Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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How ya' doin? *Danny accent*
Miss you all so much! But now my exams are behind me, I have two whole months before I find out how I've done, and now it's time for me to catch up with the rest of you! *hugs all around*

So, let me get this straight, the last two episodes... Danny and Lindsay had an adorable/hilarious spray-on condom scene. And Danny is a scuba diving-extremely-modest hero?

*grins happily to self* Things are looking great for our favourite pair!

I saw that 'stop goofing off' scene, and I totally agree. That wasn't Danny being snappy at all. You could almost see him blushing at Lindsay's praise. And that sweet smile back at her after that. *sigh* Danny is just too modest! Muahaha.
*looks around - hmmm, quiet in here*

catey asked:
Now that Danny and Lindsay are a couple, do you think they would spend the holidays in one of the following ways:
A: by themselves
B: Fly to Montana to see her family
C: Stay in New York and see his family
D: get together with the team.
We don't have a comparable holiday, but I think especially Thanksgiving is a day to spend with other people.

Since I'm also pretty sure Danny has met Lindsay's family in Montana :rolleyes: and it's not very likely that the two of them can get time off again to go there for a couple of days, and they see their colleagues quite often, it would be logical that they spent it with his family. :D
Mo said:
I think if it were something like Louie comes back and causes another issue for Danny and he and Linds have to work through it together or something like that...where it's a "bump" that's bad but not for their relationship that would be better...and less likely to take over the show and turn soap opera-y too...ya know? Does that make sense...what do you all think?
Oh hun, that makes total sense. The revelation of Louie's fate -either good or bad- would certainly have a great impact on Danny and that means it will also affect his relationship with Lindsay. I will most likely mean that he has to face his past again and that will no doubt count as a 'bump'. :D He will need all the support Lindsay can give him - and she will! :cool:

And (especially since his remarks in 4x02) I can't wait for Mamma Messer to make an appearance. So either a Thanksgiving dinner (which I highly doubt TPTB will show us :( - too bad :p) or an ep about Louie would be great for that. I think she and Lindsay would be totally funny together and drive Danny nuts. :lol:

Mo said:
Awww my lovely gutter brain...it's funny how so many words automatically become naughty once I associate them with D/L...."Pool Table" "Boom" "Goofing off"...all will now forever cause me to giggle like a naughty little girl!
Yes and that list goes on and on "Moo" "Cowboy" "Daisy" "Twister" "Ferris wheel" All these 'innocent' things :devil: are already corrupted by our stay in GutterVille and the constant inhalation of that nasty pink stuff. :p
Ive finally seen the epi and what a lovely scene we got there. I think its interesting how they kinda switched their roles. no Danny seems kinda distanced and Lindsay is the one that shows she cares. sweet.

also it must have been hard for her to be yet again in a situation where someone she loves is in a danger and she knows nothing and cant do a thing. but her smile was gorgeous
You know I love all of you to death!! But good angst? Come on. That's a big oxymoron!! That's like "Hey, she's a little pregnant." :lol: It's great to see our favorite couple challenged and then come back stronger than ever. But as we have seen with TV shows or with writers they don't make it that easy. Last season we got some good angst that proved our couple adored one another. Then we get nine torchered months of nothing!! I have no patience. Sorry. :eek:

This is a writer's version of angst: "I don't love you," "Keep your hands off me, you smell, go away," and "Yes, I love her/him and I did sleep with them. You're not just dreaming. So take that." :mad:

SO NO ANGST!! I draw the line. I'm sorry to offend. I do that very well. :eek: But if we must have angst then---and it's unavoidable---then let Danny break a nail and cry about it. Or have Lindsay scream over a bad haircut at Christmas time. But nothing more. :eek:

As far as Catie's question: I think they should spend time alone. Meeting the family is great, but still, they don't get much time to see each other (or as much as I'm sure that they'd like to), so I'd love to see them just spend the holidays at home (or at a romantic getaway place). Shall we say a beautiful New England inn? :)

