Danny/Lindsay #19: Clothes Aren't Necessary Or Needed!

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"I finally found the love of a lifetime, A love to last my whole life through, I finally found the love of a lifetime, Forever in my heart" Ah, I bet D/L is thinking the same since a while ago now ;)

Hm, Mo's question on how will say "I love you" first. Good question, but I don't know what to answer. I can see them both doing it. Yet I also know they don't need to say it to know they love each other :D Those looks are everything :p But er, maybe Danny will be the one TPTB will show us saying it, following the logic, because he was the one who first said it for real in LRC, no?? But as stuffy said, I think it would be a really nice touch to make Lindsay say it, to show that she has let him inside her, destroying the shell she had, and just no longer being afraid to show her feelings or whatever it was she was confused with until Montana. Did that make any sense at all? :rolleyes:

I won't see season 4 episodes :( Not in a matter of months at least. Im thinking maybe in May or something. I don't really know. Ah, this wait sort of kills me, but I will have the news shared by you all, I know it :)

I'm so glad we had a bigger version of the picture, for me to really analize. I didn't do so with the smaller one. Lindsay's hairstyle seems to suit her in that picture, gives her a free/fresh look I think. (I still don't know if I like it better than the curly/wavy style. That was my big passion of all times :lol:) The dress is cute on her as well! I like the way she is looking at him ;)
Dutch, Natty, Stuffy are you all not able to actually watch the eppy's as they air? I mean Dutch I know you're in Holland...Stuffy, Natty where are you two? And yup I am SOOO excited for our new season and I am really hoping we get new credits, especially since we've got new hair for Linds and possible have Adam as a regular...I think that most definitely asks for new credits!

being British does have its downfalls!!!!
but you know me i'm getting up very early on thursday morning to check out caps and clips on YT!!! You guys best fill me in!

Ok... Who will say I love you first?

I know what you mean Danni! I think Danny will say it first also. Like i've said before TPTB want to prove that Danny has changed (but we know he did in ZY!!!) from a player to someone whos in love!! I also agree with the Lindsay part! Then again I think theres going to be a lot of opotunites to say those 3 words judging by that pic!!!

They are glasses!!!! I thought it was a funny looking necklace!!

Did anyone else notice the cigarette behind Dannys ear???
But er, maybe Danny will be the one TPTB will show us saying it, following the logic, because he was the one who first said it for real in LRC, no??

He said it at the end of NWILL. Right when he pulls her into teh hug, he looks up (at heaven since he's grateful she's alive) and mumbles "I love you" right before asking "Alright?". It's hard to hear, but he definitely says it.

And your explanation did make sense Dani :) I think it would be great for Lindsay to speak those words first. *bribes TPTB with a cookie*
Er, stuffy, I didn't explain myself that properly, but I meant the first time he said it to her, the first time they talked about 'it'.

Danny: Lindsay Monroe! Can I talk to you for a second?
Lindsay: Yeah.
Danny: I have to know what's going on with you (Lindsay sighs) Ok I mean, you and I have this thing right? This chemistry, like we're into each other , but every time we were in the same room today it's like... (Lindsay stares at the floor) Don't tell me you don't feel it also.
Lindsay: I can't do this Danny.
Danny: Can't do what?
Lindsay: I can't be in a relationship with you.
Danny: I'm not I just- I just- I don't... I'm talking about spending some time together, dinner, a few drinks, some laughs.
Lindsay: Look Danny... I like you... A lot, but right now I can't. It's not you okay? It's... I need to be by myself so I can... Work some stuff out... that I thought I had... Put behind me... I didn't mean for this to happen.
Danny: It's okay.
Lindsay: Maybe we should just do our jobs.
(Lindsay starts walking away)
Danny: If there's anything you need from me, just let me know, ok?
(taken from tv.com)
Oh, angsty LRC :rolleyes: I like it though, especially because of his care and how he shows his support :) When he says 'its ok' it's like everything to me. Lol. Seriously, because we know that it's not really that ok, I mean, he is left there in the doubt, not aware of what is happening, but still doesn't put any more pressure on her.

