Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Fine I hope. Yup, because our ship rocks :D Besides, I heard we're having a party again (like if we ever stopped :p ) and Rad gave out DLicious cookies!

Dear Aud said:
I saw a plate tonight that said "DKL". All I could think of is D/L. DKL= Danny's kissing Lindsay.
That's just too awesome! I absolutely love that code/quote whatever you call it! I think it should be an official D/L code/word as Moo and M&M's . DKL is LOVE :D Seriously, I just loved it Aud hon! *huggles buddie for having one of the best lines of the thread* ;)

SB, I am so sorry to hear that about CSI:NY over where you are. They can't do that to you, in no way!

Is it just me or I can't stop giggling over the tought of Liff teaching art to little kids while thinking of D/L somehow? Seriously, it's too cute to hear you talking about the kids, there's just this sweet picture in my mind...Aww, I bet they are so lovely :)

Liff[/b], go paint with the kids a little bit more]The interview is great :) Thanks Top! It all seems very good to D/L, the Halloween episode seems very promising...and there's ups and downs (as we knew from Pam Veasey), but as lovely dutch said "yeah! bring on the Angst"! Yay for it! it's realistic and it's good! Besides, Lindsay has her own storyline, as well as Danny right? So it's all good! Everything seems in the right way!

About the sun burn, thank you all!

And hey, where are some of you guys? Mer, appear from where you are hidden! And Angel, where did you go? kissme is not here yet, and I miss Cammie...
Hey buddies!

Liff[/b], go away!] Yay! I’m soo excited about that eppy! I can’t wait to see Danny and Lindsay alone in the creepy house! I can see Danny holding Lindsay’s harm because he’s really scared, that would be funny. :lol: However, we should build a statue for Peter Lenkov in Gutterville, near the statue for Pam Veasey! :D Btw…thanks Top for the awesome interview! :)

SB said:
But I don't like that they're going to quit showing CSI:ny here ... Just when we started to getting closer to the SOOH-episode. (The last episode here was Some Buried Bones.) And I haven't found out when it's going to start airing again.
Oh…That’s terrible! I hope that they’ll start airing it again! I still don’t know when season 3 will be aired here…probably in January 2008. :( I can’t wait to see it dubbed in Italian!

Dani said:
and I miss Cammie...
Don’t worry hon, I’ve just talked with her and she said that will be back soon. She asked me to say hello at her favourite cousin and that she miss ya all! :)
"Don't you wanna dive on in, yeah, the water feels right...dancin' on the edge of love you're a beautiful sight...come on baby, give me a little more you!" Stuffy giggles at Mo's contagious songs and hugs all her fellow buddies, uber-happy about the excellent DL news*

Ahoy shipmates! How are we all doing on this lovely Friday? I know that Mo wubs is still curled up with *coughrobotdannycough*, and Liffy is wiping the paint off his face from the adorable likkle kiddies. Where be everyone else? :confused:

Agreed on a PL statue next to PV. They both deserve it after all they've done for our ship. We should also have a Peter Lenkov Day.

*gives her buddies a kiss on the cheek before swooning off to get some coffee, cause she needs it right about now*
Stuffy said:
Liffy wubs, this whole denial thing must be stopped. You love me :)
Where on EARTH are you getting this whole denial thing from sweetie? Are you like trying to convince yourself that me wubs you or something? :lol:

Mo said:
Awwwww, I bet he's adorable!! I keep seeing totally cute kids around too...that remind me of our lovely couple! Little girls with blonde curls and brown eyes!
i keep seeing them everywhere :) They're so adorable!!

Lol, M-rated dream...nice! Pool table related perhaps!
that...and more :devil: I long for a little scene of them in bed together, just...lazily stroking...their skin...in a...loving way...talking about...paying the bills or something :) D/L domestic!!!

I have a "walking lobster look"?? What hon, I'm totally confused!
Oh nvm :) :p

Stuffy said:
Mo wubs, don't tease poor Liffy. He's trying real hard to be SF, and he's doing a dang good job of it too.
Haha, it's actually easier than it looks when you have a life outside of the thread :lol:

Aud said:
Awesome PL interview!! Liff, I don't think Bo or the other SF shippers see it as off-limits simply because it came from Lenkov---one of the PTB---himself.
Ahh, I think I'll keep myself surprised. But know this - the only thing that will break my SF is a bad D/L spoiler. That I gotta know so that I can get our pitchforks and sandwiches ready :devil:

DKL= Danny's kissing Lindsay.
:) Yay! I want a plate like that too!!

I wish we had some promo pics
Dont hit me (too hard) but i hope we dont! A D/L promo pic would sooooo destroy my resolve in a heartbeat :eek: Other promo pics are good :) D/L oh god please no....unless I get off the horse first, then that's fine. :p

I never understood why the history channel showed CSI:NY (the one here doesn't) but it's odd when I heard it. Heh, oh well. Can't wait for the new season all the same!

Dani said:
Is it just me or I can't stop giggling over the tought of Liff teaching art to little kids while thinking of D/L somehow? Seriously, it's too cute to hear you talking about the kids, there's just this sweet picture in my mind...Aww, I bet they are so lovely
DONT get me started on my kids. They are a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!

Abby said:
I can’t wait to see it dubbed in Italian!
What does Danny sounds like? :p Can you imagine italian with a staten island accent? rofl!

Hee! Lovely d/l spoilers yay! (and i get this purely from your responses. I'm that good ) :D :p Bah! I can't WAIT for Season 4!!!!!!!!!! Damn it, how long left?? I abandoned my countdown, it was starting to depress me :eek:

I'm off to go find some food. Have a fabulous Friday y'all!! I need a nap... ;)

Where on EARTH are you getting this whole denial thing from sweetie? Are you like trying to convince yourself that me wubs you or something?

*coughdenialcough* I need no convincing.

DKL= Danny's kissing Lindsay.

That is the most awesomest thing I have ever heard :D

Is it just me or I can't stop giggling over the tought of Liff teaching art to little kids while thinking of D/L somehow? Seriously, it's too cute to hear you talking about the kids, there's just this sweet picture in my mind...Aww, I bet they are so lovely

*giggles* I see a sweet picture too Dani. Liffy covered in paint whilst the kiddies run circles around him :lol:
*Mo dances into the thread singing what else by the....Finally Friday song!! "It's finally Friday, I'm free again! I got my motor running for a wild weekend! It's finally Friday, I'm outta control, forget the working blues and let the good times roll!" :D *
Morning my lovelies...*Mo grins waves and drinks her coffee!* How are y'all?

Shippy buddy who's cute but silly Stuffy winked:
I know that Mo wubs is still curled up with *coughrobotdannycough*
Yeah we both know that's only cuz I was being nice and let you steal him cuz you popped over to the E/C thread and posted chica! Don't be rubbing it in and making me come over there and steal him back! ;) By the way hon, I know we've all said this but your banner is seriously addictive! :lol: I keep getting distracted as I type...my eyes keep going back to it and staring! *Mo swoons a little and stares some more!* :devil:

Gutter king with amazing powers of spoiler resistance Liffy:
That I gotta know so that I can get our pitchforks and sandwiches ready
*Knock on wood that we don't get those kind of spoilers!* Here's hoping you never have to break your SF rule then hon...cuz I'm totally okay with having no bad D/L spoilers!! :D I'm perfectly okay letting my pitchfork and protesting signs gather dust! ;)

A D/L promo pic would sooooo destroy my resolve in a heartbeat Other promo pics are good D/L oh god please no....unless I get off the horse first, then that's fine.
Ohhhhh, but I really want them!! I LOVE promo pics...I think they get me more excited for the season than the spoilers do sometimes...although we've had some good spoilers too...but still! And pics don't have to be spoilers bud! I mean if they're just promo pics showing how hot D/L are gonna look this next season...you can see that, right?! :D

Okay y'all...I gotta be off to work! YAY that it's Friday, that makes me very happy! This week went by fast! Nice, cuz I love my weekends! :D More time to spy on D/L and their "activities"! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

*Mo grins and shimmers slowly away, dousing the thread with fluffy pink fog as she goes!* :D
Yeah we both know that's only cuz I was being nice and let you steal him cuz you popped over to the E/C thread and posted chica! Don't be rubbing it in and making me come over there and steal him back!

And I wubs you for it. But you can have him back, cause now it's time to snuggle with Bryan *cuddles up to her favourite hockey player who is also a professional snuggler*

By the way hon, I know we've all said this but your banner is seriously addictive! I keep getting distracted as I type...my eyes keep going back to it and staring! *Mo swoons a little and stares some more!*

*giggles and waves hands* Yes...stare at the banner...it's quite entrancing...let the hawt images flood your mind...there is no escape...

Psst Rad hun...we've got them under our trance! Let's steal DL and run for it ;)
Hi guys!

I just cleaned my house - you know, the one in Gutterville-, the music is on and the only thing we need right now is some D/L loving buddies!

Everyone just needs to bring some drinks and little snacks and we're partying! :D

O, Gutterville must be the greatest place to live!
*blinks* WoW! page 21 already!

how about a party at my place
Jen I'm guessing that party will be this weekend :D...Gives me enough time to bake some pies (to throw around ;))...
the one trying hard to resist reading the PL interview said:
we all know that your angst simply cannot be a larger percentage than your fluff. It's unacceptable. Fluff > Angst. Smut pwns them all
Oh yes it most definitely can! :p But if I have to give up some of my angst it would be to the smut :devil:...you're right about that...but on the other hand angst can be pretty smutty too :devil:...*lands face down in the gutter again*
she who's 'engine' runs on coffee too said:
And I think we should change that 20% fluff, 20% gutter...to just 40% fluffy gutter...cuz I find that those two are pretty close to the same with this ship!
Thus far all their guttery moment have been totally fluffy yes, but I'm still hoping for some guttery angsty moments...
Where be everyone else?
I be here Stuffy! :) One of the people on my team is on holiday, so I'm very busy these two weeks (only one left - yeah! :D)

I'd love to see some nice promo pics...I don't think there were any for season 3, so they better make some really, really good ones for season 4 :cool:...I just know they will both look even hotter this year... :)

Liff[/b]]The more I think about it, the more I want it to be Halloween already...love to see them move through that house...hope the more detailed spoilers for that ep will be out soon 'cause I'm so curious to see what (case?) brings them there.

*keeps a close eye on Stuffy and Rad* leave our lovely couple here you two! :mad:
Stuffy I'm with you. I'll keep distracting, you get the two love birds and we'll escape unnoticed. :lol:

Aunt Mo thanks for the count down info, excellent, we've broken 50. Sweet as pie.

Oh folks, we wont keep Danny and Lindsay for too long...
Stuffy I'm with you. I'll keep distracting, you get the two love birds and we'll escape unnoticed.

Excellent plan Rad! *whilst everyone is distracted by the purty banners, Stuffy grabs the real Danny and his Montana and swoons off like a silent shadow*

Our plan was a success! Y'all know you wubs us :D
Friday, friday, friday FRIDAY!! YAY!

Not-so-innocent Stuffy said:
I see a sweet picture too Dani. Liffy covered in paint whilst the kiddies run circles around him
Oh well - I'm so glad you guys approve :lol: Now just replace me, with a confused Danny, covered in pain, and his baby boy running around in circles. Makes an EVEN BETTER mental picture :lol: :)

Mo said:
I'm perfectly okay letting my pitchfork and protesting signs gather dust!
Oh yeah, hear hear to that! I'm definately a-o-k with letting them go dust gatherin'. :D

And pics don't have to be spoilers bud! I mean if they're just promo pics showing how hot D/L are gonna look this next season...you can see that, right?!
Well that's true, but I don't want no episode promo pics. Gosh you know what I REALLY want? For them to shoot a new opening credit sequence. They've had the same sequence for 2 seasons now!! I want some HAWT

More time to spy on D/L and their "activities"!
What activities would that be? *blinks innocently* Gardening? :) :eek: I just had a mental picture of our couple rolling around on the grass....or in the hay! :devil: I can see Danny askin' Linds the next time they go back to Montana if they can go for the proverbial 'roll in the hay'. Just cos he's never done the real deal before :devil:

Naughty Stuffers said:
Psst Rad hun...we've got them under our trance! Let's steal DL and run for it
HAH! You forget ME! No one takes DL away unless Mo and I say so. And since she's....periodically encapacitated, I'm gonna just.... *extends foot out and trips Rad and Stuffy before pouring wet pain over them and getting my little kiddies to throw feathers and other miscellaneous items. Cesar! Put that brick back where you found it!*

WOO HOO! Party at Jen's Place!!

Dutchie said:
But if I have to give up some of my angst it would be to the smut
Oh please do. I can always do with more smut-buddies. :eek: It sounds so much dirtier than it really is :lol:

Delusional Rad said:
I'll keep distracting, you get the two love birds and we'll escape unnoticed

Stuffy said:
whilst everyone is distracted by the purty banners, Stuffy grabs the real Danny and his Montana and swoons off like a silent shadow
Now - is that before or after you fall down to the ground like a limp noodle covered in paint? :lol:


No-one. I repeat. No-one. I repeat - yet again. No-one steals D/L!

Okay, so I don't know who this is by, but a friend of mine sent it to me:


I had to blink a few times when I first saw it. *snuggles Brandy* She's the best!! Can ANYONE else fathom what the REAL d/l pics are gonna be like?? Ahh I think I'm going to go pass out somewhere comfortable in a state of mental bliss. HEE!
Oooooo purty manip! Me like :)

*casually jumps over Liffy's extended leg* Haha nice try pal. I have swift reflexes 'cause I'm a goalie ;)

Yeah, so...if DL happen to be missing, don't look at us. We have nothing to do with it.
O Dutch, you're absolutely right! I totally forgot to say when the party will start! :D

Since it's weekend I think it's gonna have to be saturday afternoon: we can go BBQ!!! And bring some pj's with you, 'cause it'll be a sleepover!

Who's gonna bring the loveliest couple ever??

ETA: Liff, I really like those picture! Who has more of them?
im here, miss dani! :)

wow, i come back to find all these drool-worthy/squee-worthy danny and lindsay banners and avvies! oh yes, that is a purty manip!! ;) no more csi:ny during break, stuffy?? :( how are you going to get that DL fix?

i just watched stealing home. love that episode! and i just realized how far D/L has come and that they are soo in love. repeat question: do you think we'll get to see them (espescially danny) say 'i love you'? or particularly danny, would he be the type to not say it but show it through his actions instead?

welcome back buddy jen (pssst funny story with the tent)!
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