Yea for Fluffy T kicking soccer butt and taking names!! Somehow I think Lindsay would make a good soccer player. We may need that foot and leg sometime if any skank chick tries to horn in on our Mr. Messer. :lol: ;)

"Moo Cowboy," Daisy," "Twister," and the "Ferris Wheel," and "Boom!" Naughty, Naughty!! :devil:

Okay, so if we put those together we get:

"Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel, Lindsay suggests seductively." "Boom," yells aroused Danny. :devil:

Should we write a ff.net group fic sometime? :lol:

Later dudes. :cool:
:lol: love love love!

This thread makes my entire day, no lie. I hope that our show keeps up the DL scenes, small or big, angsty or fluffy. They are rocking my world.

But mom, you forgot the pool table, unless I missed a conversation.
My Sweet Daughter said:
But mom, you forgot the pool table, unless I missed a conversation.

Pardon. Okay, so here it goes. "Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel just like we did on the pool table," Lindsay suggests seductively. "Boom!" yells aroused Danny. :devil: :lol: :devil:

In answer to Carolina's statement about Lindsay and Danny reversing roles---I say that's a good thing. It's time for Lindsay to reveal her true feelings. She has had them, but she hasn't been as expressive as Danny. ;)
I like it too though it seems to me a little unbalanced now. I only hope they are not trying to apeace the anti-DLers with his attitude because that would be even worse then the way they handled S3

I rewatched the scene and I could almost agree with those saying that Danny was quite harsh with Linds but then, after she got back to work, he looked at her as if to check she took the words the right way and the expression on his face. I mean, let them believe what they want if it help them sleep at night but that was affection in the highest concentration

Carly looks around her bouble which is still intact and skips off to watch SupeStar
*peers at Halloween white-fluff tangled web of discussion of over good angst/bad angst/angst/no angst/some angst/other*

as it must, one comment currently: im happily watching reruns beverly hills 90210 right now...please none of this for D/L.

"Moo Cowboy," Daisy," "Twister," and the "Ferris Wheel," and "Boom!" Naughty, Naughty!!

Okay, so if we put those together we get:
"Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel, Lindsay suggests seductively." "Boom," yells aroused Danny.

Should we write a ff.net group fic sometime?
^^^ whoa that was um :eek: about the aroused danny and the entire situation. :lol: i saw the words and thought you were just listing them out, but of course not, you have a story of a sentence to accompany it! :p

how would a group fic work? each person submits a page building on the previously written page? that actually sounds fun. the possibilities would go as far north as south. :lol:

big sister catey, im going to go with choice d): danny and lindsay celebrate with the coworkers. we know they do stuff with the family, but something with the coworkers is much more rare (although my workplace is having an "autumn party" later this month). it could be a potluck dessert and wine party! just something to be thankful for: their kickass, long, and sometimes painful jobs, but most of all: each other as coworkers and friends. danny and lindsay can get away mid-gathering and share some alone time since they cant help themselves in sharing their love :) . thanksgiving in the supply closet? :devil:. and, for you (catey), stuffy, and other northern neighbors, hope youre having a great thanksgiving up there!
*snorts* Auda your avvie is hilarious! :lol: (are they spray-on or not? ;))

Auda said:
You know I love all of you to death!! But good angst? Come on. That's a big oxymoron!!
Nope it's not dear! ;) Of course angst in itself is bad, but angst that leads to fluff is really good angst...the angst that leaves you breathless at the edge of your seat with a squeezing feeling in your heart and then suddenly the relief when things start to fall into place... :D

Pardon. Okay, so here it goes. "Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel just like we did on the pool table," Lindsay suggests seductively. "Boom!" yells aroused Danny.
LOL :lol: That's why I totally agree with Rad; you guys are too funny! :)