But, I still can't hear or understand him saying 'I love you' in NWILL :rolleyes: It's just 'something' to me, I cant figure out what. Anyway, it's a lovely scene, and what matters is the gesture, the hug, the looks, the concern in his voice, the comfort she finds on him :D

Natty, I did saw the cigarette or at least the thing that it's on Danny's ear, which imediatelly made me think of the Tanglewood storyline and of Louie.
Dani said:
But, I still can't hear or understand him saying 'I love you' in NWILL It's just 'something' to me, I cant figure out what. Anyway, it's a lovely scene, and what matters is the gesture, the hug, the looks, the concern in his voice, the comfort she finds on him
I don't hear it either :(...I still think he looks up to the heavens and says 'thank you' instead of 'I love you'. If he had really said the latter I think Lindsay would've wanted to talk about that later. :) And wouldn't his behaviour right after she left and during the time she was in Montana not have been different if he already loved her then? :confused:

And yes that cigarette is probably a Louie reference, but my shipper heart immediately thought of that fabulous RSRD scene where Lindsay finds his DNA on the cigarette butt and tells him about that first :D...THE turning point in their relationship for me. :D :)
Well he says something :p maybe it was 'thank you'. Anyways, I'm just glad we got teh hug *giggles*

I hope we hear about Louie this season; I want to find out what happens to him.

And yes that cigarette is probably a Louie reference, but my shipper heart immediately thought of that fabulous RSRD scene where Lindsay finds his DNA on the cigarette butt and tells him about that first ...THE turning point in their relationship for me.

*giggles* I love how we're analyzing the picture down to the very last detail. Everything seems to have a meaning...but I like the reference dutch - that was certainly a great DL moment, especially the fact that she went to him before giving the results to Mac.
I wished that he said "I love you" in NWILL but he said "thank god".

One 2 more days! *Squees**

I did notice the cigarette. AZ did say to notice the clues in the promo picture.
I wished that he said "I love you" in NWILL but he said "thank god".

All this analysis is making me watch the scene again...thanks girls :p

*crosses fingers for mention of Louie this season...I have cookies TPTB!! Yummy cookies!*

ETA: Well it certainly sounds like "thank God" - this was the result of me watching it several times, cranking the volume, and putting my ear close to the speaker. No I am not obsessed, what are you talking about? ;) :lol:
"What a Beautiful Mess, what a beautiful mess I'm in! Spending all my time with you, there's nothing else I'd rather do!" ;) *Mo giggles and twirls into the thread, on cloud 9 now that Fall has officially begun and Premiere week is truly and officially here!* YAY! Hello shippy darling's! How are you all this fine evening? Have a cookie! *Mo passes out warm gooey peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies!* It's here, it's here, it's here! Well okay "it" isn't quite here...but Premiere week is here and that means "IT" is coming very soon...as in...3 days, 40 minutes away! YAY!! Heehee!

Ohhh yay I'm glad that y'all liked my "who will say 'I love you' question first! Okay so let's see...tallying the answers thus far...JenP, Carly, Natty think it should be Danny who says it first....while Stuffy & Dani think Linds should say it first...and Dutch is being a tease and won't tell us yet! ;) (Just kidding babes, I love that you made that part of your ficcie that I adore! :D ) So then in response to my own question...I gotta say if I'm thinking what the PTB will do, I tend to think they would probably have Danny say it first...I liked what you said Natty that having him say it first would prove yet again that he is no longer anything of the player that he used to be so long ago! But if I had my way, I would have Lindsay say it first...because I think Danny has put himself out there so often that it would be really nice to see Linds take that step and be the one to say it first. And I think what would be even cuter would be to have it just slip out...like have Danny do something sweet for Linds and she grins at him and without even thinking just sighed, "I love you" without even realizing what she said until Danny stops and turns to look at her...I love the big grand moments, but something simple and sweet would fit these two perfectly I think! And I have to say I really, really, really (hint, hint here PTB!) hope that we get to see them say this to eachother! :D

Darlin' from the land of windmills and blond hotties Dutch nodded:
And now that we can actually see Lindsay's new hairdo, I gotta say that I really like it...It makes her look much younger and more care free...
Yeah I have to say I agree babes! I was a little worried (okay a lot worried) when I heard/saw she'd cut her hair, but now that I see it, yeah I think it's really cute...definitely flirty and younger and carefree! Honestly (and here comes the cheese! ;) ) it makes her look that much more like a woman in love! Lol! :D

Fluffy Stuffy-wuffy honey wondered:
and mumbles "I love you" right before asking "Alright?". It's hard to hear, but he definitely says it.
But then Dutch darling countered her...:
I don't hear it either ...I still think he looks up to the heavens and says 'thank you' instead of 'I love you'.
Yeah I gotta agree Stuffy honey, I think Dutch's right...I am almost positive he does not say "I love you"...I would LOVE it if he had and I would totally be squeeing up a storm if it came even close, but I am 99.9% sure he doesn't! Ooops just saw you rewatched it and said the same thing...sorry hon! ;) Yeah I'm pretty sure he looks up and says something like "thank you" or "alright"...one of the two! :lol:

And yes that cigarette is probably a Louie reference, but my shipper heart immediately thought of that fabulous RSRD scene where Lindsay finds his DNA on the cigarette butt and tells him about that first ...THE turning point in their relationship for me.
Lol, I adore all y'all! I love how we are totally dissecting this promo pic...it's awesome! I swear we should all be honorary CSI's! We rock at discovering all the tiniest details and what they mean! :D And yeah I think the cig is probably a nod to Louie and them possibly bringing him back...but like you Dutch I think too it's a nod to RSRD too...which I totally agree with you by the way that that was the "deepening" point for them! I LOVE that ep...angst and all, I love it! It's just so....LOVE! :D

Okay, my back has decided to spasm on me and turn horribly icky feeling so I'm off to dope myself up on pain meds...oh yay! :p Heehee! So have a fabulous night my darlings and remember, our premiere is SOOO close! YAY!

*Mo waves and shimmers off in her pink fog filled fluffy bubble!*
good morning :) everybody

And I think what would be even cuter would be to have it just slip out...like have Danny do something sweet for Linds and she grins at him and without even thinking just sighed, "I love you" without even realizing what she said until Danny stops and turns to look at her...I love the big grand moments, but something simple and sweet would fit these two perfectly I think!

I love your idea, Mo. it would be great if it happen along these lines. it would not only show that Lindsay is as serious as Danny about this relationship (which she is, duh) but also that she is not as guarded as before. it would be funny and cute and totally DL

I gave my reasons for why I think it would be Danny but I too think it should be Lindsay

I cant believe it is going to be this week. I cant wait for Thursday :)
Lol, you say Good morning Carly and I haven't even said good night yet...this time difference thing cracks me up! :lol: It's fun though! :D

I know right, wouldn't it be SO fitting if it was just a simple little moment like that for it to slip out...and it wouldn't make it any less serious or important just "fitting" for them somehow! :D

Wednesday at 10pm can't come soon enough...like seriously, is it here yet...now? Wait so....now??
Hi guys! *JenP bumps in, just coming out of the rain AND feeling a bit of a cold coming up... :( *

So, it's monday here and we're just a few days away from the BIG beginning of the season!

