Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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Hi all you D&L supporters! I'm new here, just recently got into this adorably hot couple. I've watched the show off and on all 3 seasons but was too obsessed with Michael and Sara on Prison Break to notice any other couples! Now that it looks like TPTB at PB are taking them away from me, I had to find a new ship to set sail on. Danny & Lindsay more than fill any void I was feeling!

Sorry, I talk a lot. :D Hope to get to know you all and share in some D&L love!!
Roni welcome! You have joined at a fabulous time in our couple's lives... :D They are officially Canon and this season promises to show more and more of them in love and sweet together! Hopefully many more of the amazing cute flirty scenes we've had since Linds got to NY! Sorry you had to lose your PB ship...but I must say if you need a replacement ship to fall in love with...D/L is so totally the perfect ship for you! :D

Welcome and enjoy! :D
Thanks! I am so excited about the new season! Wednesday can't get here soon enough! That new promo shot of Lindsay with her toes in the hem of Danny's jeans is made of awesome!!
thank you so much for the promo, you just completly made my morning.

I cant believe the premiere is tomorrow. it sounds so beautiful - tomorrow :) but I wont be able to see it until Sunday. I dont know how I manage but I will try

have a fluffy day
No problem about the misunderstanding stuffy hon ;) It was even good as it made me think of every details of some more beautiful scenes *huggles back*

Welcome Roni :D

I love how we're analyzing the picture down to the very last detail.
Yeah, so do I. So thanks for the big beautiful HQ pic :D But yeah, I mean, I was already surprised by how we managed to go trough an entire summer discussing two seasons and keeping the thread going fast (or so I think but I wasn't even here when there was a season on), again and again, and not running out of subject! I think we have seen almost every detail there has to be seen, anxiously waiting for something new, and now that we have a picture to analize and stare at, that's all we think of :lol: :p But, gladly, we don't have to wait that much longer :D
Well hello all my shipping-buddies!

There was just one part of the promo pic I wasn't too happy about... Danny and Lindsay both don't wear a ring... So that has to wait until season 5! :D

The apple kinda confuses me... anybody had any ideas?

Ah well, CANON!

It looks like Hawkes and Flack are trying to hide something...Flack's cleaning his gun and Hawkes checks it while they both seem to be looking at the same thing... :eek: I'm curious...

See you soon!
OMG! I suddenly had a great thinking-moment...it has to do with that awesome promo pic!
OK first... Adam looks like he's overhearing something Danny and Lindsay are saying. That could mean he's the one finding out they're together...or -if everyone already knows- he's the one overhearing Lindsay telling Danny she's expecting a child :eek:

And why do I think it's that? 'Cause Lindsay is not eating a buffalo burger but a healthy sandwich! :lol:

My imagination has taken me over...But I like this idea!

See you!!
"Good morning, Good morning, I've dreamed the whole night through, Good morning, Good morning to you, and you, and you, and you!" *Mo giggles and twirls happily into the thread!*

Good morning shippy buddies...apparently I'm in a singing mood because I started thinking about our "countdown" to our premiere and all I could think was, "Tomorrow, tomorrow, we'll watch it tomorrow...it's only a day.....a....way!!" :lol: (Yay y'all can't tell I'm just a bit excited about this can ya! :lol: )

I can't decide though if I want to try and be realistic and lower my hopes and expectations so that if we do in fact get some D/L tomorrow night I'll be "surprised" or if I want to stay on cloud 9 and risk being disappointed! (Not that I'd be really disappointed cuz we're canon and at that point one can't be disappointed anymore really!) It's just that right now, I think I'm so giddy that I think some part of my brain is half expecting the eppy to open tomorrow night with another pool table scene or something fitting their "Canon" status and while I really hope we get something I'm fairly sure it won't be that! :lol:

Lol, JenP I love that you looked for a ring too, cuz I totally zoomed in as close as I could on both of them looking for the exact same thing! ;) Right on! :D

Okay I have to run to work...not that I'll be able to really focus much between now and tomorrow night! But at least it's tomorrow night now! Yay!

Have a fabulous day my shippy buddies and I will see y'all this evening! :D

*Mo waves and shimmers away in her bubble, settled firmly on shipper cloud 9!* :lol:
OK this pic is really getting to me!!! Its not a bad thing I love the pic but its making me go crazy!! I can not wait untill we get S4 DL!!!

aahhhh- ok I am tooo excited to be bothered to count down to the premier!!!

OK I got to go out now- but I am so gald that I logged on first!!

*Nat jumps on all buddies out of excitment!*

PS anyone else zoom in first to look at Lindsays toes where shes holding Dannys jeans?!?!?
welcome aboard, roni! welcome back Cuzzy…hugs and muah!

okay, not to bring it back up again after a PAGE of wee and squee for the promo pic, but when i re-listened to the NWILL ending, i heard a faint, ever-so faint, ‘...love you” and his mouth moves (he def says something, but it’s the question of what). that’s why I thought it could be an “I love you.” i figured that danny blurted it out cause we all know he means it. ;) but hey i could be very wrong too. :lol:

one more day, shippys! we made it! great cropping, merbear. that promo pic is weeeeeeee-worthy. cant stop staring.