Angel said:
how would a group fic work? each person submits a page building on the previously written page? that actually sounds fun. the possibilities would go as far north as south.
Well that does sound like fun, but I don't think the innocent and oblivious people on ff-net who are reading that story will have a clue what it's about. :p And there's no way it will ever head north; we'll be heading south within seconds...straight for the gutter. :devil:

Good night all! :)
*Mo rollerskates into the thread, feeling quite happily like a "so totally cool" 12-year-old, which is odd considering I'm more than twice that old! :rolleyes: Oh well!* Hello my dearies, how are you all this fine Saturday evening? There's just something wonderful and fun about a weekend evening isn't there! *Mo grins and for no reason at all, hands Liff a random bowling pin!* :lol:

Buddy who's finally back after aceing exams Fern! giggled:
*grins happily to self* Things are looking great for our favourite pair!
Fern hi hon! :D Things are indeed looking swell for our favorite pair! We've had two new eppy's so far and so far we've had totally cute scenes and lots of D/L appearances together in each of them...which give us a 100% shippy success rate thus far! (I'm a dork I know, but still YAY!) :lol:

Angsty bud in the land of windmills Dutch nodded:
Oh hun, that makes total sense. The revelation of Louie's fate -either good or bad- would certainly have a great impact on Danny and that means it will also affect his relationship with Lindsay. I will most likely mean that he has to face his past again and that will no doubt count as a 'bump'. He will need all the support Lindsay can give him - and she will!
Thanks Dutch hon! See that's what I'm saying, it doesn't have to be anything personally between D/L that is the problem, but rather something outside their lives, like family or something that is still hard and could be the cause of a "bump" but that doesn't have to be cheating or anything horrid like that is pretty much a deal breaker if you ask me. Plus I would like a bit more on Danny's past since we had a bunch about Linds' this last season, and I would like to see Linds be there for him and his family, I think that'd be so cool to see! :D

I can't wait for Mamma Messer to make an appearance. I think she and Lindsay would be totally funny together and drive Danny nuts.
Is she going to?? I would LOVE to see that! I totally agree too, I think she and Linds would totally get along and would tease Danny mercilessly! It would be hilarious! I could see Mama Messer flat out asking Danny when he's gonna marry this girl already and give her grandbabys! And Danny would blush and stammer and Linds would giggle... *Mo giggles!* It'd be fabulous! :D

Fluffy Twin Aud wub pulled out her soapbox!
But good angst? Come on. That's a big oxymoron!! That's like "Hey, she's a little pregnant."
This is a writer's version of angst: "I don't love you," "Keep your hands off me, you smell, go away," and "Yes, I love her/him and I did sleep with them. You're not just dreaming. So take that."
SO NO ANGST!! I draw the line. I'm sorry to offend. I do that very well. But if we must have angst then---and it's unavoidable---then let Danny break a nail and cry about it. Or have Lindsay scream over a bad haircut at Christmas time. But nothing more.
Aud!! *Mo stands up and applauds her Fluffy Twin and then tackles hugs her! First of all, darling we all love you in here as well, so don't worry about offending us ;) And second I totally agree with you and have your back...so no worries! ;) I love that "She's a little pregnant!" :lol: That's so true...I mean there can be good outcomes after angst, yes and there can be LOVE within angst (RSRD and LRC for example!) but I don't think there's "good angst", (sorry Dutch darling!) cuz then it wouldn't be angst it'd just be dramatic fluff! ;) Right?! Now if we were writing it (or you were Dutch ), then there might be such a thing as good angst...cuz we know how to make it dramatic but still good...but I have to agree with you Aud wub, almost always the writers' idea of "angst" is to make one person cheat, or get terminally bored, or get in trouble and refuse to tell their loved one...the writers suck at making angst anything but what we hate...honestly!

"Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel just like we did on the pool table," Lindsay suggests seductively. "Boom!" yells aroused Danny.
:lol: You are brilliant and I so totally adore you, that was awesome! :devil: Seductive Linds and Aroused Danny...awww good times, good times indeed! :devil:

Oh and Aud hon, I ADORE your avie!! That is freakin' hilarious!

