Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Who's gonna bring the loveliest couple ever??

Well considering Rad and I snagged them whilst everyone was distracted...:lol: *points at our banners* They worked their magic.

Woohoo another party! I'm at a car wash but it ends at 4:00, so I'll be over there afterwards. DL Marathon anyone? :D
*eyes Stuffy suspiciously* You better not be running off with them too far tomorrow; we need them at Jen's party... :D

Is it just me or are there more of you always thinking Danny is a little adorable, sexy clums...He may have all the moves down when it comes to the smex :devil: *drools at Stuffy's banner*, but I think we must keep him far away from that BBQ tomorrow...he seems like the type to set the whole garden on fire while trying to show off his masculine skills... :rolleyes:
Angel who is back asked:
do you think we'll get to see them (espescially danny) say 'i love you'? or particularly danny, would he be the type to not say it but show it through his actions instead?
Funny that you'd ask that...I'm working on writing something like that into the story I'm still struggling with :mad:...I think he always considered himself as being one to show it through actions, and then, without thinking, he'll suddenly say it out loud; surprising himself even more than Lindsay... :D

*leaves to look for some nice pj's to wear tomorrow night*
We'll have them back in time for the part though! What's a party without Danny and Lindsay?

Page 21 already friends, that's pure amazement right there. Who knew 2 years ago this ship would become one of the most popular within the CSI series! Pure genious by TPTB... this time anyway.. :D
*points at self* Whatever are you talking about, dearest dutch? Besides, the party isn't until night. Danny and Lindsay can assist at the car wash. Haha what a sight that would be..."Danny! Stop spraying Montana with water!" "Lindsay, quit trying to rub Danny with the soap!" :devil:

do you think we'll get to see them (espescially danny) say 'i love you'? or particularly danny, would he be the type to not say it but show it through his actions instead?

I love when this is brought up :D I firmly belive that those three words will be spoken sometime this season. By whom I'm not sure (not being picky here) but I believe one of them will say it. It would make everything that much more realistic...I mean, you don't chase after someone for two years, travel across the country for them, take their shift, and not even say "I love you". Makes no sense to me.

I think we must keep him far away from that BBQ tomorrow...he seems like the type to set the whole garden on fire while trying to show off his masculine skills...

:lol: He'll flex his delicious arm muscles for us ladies, and Montana will strip for Liffy. "Yo Messer! Which way to the gun show?"

See Liffy? I'm not all that evil ;)
Welcome back Angel! *Gives buddy a big hug*

I just had an idea when I was watching Dirty Dancing...Can you all bring the most romantic movie ever with you tomorrow? It'll be great to watch at the pj-party in my house. I'll bring Dirty Dancing!

Who do you think can dance better: Danny or Lindsay?
^ I don't know why *whistles innocently* but I suddenly have the urgent need to go and wash my car... :devil:

When Lindsay starts stripping I'm sure that not only the garden, but Danny and Liffy will be on fire too... :lol:

Ladies have those super soakers handy...*IS evil* :p
Ladies have those super soakers handy...*IS evil*

Mmmmm wet half-naked Danny [insert licking smiley here]. Or completely naked, whatever floats your boat ;)

When Lindsay starts stripping I'm sure that not only the garden, but Danny and Liffy will be on fire too...

dutch!! *falls on floor laughing*
I can't believe that we only have "50" more days till the premiere! Time really goes fast! :)

...Did I hear a mention of a naked Danny? Who's got him! :)

**Vex gets her supersoaker ready to fire***
Hello, hello, hello!! *Mo pops in, jazzed it's Friday...as always!* Hi my peeps...So I just went and saw "Stardust"...totally hilarious and well worth the movie ticket price! It was really good! :D *Mo grins and nods her head before realizing something...* Wait....did I hear we've got a Nekkid Danny running around in here?? Wohooo!!!! *Mo grabs her running shoes and sprints off to chase Mr. Hot-and-Nekkid!! :devil: *

Cute bud who's gonna get tackled Stuffy whispered:
Psst Rad hun...we've got them under our trance! Let's steal DL and run for it
Yeah you're cute hon! ;) *Mo reaches out with her amazing cat-like Superwoman reflexes and snags her D/L back all without breaking her hynotic stare at her buddy's banner!*

Gutter king who still possesses his SF restraint Liffy:
Smut pwns them all
Yeah Liffy I gotta agree with that! Smut pretty much pwns it ALL! And fluffy smut...that takes the cake! Although Dutch...angsty smut, like after a big fight yeah that can be freakin' hot!! :devil:

Lol, Stuffy, Rad you two are cute but Dutch and I are onto you! Oh and my darling fluffy Twin and Raddy's Mommy Aud wub is right behind you two...so I'd leave Danny and Linds here if I was you two! ;) Heehee! I'm just saying! :lol:

My Gutter bud who rocks Liffy:
For them to shoot a new opening credit sequence. They've had the same sequence for 2 seasons now!! I want some HAWT
THANK YOU!! I totally agree!! I've been thinking they need new credits for most of this last season! I mean I like them, and the song is perfect...but I want new pics! Some new hot pics would be totally awesome! :D

My darlin' bud who love her strong coffee even stronger Dutch giggled:
but I think we must keep him far away from that BBQ tomorrow...he seems like the type to set the whole garden on fire while trying to show off his masculine skills...
:lol: :lol: Lol, I can TOTALLY see that too Dutch! Heehee! Awww poor Danny *Mo looks at Mr. Hotstuff who's pouting...* I think he's pouting cuz we're picking on his masculine skills! ;) No worries Danny baby, I just talked to Linds and she said you should go find her and show her your "skills"... :devil:

My darling bud Stuffy who brilliantly stated:
I firmly belive that those three words will be spoken sometime this season. By whom I'm not sure (not being picky here) but I believe one of them will say it. It would make everything that much more realistic...I mean, you don't chase after someone for two years, travel across the country for them, take their shift, and not even say "I love you". Makes no sense to me.
*Mo swoons at just the thought of that delicious lovely thing happening!* Ohhhhh. Stuffy hon, I sooooo hope you are right in your firm belief of that! That would make the whole season for me! Heck that would make the whole series for me quite possibly! I really really want that to happen!
Dear PTB:
Mr. Peter Lenkov told us that you really do actually read this site and this thread...so I ask you with all of my heart and on behalf of all my shippy buddies....please, oh please, oh please...let D/L tell eachother that they love eachother! PLEASE!! And thank you for the lovely D/L you've given us so far!
Blissfully fluffy,
Mo :D

Alright my darlings, and on that note I think it's time for me to head to bed! Sweet dreams to you all...*Mo pictures the half nekkid Danny hidden in her room and grins...* I know I'll be dreaming good dreams! ;)

*Mo grins ands climbs sleepily into her bubble, shimmering fluffily away!* :D
Woo! Its Friday *Dances around and throws confetti* I'm so happy, No school for a full 2 days! :D *Throws mini party* Woo that was fun :lol:

For them to shoot a new opening credit sequence. They've had the same sequence for 2 seasons now!! I want some HAWT
They totally need a new one! They can put Danny/Carmine then have Lindsay/Anna then show HAWT clips from 'Snow Day'. I would rewind so many times just to watch the opening credits :devil:

Man, this thread is so busy. I can't even imagine what it is like when the show starts up! :eek:
Im excited though, Who in their D/L obsessed minds wouldn't be?

This might sound kiddish, but I have this about 2 1/2 foot tall Tigger in my room :lol: I was looking at him the other day while doing homework and other boring stuff and I totally thought of you guys and our lovely...HUGE zoo! Those thoughts got me through doing my homework, thanks! ;)

Dear PTB:
Mr. Peter Lenkov told us that you really do actually read this site and this thread...so I ask you with all of my heart and on behalf of all my shippy buddies....please, oh please, oh please...let D/L tell eachother that they love eachother! PLEASE!! And thank you for the lovely D/L you've given us so far!
Blissfully fluffy,

Yes!! Thanks Mo! Speaking of Mo, I had this urge to call you Moey :lol: But I fought it :D

Nighty Night! Ship Buddies :)
Who knew 2 years ago this ship would become one of the most popular within the CSI series!
I don't think anyone knew back then Rad :), but I (amongst many others) was certainly hoping for it and I'm totally grateful that those wonderful PTB :D have decided to make it a canon ship!
an you all bring the most romantic movie ever with you tomorrow?
Great idea Jen! I'll bring my copy of the 'Pride & Prejudice' mini series (Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy *swoons* :D).
guttery minded Mo said:
angsty smut, like after a big fight yeah that can be freakin' hot!!
:lol: I just knew that, that was the angst you'd like :devil:...totally agree...HOT
*Mo looks at Mr. Hotstuff who's pouting...* I think he's pouting cuz we're picking on his masculine skills!
Aaw, poor baby...*huggles Danny*...no worries we all know you're pretty skilled in other 'activities' :D
They totally need a new one! They can put Danny/Carmine then have Lindsay/Anna then show HAWT clips from 'Snow Day'. I would rewind so many times just to watch the opening credits
That's an awesome idea Sarah! Yeah we definitely need new opening credits! :D btw love your Luna avvie! :)
*hugs miss Angel* Glad you're back hun :) And glad to know Cammie is not goign to be away for that much longer. Anyway, hello my dear buddies! Having a good Saturday? I truly hope so!

Dear Mo said:
I think he's pouting cuz we're picking on his masculine skills! No worries Danny baby, I just talked to Linds and she said you should go find her and show her your "skills"...
Haha, yeah, I could see Danny having some troubles as well, it's funny and cute! And he sure has other skills to show her :devil:

Have you noticed how we do not trust Danny's abbilities? We joked about the fact that he would be bad with the tent, now that he would caught everything on fire, and many more before :rolleyes: Poor guy, is he that bad? He cant be that bad, can he? Stupid thing is that it makes perfect sense to me to see him being clumsy with that stuff, just because it's funny and cute, and we just picture him that way. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we have in Lindsay that girl who does everything people may not expect her to do :rolleyes: Anyway, maybe he would surprise us :p :rolleyes:

Mo, let me just tell you that was a good way of nicely requesting what TPTB has to do next season. I believe "I love you" will be said. It makes all the sense now. They are NOT a one night stand *shows the proof adorable NY TPTB Pam Veasey and Peter Lenkov gave us, plus all the D/L adorable moments, including flirting teasing, smiles, smirks, hugs, holding hands, kiss, nose poke, pool table smex especially "I'm glad this happened" moment...Do I need to continue?! Good!*

Sarah said:
Man, this thread is so busy. I can't even imagine what it is like when the show starts up!
Im excited though, Who in their D/L obsessed minds wouldn't be?
Yeah, I was thinking of that as well. The worse part is that when the show starts again I will be starting school :(, so I won't have much time to be here :rolleyes: I'll have to manage to pop in tough.
Even tough I won't be watching the new season (sad as it is), but I want to know everything, and stare at amazing pictures...

Speaking of which, great one Liff ;) I would also like promo pictures of our lovely couple!

Our party starts today *Dani goes to prepare the stuff to bring to the party...Don't tell anyone, but I'll have to escape in the middle of the night from home, so my parents dont know that I'll be at the sleepover :p*
*Liff swoops in with a barrel of laughs cos it's SATURDAY!* No work, no need for early mornings and no kids! (Even if I love them to bits). :)

Stuffers-in-denial said:
*casually jumps over Liffy's extended leg* Haha nice try pal. I have swift reflexes 'cause I'm a goalie
Well I'm a kindergarten teacher. Our reflexes are surpassed by no one - that and we've learned to move our eyes to the back of our heads. :lol: So nice try Stuffy but you're STILL covered in paint and twitching on the floor :) Mwahahaha :devil:

Jen said:
Since it's weekend I think it's gonna have to be saturday afternoon: we can go BBQ!!! And bring some pj's with you, 'cause it'll be a sleepover!
Oooh, I'll fire up the grill!!

ETA: Liff, I really like those picture! Who has more of them?
My friend found them on myspace, but I have no idea. I'm not big on photo manips. I like 'em originale. Closer + less clothing = better :lol: :devil:

Dutch said:
I think we must keep him far away from that BBQ tomorrow...he seems like the type to set the whole garden on fire while trying to show off his masculine skills...
Rofl! Yeah, I can definately see Danny setting the garden on fire, but he can't be that bad, I'll fire up the grill and he can go play with his Montana in the wading pool :devil:

Is there a reason why we all see as being clumsy? I don't think he's THAT bad - maybe it's just amusing to think so. He'll need to mellow out before the baby arrives :) He's his baby boy's hero after all!

Cuzzy asked:
do you think we'll get to see them (espescially danny) say 'i love you'? or particularly danny, would he be the type to not say it but show it through his actions instead?
I agree with dutch. I think he'll show it more in his actions than his words - it would probably be more meaningful to him. I can see him just blurting it out at some random time when they're washing the dishes or brushing their teeth without a second thought. :) And then they'll have a marathon on the bed... (sorry, I could not resist! = said in perfect french accent)

EVIL Stuffy said:
He'll flex his delicious arm muscles for us ladies, and Montana will strip for Liffy. "Yo Messer! Which way to the gun show?"
This-a-way! :D How come when guy takes his shirt off it's okay, but when a woman takes her shirt off it's considered porn? So unfair... :devil: Although...D/L wouldn't care cos they've probably seen each other's bodies more often than solving a case :devil: hee!

See Liffy? I'm not all that evil
If you're not evil, I refuse to speak to you.

Jen requested:
Can you all bring the most romantic movie ever with you tomorrow?
Cool :) I'll bring A Walk To Remember (love that movie) and...the Pride & Prejudice Movie? It wasn't that bad... I need more romantic movie titles...I'm blank right now.

Dutch said:
When Lindsay starts stripping I'm sure that not only the garden, but Danny and Liffy will be on fire too...
*Danny and I chorus* We don't mind! :devil:

Ladies have those super soakers handy...
And I have the soap :devil:

Moey said:
THANK YOU!! I totally agree!! I've been thinking they need new credits for most of this last season! I mean I like them, and the song is perfect...but I want new pics! Some new hot pics would be totally awesome!
Yep - new season opening please TPTB! If we're asking too much then...nvm!! :D

No worries Danny baby, I just talked to Linds and she said you should go find her and show her your "skills"...
She's waiting in the little wading pool over there :devil:

Sarah said:
I would rewind so many times just to watch the opening credits
Haha - after the episode right? Don't wanna prolong the D/L goodiness!! :lol:

Dutch said:
:lol: I just knew that, that was the angst you'd like :devil: ...totally agree...HOT
Ahh, that would be the only acceptable kind of angst - Right Moey?? :lol: It IS hot :devil: They're gonna have to have some time off too - "Kiss and make up" have got nothin' on them! :devil:

Dani said:
*Dani goes to prepare the stuff to bring to the party...Don't tell anyone, but I'll have to escape in the middle of the night from home, so my parents dont know that I'll be at the sleepover
You can tell them there's going to be a teacher there to supervise :devil: Hahah - that's the best excuse I've ever come up with a teacher :p

This thread is going to boom soon enough when the Season airs!! We're on 21, Cordy!! Where art thou?? Can't miss YOUR OPENING!!

Heh, I'm off to putter about around the house. Catch you guys later!
Hey guys!!!!! *hugs everyone* I'm back. It seems no-one missed me :( Oh well, i'm used to it.

Wow you guys post fast! I was only away for a week but I had 3 whole pages to read!

Whilst I was in Kent, I went to a safari park, a farm and a rare species conservation centre. So, I have lots of pictures and ideas for our zoo. I'll load them up and show you. One that really sticks in my mind was this little monkey. He was loose so you could go right up to him, but if you tried to touch him, he bit you, but he was so cute. I thought we could add him into the zoo? I named him Mischief.

Also, whilst I was travelling to the beach, I saw loads of wheatfields, which instantly reminded me of DL. But I couldn't watch any eps coz the TV where I was staying didn't have the channel! And I forgot my DVDs! :mad: So, when I got home, I just had to have a DL marathon! :lol:

Anywayz, I gotta jet, but i'll be back later. Love you guys! PSG xxx
Hee PSG, welcome back! You didn't have to read that much though, I had to read a whole 10 (!) pages of new posts when I came back!

BTW: It's PARTY-TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The music's on and I'm in the garden, drinking a nice cool beer! See you all soon!
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