Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Im just popping in for some DL sweetness since I just went through the NY thread and it is so full of ... lets better forget it

our promo pic is not only love but also picture perfect. and Im glad AZ is on our side. I just dont get how people can say Carmine is not

would it be too much to hope for a pic of JUST our lovely couple? I know I ask at least once a month but Im persistent like that (or annoying, depending on which side of the fence you stand, in the words of my little brother)

I used to be blond while at university - my moms idea. now Im a hapy redhead

enjoy the rest of the day, my dear friends
Ok is it just me or is this week already going slow?!?!? Its monday here and I have got to wait untill Thursday morning to see the ep so Wednesday night is going to be a long one! But I know that I will not be able to concerntrate on thursday epecially if there are a few scenes with our sweet couple!

Ok if it airs 3:00am my time its.... 58 hours and 51 mins!!! (does that sound right? I think thats 2 days, 10 hours and 51mins- I am so bad at maths!) That really doesnt sound that long!!!!But then again it will feel like a lifetime!!!
Hi guys! A very quick word before I have to take off to a meeting (boring...)

Moriel21 said:
JenP that'd be cute if they said it at the same time...I do really want Linds to say it first, although when I think about it, there is something so sweet and fitting about the guy being the one to say those words first...so the more I think about it, the more torn I am! Although really, as long as they both say the words to each other...whoever says them first, I will be over the moon excited still! :lol:
I know what you mean, Mo! We're just so over the moon that it actually doesn't matter anymore who says it first or which way he or she does it. Maybe it can be bonus material on the season 4 DVD! :lol:

Rock on that you're a blonde...there seem to be a good number of us in here! I love it! ;)
I was a brown haired one once...for a while...but I felt so old at that time. Oh well, maybe I really am getting old :D

So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow! Bye! *Waves at everyone in this thread*
Hello buddies!!!
How ya doing today? I’m so happy ‘cause the premiere is another day closer! :D

Mo asked:
Who do you think will say "I love you" first?
Mmmh…that’s a good question. :rolleyes: They both are so in love with each other and it’s hard to tell who will tell ‘I love you’ first. I’d say Danny…I can see him preparing a surprise for her, like a romantic dinner, and finally saying her ‘I love you, Montana’. I don’t know why, but I think that he would say it first. :)

Lol, I adore all y'all! I love how we are totally dissecting this promo pic...it's awesome! I swear we should all be honorary CSI's! We rock at discovering all the tiniest details and what they mean!
Yeah, CSI made us CSIs! :lol: Besides, when there are pics of our lovely ship around, it’s impossible not look for the details. Now I can’t stop staring at the promo pic and the same happened when I found the pics of SD and SOOH…The zoom of my computer was going to crash! :lol:

Carolina said:
our promo pic is not only love but also picture perfect. and Im glad AZ is on our side. I just dont get how people can say Carmine is not
I agree with you, that pic is perfect! It’s a work of art…and our ship too! They could do a banal promo pic with the team standing in front of the lab or near a corpse, but they didn’t! Their positions have a meaning and it make that pic interesting. ;)
AZ on our side it’s a great thing... ;) but Carmine?! :confused: I think that he’s on our side, too… :) If he wasn’t we’d hear something about him complaining about DL, but we’ve never heard anything. IMO, he and Anna are both happy for the relationship between Danny and Lindsay, they are perfect together and both the actors are very good looking… ;)

Oh, welcome back Liffy!!! We missed ya and your novels! ;) :)
I just dont get how people can say Carmine is not

In the interview he gave this site a couple of months ago, he was asked about his thoughts towards the DL relationship (which makes sense, since he's half of it) and he said that he didn't like certain things in SOOH. However, the way I read it, he likes the relationship. In other interviews around various places on the Web, he has said that he does support Danny/Lindsay and feels it is good for Lindsay as a character. But he's entitled to dislike some aspects :) but I can't see how they feel he's against it just because he disliked some scenes in SOOH :confused:

*rubs eyes* Could it be? *gasps* It is!!! LIFFY!!!!!!! *tackles buddy and gives him big kisses* My darlin' Mo, they are simply "I missed you" kisses, so don't get any ideas now, do y'hear? ;)

ETA: Good Lord, they messed up the casting list AGAIN :rolleyes: Oy.
Good evening all! :D

I love to read all your answers to Mo's "Who'd say 'I love you' first"-question, :) but it's also pretty confusing. :mad: I've figured it out for myself, but when I read other people's reasons I go "hmm, that sounds great too"... :p

JenP said:
She couldn't do a new hairdo last season, 'cause she gained so much weight...(I think she had a reason for it ). But, as I said before, I like her new hairdo. It somehow makes her look more grown-up...like she's ready to face the rest of her life Speaking of 'blond hotties'....I'm a natural blond...
I think you're probably right. TPTB used the longer and wavy hair to hide the fact that 'Lindsay's' face had become a little chubby. :D

LOL :lol: Jen you're a natural blonde too...there sure are a lot of us here :eek: (I've tried different colours too, but this just fits me better :cool:).

carolina said:
would it be too much to hope for a pic of JUST our lovely couple?
Ooh, that's not too much to ask for at all! I'd love that. :D A picture like that Mac and Stella one, with all kinds of hints about what's going to happen to them this season. That would be awesome! :)

Liffy I'm so glad to see you back! Just in time for the finale too! :D
Woo-hoo! Only 52 hours and 10 minutes left to go! :D

Sorry I haven’t been around, but since getting promoted to management the company seems to think they own my life :rolleyes:.