*premiere party at my humble Gutterville house with a picket fence: beautiful S3 recaps of our special D/L moments and we’re playing Pin The Tail on Danny*

got to print that fic of yours, dutchy, for my afternoon read.
"Let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here...let's get it started (ha), let's get it started in here"

Hello to my shipmates!! Only one more day until the premiere! Y'all getting ready for it by buying packets of M&Ms and preparing to squee? :D

After our famous/infamous couple gets down from the scary high place someone should definitely toss them back into the broom closet until the season premiere.

xD no worries hun, they're already in the closet! I'm manning the DL Observation Booth, and we've got hidden cameras allllll over! DL cannot hide from us ;)

All together now...


ETA: Welcome aboard Roni27!! You'll have a fantastic time here aboard the Dantana :) please enjoy this complimentary packet of M&Ms and indulge yourself in the love that is Danny and Lindsay :D *throws celebration confetti into the air*
Ok well beacuse the UK has got Part 1 I re-watched it put subtitles on any way this is how the conversation goes....

Danny: Lindsay!
Danny: Lindsay!
Lindsay: Danny!
Danny: All right?
Lindsay: Yeah
(he whispers)

Well that just got me really annoyed!!! But it could be 'OK, You're Ok!' as much as I want it to be 'I love you' I don't think it is!!

OK if im right we hav got 30hours left!!!
Howdy guys! Unfortunately, I'm just here for a blip - am still running around like a headless chicken - who still needs his D/L fix. :)

I've been all gooey and mushy inside and it's all D/L's fault! I blame them!! :D And you guys too :p

Yep Mer, I'm still SF. And no - I don't have the slightest urge to read Catey's spoilers (sorry darlin' - no offence intended). I'm 100% SF - YAY ME! :D I tell, teaching does WONDERS to your patience and self control. I feel proud. ;)

Anywho - to keep this post on topic....

An awesome friend of mine - DKM (you may recognise her from FF.net), an extremely gifted person :) has made an incredible wallpaper that I thought I'd share. It is - amazing! DKM's Wallpaper

Yes, well - it's TOMOROW!!! I am so psyched - I think i'm just going to go to sleep and make the day pass that much faster - granted I'll only be able to watch it on friday, which means I'll be disappearing off again...to keep meself SF that is :(

Danny and Linds look incredibly hot, and I for one, have made up my mind, that I simply love her new look. It's definately more fresh, more lively, and will hopefully reflect on her character throughout the new season. Her character's passed all the trauma, and it's her time to shine now. Danny looks more at ease now, he doesn't have to keep working to distract himself anymore cos he's in lurrve, and she loves him back :)

Wouldn't it be simply amazing for them to exhange I love you's on the show? :) *melts...alot* Not the corny, sappy moment - candle light stuff. Just something on the side, like a "luv ya babe, see ya when I get back" or something like that. Short, spontaneous - D/L - like.

Anywho - I'm off. Sorry it's not a novel length post...but those will return! I promise! If I don't pop by tomorrow - then ta till friday! Muah!

*Liff runs off, but not before pouring a bucket of chocolate sauce and marshmellows over Mo, Mer, Cuzzy and Stuffy. Everyone else gets strawberries thrown at them, and you can all share! :D *
Well look who decided to pop in :) you need to come out of hiding more Liffy!!

An awesome friend of mine - DKM (you may recognise her from FF.net), an extremely gifted person has made an incredible wallpaper that I thought I'd share. It is - amazing! DKM's Wallpaper

That name sounds familiar (is it who I think it is?) - and the wallpaper is absolutely gorgeous :D loves it!

Wouldn't it be simply amazing for them to exhange I love you's on the show? *melts...alot* Not the corny, sappy moment - candle light stuff. Just something on the side, like a "luv ya babe, see ya when I get back" or something like that. Short, spontaneous - D/L - like.

You got me squeeing now! That would be simply perfect - it's always the little things ;)
*comes in wearing a curly red wig :eek: and sings at the top of her voice: "Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, You're always a day away!"*

I just can't believe we actually made it! :D *eats some of Liffy's strawberries and looks forward to the return of his novel-like posts ;)*

Txs so much for the HQ pic. Wow, you can certainly zoom in on some interesting stuff :devil:

aud said:
The promo pic gives me hope for a positively fluffy season. Angst just needs to scatter on outta here.
and then Mo said:
there can't be any angst left after a good study of that promo pic, and combine that with the awesome spoilers/info we've been getting for our couple and angst doesn't stand a chance!
and then finally JenP said:
The apple kinda confuses me... anybody had any ideas?
Well, I had all kinds of strange and pretty angsty :p ;) ideas when I saw Lindsay sitting next to Adam AND an apple *mumbles things like 'trouble in paradise'* :eek:, but I've decided to leave that for now and blame it entirely on my vivid imagination. Let's just focus on the 'really important' things...

JenP, Mo, we may not see a ring, but I've also noticed that they're both 'hiding' ;) their left ring finger.

And they both look GREAT....I love Lindsay's dress :) (AND Stella's shoes *drool*).

Roni Welcome! :)

Oh and to kill the time until the season actually starts, I leave you guys with the final chapter of my fic:

On Wings of Love - Ch.5 Circle in the Sand

Enjoy! :)
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