of Danny and Lindsay

New, shiny pictures of our couple are always a great thing miss Cate dear. But of course, we can always stare and oogle over oldies! Because there can be never be too many pictures of our ship :)



"Don't flirt with my girl Pino." Just kidding :p I heart Pino <3
*Liff pops in shocked to find some of the old crowd back in here doing the square dance in the 8-ball* Hehehe. Yay and welcome back to...everybody! :D

So, now that I've posted here, can I keep my address in Gutterville? And congrats on making Pathologist, that makes two of us in the last few days!
Hmm....I'll think about it. :) And yes, congrats to you too Catey-babes on making Pathologist! My one year anniversary is coming up. We are SO going to have a party in here. :D

~Excuses, excuses.~ You chose your ass-grabbing path in life, cowpoke. :evil: But while we are on the subject, how funny would that be if they were processing a crime scene and Danny suggested that?!
But it's so fun to watch Danny grab her ass. He could so totally do that in the lab thinking no ones watching and miraculous Mac appears, clearing his throat, and we see Danny's hand retreating slowly back to his side. :lol:

Doing at a crime-scene would be hilarious...especially if they're down an alley with no one around them. He'd be staring at her ass the entire time in between making sure he's not missing anything, and then he'd give her a squeeze when he passes by, making her jump and glare at him. He'd grin, she'd roll her eyes. She'd squeeze his ass when she passes and she sticks her tongue out at him.

I actually blame you for my D/L dreams.
Blame away! I love being blamed for good things. :lol: Nice dream there Auda, hmm...moonlight. And all I can see is the bed jumping up and down. :eek:

*Stares at Stuffy's pictures*

:) I love pictures. Yay for pictures. And he was so telling Pino to back off. Danny can be the jealous type sometimes. It's cute.
*Rushes in before her top spot in GutterVille is up for sale* :scream: - stupid RL ;)

Of course I'm excited about the continuation of the season too, and especially since the first new spoilers came out :cool: - Liffy I really admire your self-control...LOL you even acknowledge that the future is a mere click on a button away and still you can restrain yourself (although these spoilers do seem to influence your dream world a little ;)).

Aud! You had to bring up the ass-grabbing again *snickers* Somehow I still can totally picture Lindsay pinching Danny's 'cheeks'. He is just parading around her all they wearing those jeans-that-do-him-justice :drool:, so I guess it's only a matter of time 'til he bends over one day and she just can't stop herself anymore :evil:...Would be even more fun if there are others around and he turns beet red and so does she once she realizes what she (unconciously:eek:) did....Come on Linds, make our day - grab that ass! :lol:

Auda said:
Seriously, I think everyone should pm or email Mo
Did that a while ago already, only asked for some proof of life - no respons thus far :(

Great pics Stuffy, and Danny really acted a little jealous around dearly missed Marty Pino (there can never be enough hot guys on one show :thumbsup:) - perhaps that was Lindsay's intention?

Yeah upcoming party for our two new pathologists (congrats guys) and Liffy's anniversary *checks 'The 8-ball's supplies*
Aud! You had to bring up the ass-grabbing again *snickers* Somehow I still can totally picture Lindsay pinching Danny's 'cheeks'. He is just parading around her all they wearing those jeans-that-do-him-justice :drool:, so I guess it's only a matter of time 'til he bends over one day and she just can't stop herself anymore :evil:...Would be even more fun if there are others around and he turns beet red and so does she once she realizes what she (unconciously:eek:) did....Come on Linds, make our day - grab that ass! :lol:
That would make a good scene....or Mac/Stella in the distance watching and they don't realise they're there :lol:
The 'grab ass' scene could be when that woman (forgot the name) goes to the lab and watches them working together!

Did that a while ago already, only asked for some proof of life - no respons thus far :(
And me :(
WTF??? Ass- grabbing scene? What did I miss? :vulcan: I hope we'll see it very up close....:drool:

Dutch, I just read your post when you said something about PM'ing Mo, and it wasn't until then I realised she is missing... :cool:

My daughter has helped me making this post, so if anything is wrong or strange, then you can blame her....:guffaw:
Dutch, my self-control totally sucks usually but I can somehow make an exception with CSI:NY. I just hope that those spoilers bring us some nice, fun, light, but important scenes between Danny and Lindsay in one (or more) of the future episodes. :)

(although these spoilers do seem to influence your dream world a little ;)).
That's all Danny's fault. He can't keep his hands to himself when I'm asleep so they both tend to jump around in my head, without any clothes on. :devil:

I've got this weird feeling that the team is going to find out about them when they're doing something they shouldn't be doing as..."friends". Maybe Mac walks in on them embracing or something and that would totally blow their cover. Danny would probably try and reason that they were trying to find how their killer stabbed his girlfriend...and Lindsay had a theory that they were embracing when he did it...so they were just doing a small experiment. :)

Think Mac would buy it? Haha, I can see him giving that "are you kidding me?" friendly look and Danny would shut up and blush. Lindsay's probably doing the same too.

Hehe, I got the month of my aniversary wrong. It's NEXT month :eek: :lol:

That would make a good scene....or Mac/Stella in the distance watching and they don't realise they're there
Yeah, but I think I prefer them (Mac + Stella) stumbling on them embracing or Danny trying to give his Montana a lil' smooch. :)
Liffy said:
Maybe Mac walks in on them embracing or something and that would totally blow their cover. Danny would probably try and reason that they were trying to find how their killer stabbed his girlfriend...and Lindsay had a theory that they were embracing when he did it...so they were just doing a small experiment
That would be funny, thus far Mac has pretended to believe all the pretty obvious white lies they've been telling him :rolleyes:, but I think that this time (especially when Danny't trying to kiss her :thumbsup:) he just has to say something - only to make them feel totally embarrassed of course :devil: - he would walk away leaving them wondering while winking at Stella.:lol:

He can't keep his hands to himself when I'm asleep so they both tend to jump around in my head, without any clothes on.
:drool: Ah, can I come and play around in your head too...please?

No! There apparently will be some scene where some woman, who is reaccrediting the lab, is watching them work together and something happens that makes her question them/their relationship :) - Natty (and I agree) just thought it would be fun if she perhaps saw Lindsay grab Danny's ass
*waves at Jen's daughter* - nothing wrong with that post :)
I wonder how far DL would have to go to really make Mac blow their cover and actually state clearly that he knows they're in a relationship and they better take their work serious or else. Heh, they'd be saluting him by then because that's all he'd say about their relationship - but still effectively scaring half of Danny's bespecticled swimmers to death. :lol:

But yeah...he's Mac and I think he knows that Danny and Linds can be professional. Maybe that's why we haven't gotten anything big thus far. They're trying to prove that they can keep it a work relationship at work. And Mac can't fault them for that because they've proved that they can work together and be in a relationship.

Sure they've broken protocol (Mac doesn't need to know about that) but they've done nothing that would affect the integrity of the lab by being in a relationship. Actually, it would probably boost some moral too :D I know two people who'd directly benefit. :p

Ah, can I come and play around in your head too...please?
I don't think you'd survive the scare. :lol: Think pretty Lindsay thoughts and soon enough Danny will pop by and their clothes will miraculously disappear. it's that simple. :)
I feel that Mac already knows about Danny and Lindsay. Probably half of NY knows too. It's all that pool table rockin'. :thumbsup:

Liff, I really wish you'd stop painting Danny out to be the bad boy, you giving everyone too many images to work with here. But I'm glad that he finally settled down and is minding his manners. That's good. Sometimes.

Let's get down to serious business: :lol:

If D/L actually got a pet or a dog together, what kind or breed would it be?

If Danny and Lindsay were able to find one flaw in the other, what would it be and why do you think they'd consider it an inherent flaw?
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