Liff, are you still sf? Come on, you know you’ll want to read Catey’s spoilers! Speaking of which… Catey, do you think you are going to just do one spoiler box, or two (one vague, one specific)?

in denial stuffy said:
*rubs eyes* Could it be? *gasps* It is!!! LIFFY!!!!!!! *tackles buddy and gives him big kisses* My darlin' Mo, they are simply "I missed you" kisses, so don't get any ideas now, do y'hear?
Hee-hee. :devil: Don’t believe her Mo. :lol: (just teasing ya Stuffy) ;)
Oh, and Mo, are you watching the ep as it airs since you don't have to share your tv now? I look forward to one of your novel-like review posts regarding the eppy, especially if there are D/L parts (being vauge for you sf'ers). Even though the pairing is canon, I imagine all of us D/L shippers will still hunt for every touch, look, checking out, or even chance glance that takes place!

dearest dutch said:
carolina said:
would it be too much to hope for a pic of JUST our lovely couple?
Ooh, that's not too much to ask for at all! I'd love that. A picture like that Mac and Stella one, with all kinds of hints about what's going to happen to them this season. That would be awesome!
Even if we don’t get separate pics, that promo shot on the beams has people grouped in such a way that there is a slight space between the pairings, so once we get the HQ shot, cropping should be a breeze! It is a lovely D/L shot, and Smacked shot as well. :)

I’m all tingly with anticipation for this eppy! It feels like it has been forever since Snow Day! I love this show, I love this pairing, and I love my shippy buddies! :D

Mental note: pick up big bag of M&M's before Wednesday night.
^^Awesome! Thank you so much!!! It is now my computer's wallpaper. Lindsay looks amazing, and Danny looks... *drool*

I must go look at it more to check out the details AZ was describing!
^^Awesome! Thank you so much!!! It is now my computer's wallpaper. Lindsay looks amazing, and Danny looks... *drool*

Not a problem :) it would be my wallpaper as well, except that I don't have my own computer :( but it is the background for my mp3 player :)

Personally the only two people I see are Danny and Lindsay ;)
Well, since that is all you can see () here is a link to a crop I did of the photo for D/L: lookie-lookie
Zoom in on it for clarity.

Oh my...*giggles and faints from teh hawtness* mer you're the bestest! *huggles*
*Mo steps into the thread, jammin' along with Pink, "I'm coming up so you better get this party started! I'm coming up so you better get this party started!" ;) *

Hello my shippy buds! Hello and welcome to the thread that will soon be squeeing up a storm cuz our premiere is only 2 days, 1 hour, 20 minutes away!! YAY!! Our ship is Canon, they are in love and it is only a matter of time before they say those words in public to eachother...all the time! *Squee!!* :D

Stuffy you got an HQ version of the promo!! *Mo huggles her brilliant buddy!* YAY! Now that is LOVE...oh the joy...lol, now let the real dissection begin! :lol: Thanks for the smaller version of just D/L, Mer-bear! ;)

Oh and yeah Mer hon, now that I'm on my own I have sole control of the remote and therefore heck yeah I will be watching the eps as they air! WOHOOO!! Heehee! And I will do my best to live up to those lovely long detailed posts after the eppy you liked so much! ;)

Lol, I think Carmine loves D/L he probably wasn't just crazy about having Danny walked on...but I think he is okay with how it came out! ;) Smex on the pool table tends to be okay with most guys...smex on a pool table with someone hot like Anna...a character he "loves" yeah I think he's okay with that! :devil:

Okay I'm off to get my laundry done, and then to watch the first in a long line of premieres that I am stoked about this week! :D *Mo sighs happily!* I LOVE premiere week! :lol:

*Mo giggles and skips off to her bubble to study the new big promo pic for "clues"!* :D
Hiya Shippers!! :) I don't have much to say tonight. Fluffy T basically said it all for me---we share a brain. Hey, I'm doing laundry too!!

I will say that I am excited for the start of the season---mostly to see how this season plays out for our favorite couple. The promo pic gives me hope for a positively fluffy season. Angst just needs to scatter on outta here. ;)

After our famous/infamous :lol: couple gets down from the scary high place someone should definitely toss them back into the broom closet until the season premiere. :devil:

Shipper Wishes and D/L Dreams!! :D
Aud wub!! *Huggles!* Lol, we really do share a brain, even doing our laundry at the same time! Heehee! :lol:

Lol, no worries honey I'm pretty sure there can't be any angst left after a good study of that promo pic, and combine that with the awesome spoilers/info we've been getting for our couple and angst doesn't stand a chance! :D

"Scary high place"? :lol: Fluffy Twin I adore you! ;) And okay we'll do that...you grab Linds and I'll grab Danny ;) and we'll shove them in the broom closet together! :devil: Heehee! :D
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