Moriel21 said:
So then in response to my own question...I gotta say if I'm thinking what the PTB will do, I tend to think they would probably have Danny say it first...I liked what you said Natty that having him say it first would prove yet again that he is no longer anything of the player that he used to be so long ago! But if I had my way, I would have Lindsay say it first...because I think Danny has put himself out there so often that it would be really nice to see Linds take that step and be the one to say it first.
Oh yes, Mo! You're absolutely right there! And I even think there is a real possibility that TPTB let Lindsay say it first, 'cause of what you said. Lindsay needs to show some initiative.
But Natty also had a great point there with Danny being the grown up-guy, no longer a player.
Ah well, maybe they'll say it to each other at the same time, and then they'll giggle over it :lol:

Mo also had something to say about Lindsay's new hairdo:
Darlin' from the land of windmills and blond hotties Dutch nodded:
And now that we can actually see Lindsay's new hairdo, I gotta say that I really like it...It makes her look much younger and more care free...
Yeah I have to say I agree babes! I was a little worried (okay a lot worried) when I heard/saw she'd cut her hair, but now that I see it, yeah I think it's really cute...definitely flirty and younger and carefree! Honestly (and here comes the cheese! ;) ) it makes her look that much more like a woman in love! Lol! :D
:lol: She couldn't do a new hairdo last season, 'cause she gained so much weight...(I think she had a reason for it :p ). But, as I said before, I like her new hairdo. It somehow makes her look more grown-up...like she's ready to face the rest of her life :D Speaking of 'blond hotties'....I'm a natural blond... :D

Stuffy said:
and mumbles "I love you" right before asking "Alright?". It's hard to hear, but he definitely says it.
So, we're all gonna watch NWILL now, right? To get in the mood! :D

And now I'm gonna watch some little D/L moments on YT...See you!

Psst...Liff! Where are you???
*Liff finally finds time to pop into the thread, weary of any flying food articles flying in his direction*

Hey guys! I'm back - miss me much? Mind you I was dragged away against my will - so to speak. I've been disconnected for the past few days and on top of that, super busy. Anywho - that's all over now!

I'm not even going to try to answer any of the aforementioned questions since it'll probably take forever to type and read - so I'll save you all the trouble. Mo misses my novel posts? haha - they'll be back. I asure you.

OMG - the cast promo pictures are obvious love! And what AZ said was simply icing on the proverbial cake :) Lindsay's (unbelievably bare - and hot) legs hooked onto Danny...*drool* Goodness, I'm going all soft on the inside now.... *sigh*

Dutch, people are linking Linds to Victoria Beckham? Erm, okay - someone needs to go out and take a good look at the both of them. Better yet - open their eyes. Her new hairdo reminds me of Delta Goodrem - a tad bit. Not sure how I stand on the new do yet - but if Danny loves, I sure do! I liked her curls before though...

My first thought was why Hawkes is carrying a plunger...before I realised it was a flashlight... nvm.

Anywho - I'm going back to stare at the promo pics for a little longer. Be back later!
*Mo pops in warbling along to the tune of '99 bottle of Beer on the wall'..."Two more days left to wait! Two more days! Count down the hours, just a couple more hours, Two more days left to wait!" :lol: * Wow I'm a dork! :rolleyes: But hey it's Monday and when it comes to our ship and our amazing, in love, CANON couple...I'm quite comfortable being an all-out dork! ;)

Good morning my buddies, how are we all this fine Monday morning? We are officially 2 days, 15 hours, 6 minutes away from the start of our premiere and I am STOKED!! :D

JenP that'd be cute if they said it at the same time...I do really want Linds to say it first, although when I think about it, there is something so sweet and fitting about the guy being the one to say those words first...so the more I think about it, the more torn I am! Although really, as long as they both say the words to each other...whoever says them first, I will be over the moon excited still! :lol:

Rock on that you're a blonde...there seem to be a good number of us in here! I love it! ;)

Liffy!!! You're back! *Mo flying tackles her Gutter bud, refusing to let go!* Dang it man you're not allowed to leave again...and yup I missed your novels! ;)
Isn't our promo pic LOVE! And yeah what AZ said made me melt inside too...*Sigh!* :D

Okay unfortuantely I can't hang out in here all day everyday until the premiere....stupid work! :p So I will see you all later today...have a swell Monday!

*Mo waves and slips off to her fluffy bubble...!*
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