Angsty bud who needs to be a CBS writer to prove what "good angst" could be Dutch rallied:
Nope it's not dear! Of course angst in itself is bad, but angst that leads to fluff is really good angst...the angst that leaves you breathless at the edge of your seat with a squeezing feeling in your heart and then suddenly the relief when things start to fall into place...
Lol, see! Dutch hon you rock, but angst is bad! :p But I will agree that when it leads to fluff it's not pointless...but that's only if it's the kind of angst that we write and make...if it's the cheating, bored, dying angst that the writers usually come up with then it's just...well...ick! Ya know! Now if for once the writers get it write and don't give us something unbelievable like that (cuz either of them cheating on the other right now would be unbelievable to me!) and make it dramatic angst that does cause tension but tension that draws them together...that would be okay, or at least not horribly icky...ya know! :lol: (Again, am I making any sense? :rolleyes: )

Can't wait for our next eppy, from all reports thus far, it looks to be another good one! We are really scoring this season thus far...here's hoping it continues for a looong...loooong time! :D Alright and on that note, once again, I'm sleepy and it's time for me to head for bed...besides Linds had to work a double and is letting me borrow Danny for the evening! :devil: :lol: Only if I play nice though! ;) So off I go! :D

*Mo giggles and shimmers giddily away!*
"Liff pops into the thread, happily accepting Mo's random bowling pin and returns the gesture with a pink hole puncher" Sometimes I wonder how sane we all really are... :lol:

GOOD MORNING! I hope y'all are having a more than fabulous weekend! And if per chance any of you are sick of rain, pray send it this way. It hasn't rained here in months...12 to be exact :p Okay...so my mind just decided to go play in the gutter puddle at the mention of rain. I'm telling you, soon enough we'll be gutterfied with each and every word of the dictionary! Can anyone else think of something naughty to do with a photocopier? *whistles*

Always loved Aud-wubs said:
You know I love all of you to death!! But good angst? Come on. That's a big oxymoron!! That's like "Hey, she's a little pregnant."
Well, I guess you're right. Angst is bad, and technically you can't have a good bad thing. But you can however use a bad thing to lead to a good thing (writers haven't learned this yet. We'd get big bucks if we educated them!). Pointless angst is something I cannot related to. I just...hate it, but y'all probably do too *narrows eyes on Dutch* Angst with reason I can accept, though that still kind of depends on the reason. But I have to agree with you Aud on the fact that writers seem to go down the narrow lane when it comes to angst: cheating, boredom and all that stuff we never relate to D/L. Hey, I can still claim wishful thinking (and artistic licence!) in good angst! :)

Upon saying that, I really hope D/L takes the backseat this season. I don't really want our couple under the scrutiny of everyone and under the spotlight yet again. Not that I don't enjoy watching them do their thing onscreen, cos y'all know I plaster myself to my screen more than once a week (*sigh*) to watch them just 'look' at each other. :lol: But yeah, if they take the backseat, it'll give priority to someone else and take some attention away from them. Danny doesn't like that much attention remember? Unless it comes from Lindsay in 'private'. Wait...or maybe that's a different kind of attention...the touchy-feely-why-is-the-thermostat-going-up-on-its-own? kinds of attention :devil: hehehe. :lol:

Moo, cowboy. Let's do the Daisy Twister on the Ferris Wheel just like we did on the pool table," Lindsay suggests seductively. "Boom!" yells aroused Danny.
Oh my, Aud you are definately a frekin' genius!! :lol: I love it! I just had a mental picture of it raining the moment after Danny says 'Boom'. :lol: We're all planted in the gutter - and sprouting rather well I might add :D

Should we write a ff.net group fic sometime?
That would be awesome! Just...umm, whatever we write...is not going to be very child friendly is it? [M-Rated thoughts] :lol:

Carolina said:
I think its interesting how they kinda switched their roles. no Danny seems kinda distanced and Lindsay is the one that shows she cares. sweet.

also it must have been hard for her to be yet again in a situation where someone she loves is in a danger and she knows nothing and cant do a thing. but her smile was gorgeous
I think the writers are now finally able to start fleshing out Lindsay's character. I agree, I think it's great that now we're starting to see Lindsay's side of the story, albeit little by little, which is always better than nothing. But now we're definately starting to get that it's not all one sided, and that Danny's not the only one who "feels" in the relationship.

I think Lindsay's exposure to having been through the same experience yet again, watching Danny in danger, is ringing a bell inside her head. You know the saying 'You only appreciate something once it's lost'? Something like that, only she's realising this now as it plays before her eyes. :) Thankfully, Danny ain't goin' nowhere.

I only hope they are not trying to apeace the anti-DLers with his attitude because that would be even worse then the way they handled S3
It would be worse, but I don't think that's what the writers are doing. Maybe they're just reversing the whole flirt/ignore scenario just to balance out what happened earlier? I don't think it was their intention to make Danny seem snappish. There were lab techs in that room wasn't there? Maybe he's not all into PDA like we make him to be?

Catey asked:
Now that Danny and Lindsay are a couple, do you think they would spend the holidays in one of the following ways:
A: by themselves
B: Fly to Montana to see her family
C: Stay in New York and see his family
D: get together with the team.
Hmm...I think I'm going to say C and then A. I think that after he flew to Montana, he must have at least met some people, her parents included. Maybe he was even invited to crash there for a little while, nestled against Lindsay :) But yeah, going to see his family would be totally sweet and I can't wait for Mama Messer to make her appearance either! I picture as being very overprotective of her baby boy :D and usually doesn't approve of his female companions but takes a liking to Lindsay from "hello" :) And maybe after that they can just go home and curl up on the couch...watching the sun streak past from their livingroom window...this is where the gutter says hello and that couch is going to need some cleaning afterwards :devil:

Fern said:
I saw that 'stop goofing off' scene, and I totally agree. That wasn't Danny being snappy at all. You could almost see him blushing at Lindsay's praise. And that sweet smile back at her after that. *sigh* Danny is just too modest! Muahaha.
First off...YAY YOUR BACK! Harap2 ur PMR comes out well. Or did you do the SPM? :p But yeah, totally agree with you there. Danny seems a little modest, and I don't think it's just me that quite alot of people tend to appear snappish when they're praised. It's just an uncontrollable reaction and I think Lindsay knows he's happy to hear her say that. Even when Hawkes praised him he brushed it off, which shows it's not just Lindsay, but generally he brushes off praises. It's not all that uncommon - good to see it on TV though. Makes Danny more 'real' and not just something hot to look at. :p heheh.

Dutch said:
The revelation of Louie's fate -either good or bad- would certainly have a great impact on Danny and that means it will also affect his relationship with Lindsay.
Okay so I had this idea whilst brainstorming for my fic last night. I can't help but think that if and when Louie wakes up, Danny would be ecstatic of course, but I seem slowly start blaming himself for what's happened to Louie, especially if he comes out with some permanent damage. That would definately pull Danny down he's going to be sinking for a little while. Maybe he starts to detach himself from Lindsay? Kind of "I hurt people without even intending to" kind of thing...that would be a bump. A slap and some soul healing later would break him out of it though :)

Of course angst in itself is bad, but angst that leads to fluff is really good angst...the angst that leaves you breathless at the edge of your seat with a squeezing feeling in your heart and then suddenly the relief when things start to fall into place...
It's like trying a new recipe! You think it's not turning out well, but in the end, when you sit down to eat, that all changes as a happy grin is plastered to your face for the remainder of the night. heheh :) Sad connection I know, but I couldn't help myself.

