*Mo twirls into the thread, yes...twirls!* :lol: It's my birthday in 2 days, I am dang well allowed to twirl! :lol: Plus our couple is CANON baby, so canon the PTB officially stated they're in a relationship!
Hi y'all! How are you all this fine evening? I'm doing great! Today was my last day of work for the week, and my b'day is in 2 days (I'm a little excited in case you can't tell! :lol: ) So, sounds like y'all have some fun plans....everyone's goin' on vacation this weekend, lucky y'all!

No worries those of us hanging around home will keep things going in here!

Have fun y'all who taking off for the weekend! Enjoy your trips...we'll keep the home lights on!
Silly fluffy flirty Stuffy grinned:
someone needs to keep a weather eye on Liffy and Mo. I won't have a computer with me so alas I cannot check up on these cheeky ones.
*Mo glances over at Liffy and then attempts to look innocent...
Us, cheeky? Why we're angels!
*Mo bats her eyes cutely!* Don't know why y'all need to keep a weather eye on us...we're always good!

*Mo grins and winks at Liffy!*
Naughty...I mean "Angelic" buddy Liffy suggested:
Ooh. I'll keep a weather eye on Mo and she can do it on me
Right Mo?
*Mo nods enthusiastically!* Right! Sounds like a good plan to me bud!

By "keeping a weather eye on eachother" you mean wreck havoc and spread lovely fluffy naughtiness around this whole thread right? :lol: Cuz then heck yeah babe!
Spoiler Queen Catey dear sighed:
CSI:NY is being removed from the History Channel, so it won't be airing daily anymore.
Wait, you got CSI:NY daily?? How did I not know about this?! Was it always on the History channel every day? Wow, sad day that I missed that before it went off the air! I would have loved to watch that every day...although currently I guess I can anyway, cuz I own Seas.2's DVDs!
Homeland of my heart and secret clog lover Dutch hon held her breath:
*comes in wearing a gas-mask trying to stay pink-smoke-free* You fluffies cheat!
:lol: :lol: Lol, yup we do babes...I will freely admit that!

Anything to get the fluff that we so very much adore!
LOL Mo my b'day is on Monday ...guess you don't mind if I consider Pam's lovely news a early present for me too...
Your b'days Monday hon? Sweet deal! That's awesome! Yay for us having b'days so close together! And heck no I don't mind that you consider it an early b'day present for you too...it totally is!
Flirty fluffy buddy Stuffy
remember that he's mine *eyes Mo*
Lol, no worries hon!

I'll keep my hands off...I've got Danny, plus my own secret crush remember! So yours is safe, no worries!
Angsty niece who is breathing our pink fluffy fog right now Rad denied:
Oh no, I am not a fluffy, don't pin that on me That was a one time extremely rare occurence.
*Wink, wink!* Sure it is hon, sure!

It's okay to like fluff, even for an angsty! I am a VERY secure fluffy who can admit to liking a bit of angst myself! (RSRD is one of my fav Seas 2 eppys!

Alright...I'm gonna go grab some food...Danny's hungry anyway...so he's off in search of Linds for a bit of "snack" :lol: ... :devil: I'll be back!
*Mo shimmers off in her bubble, happy as a giddy clam!* :lol: