*Liff swoops in with a barrel of laughs cos it's SATURDAY!* No work, no need for early mornings and no kids! (Even if I love them to bits).
Stuffers-in-denial said:
*casually jumps over Liffy's extended leg* Haha nice try pal. I have swift reflexes 'cause I'm a goalie
Well I'm a kindergarten teacher. Our reflexes are surpassed by no one - that and we've learned to move our eyes to the back of our heads. :lol: So nice try
Stuffy but you're STILL covered in paint and twitching on the floor

Mwahahaha :devil:
Jen said:
Since it's weekend I think it's gonna have to be saturday afternoon: we can go BBQ!!! And bring some pj's with you, 'cause it'll be a sleepover!
Oooh, I'll fire up the grill!!
ETA: Liff, I really like those picture! Who has more of them?
My friend found them on myspace, but I have no idea. I'm not big on photo manips. I like 'em originale. Closer + less clothing = better :lol: :devil:
Dutch said:
I think we must keep him far away from that BBQ tomorrow...he seems like the type to set the whole garden on fire while trying to show off his masculine skills...
Rofl! Yeah, I can definately see Danny setting the garden on fire, but he can't be that bad, I'll fire up the grill and he can go play with his Montana in the wading pool :devil:
Is there a reason why we all see as being clumsy? I don't think he's THAT bad - maybe it's just amusing to think so. He'll need to mellow out before the baby arrives

He's his baby boy's hero after all!
Cuzzy asked:
do you think we'll get to see them (espescially danny) say 'i love you'? or particularly danny, would he be the type to not say it but show it through his actions instead?
I agree with
dutch. I think he'll show it more in his actions than his words - it would probably be more meaningful to him. I can see him just blurting it out at some random time when they're washing the dishes or brushing their teeth without a second thought.

And then they'll have a marathon on the bed... (sorry, I could not resist! = said in perfect french accent)
EVIL Stuffy said:
He'll flex his delicious arm muscles for us ladies, and Montana will strip for Liffy. "Yo Messer! Which way to the gun show?"

How come when guy takes his shirt off it's okay, but when a woman takes her shirt off it's considered porn? So unfair... :devil: Although...D/L wouldn't care cos they've probably seen each other's bodies more often than solving a case :devil: hee!
See Liffy? I'm not all that evil
If you're not evil, I refuse to speak to you.
Jen requested:
Can you all bring the most romantic movie ever with you tomorrow?

I'll bring A Walk To Remember (love that movie) and...the Pride & Prejudice Movie? It wasn't that bad... I need more romantic movie titles...I'm blank right now.
Dutch said:
When Lindsay starts stripping I'm sure that not only the garden, but Danny and Liffy will be on fire too...
*Danny and I chorus* We don't mind! :devil:
Ladies have those super soakers handy...
And I have the soap :devil:
Moey said:
THANK YOU!! I totally agree!! I've been thinking they need new credits for most of this last season! I mean I like them, and the song is perfect...but I want new pics! Some new hot pics would be totally awesome!
Yep - new season opening please TPTB! If we're asking too much then...nvm!!
No worries Danny baby, I just talked to Linds and she said you should go find her and show her your "skills"...
She's waiting in the little wading pool over there :devil:
Sarah said:
I would rewind so many times just to watch the opening credits
Haha - after the episode right? Don't wanna prolong the D/L goodiness!! :lol:
Dutch said:
:lol: I just knew that, that was the angst you'd like :devil: ...totally agree...HOT
Ahh, that would be the only acceptable kind of angst - Right
Moey?? :lol: It IS hot :devil: They're gonna have to have some time off too - "Kiss and make up" have got nothin' on them! :devil:
Dani said:
*Dani goes to prepare the stuff to bring to the party...Don't tell anyone, but I'll have to escape in the middle of the night from home, so my parents dont know that I'll be at the sleepover
You can tell them there's going to be a teacher there to supervise :devil: Hahah - that's the best excuse I've ever come up with a teacher
This thread is going to boom soon enough when the Season airs!! We're on 21,
Cordy!! Where art thou?? Can't miss YOUR OPENING!!
Heh, I'm off to putter about around the house. Catch you guys later!