Mo said:
I could see Mama Messer flat out asking Danny when he's gonna marry this girl already and give her grandbabys! And Danny would blush and stammer and Linds would giggle...
It seems we share a mind too :p heheh (Sorry Aud!) I love that scene...haha, would render Danny completely embarrased to hear that from his mom...in front of Lindsay. The poor guy.

The new promo for next episode looks rockin' :) Danny wasn't in any of the shots though was he? Eh, but Lindsay was and she looks great as always. Maybe they can go to a fancy dress party sometime too! Wait, actually...I'd say they'd have the intention of going but frankly, I can't see them leaving their apartment with any clothes on, especially if Danny's feeling frisky - and he probably always does when Lindsay's around. :)
dutch_treat said:
Of course angst in itself is bad, but angst that leads to fluff is really good angst...the angst that leaves you breathless at the edge of your seat with a squeezing feeling in your heart and then suddenly the relief when things start to fall into place... :D
*comes in the defence of dutch's words* You're so right, my dear *nods* It's so totally well described, that's exactly why I love angst, it has that excitement/anxiety behind it...And if then it leads into fluff (it eventually will) it's great and there it goes another adorable D/L (or whatever it is) moment! Even better than just a normal fluff moment just because it had some angst before.

As for the 'bump' in the road, I do not think it will be a good bump. I do think it will be some kind of problem, but yet again, that doesn't have to be necessarily 'bad'(analyzing the whole situation and the consequences/results). As said by Liffy, it will make them stronger together and individually and make them believe in their relationship even more, proving that's real love and they can get over anything...
"Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through, and you know that's what our love can do" Michale's Bublé is love (and this is out of topic :p but yet again, this song if perfect for D/L)

As for the episode, let me first thank dutch for all the lovely caps. They make my day! :)
I do understand and see how some of you were a little worried by Danny's response, but I do believe we are sort of overeacting to the 'bump' thing, myself included. Sometimes I am just thinking in every way they can possible bring it in, so we almost sense it everywhere. I guess the 'goofing off' could be possibily related to it, but I dont think it is :rolleyes:
It is, first of all, obvious that Lindsay was worried about them and really proud of Danny for saving the day ;) That smile in her face doesn't give a place to a doubt on that one. I think Danny was still 'shaken' by what had happened, what could have happened, and hearing that made him feel uncomfortable in the position of 'hero' We know Lindsay had the best intention, and Im sure so does Danny, he just didn't want to focus on that anymore. That was my take on it anyway...

Anyway...we're just BOOM!
I don't know if it's just me, but this just sounded so fantastic. Great line, JenP ;) It almost made me think that we(D/L) gave Canon another meaning...and name :lol:

Oh, I'm glad you liked my homework question. I agree with your answers, I know Danny and Lindsay would control that while the kids were young, and then when they would grew, seeing they would be smart like their parents ;), it would be a matter of being there for any question...but not too worried...I bet they would nail any chemistry/physics explanation *Dani suddenly feels that she needs the entire team of CSI's studying with her*

Yeah, I could use some help from them, but as they're not coming, I'd better go to my room and read the theory again and again and try to put something in my head :p Big sister Angel, I did my mandatory homework before coming here though ;)

Wubs you all, and you know so...Until next time, maybe in a week or so...Maybe earlier...Mwah!
I'm glad everyone is enjoying my question. Now, to answer it myself, I would pick A or d, by themselves or with the team. I got to tell you, family is driving me nuts right now, so I'd have to go with just enjoying it by themselves, maybe joining the team for something later on.
Hi everyone, this is only my second post but I come on here everyday to read the comments & views about D/L and their relationship. I've been in love with them (d/l) since Zoo York and there has been no looking back after that. I've just finished watching season 3 and I always look forward to reading the spoilers for season 4 (yes, I'm a sucker for spoilers esp to do with D/L :). About the "bump" in the road,I was/still am concerned about that. I'm still over the moon after watching Snow Day and I can't imagine what that "bump" might be but I hope that it will only bring them closer and strengthen their relationship..
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