Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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*hands dutch some ice and a pillow to lie on* what a random incident. i hope your head is okay now. DoWaR was too cute! the bantering is obvious and i loved the “hey you” look in the cellar! there were so many looks at each other by danny and lindsay throughout the episode. flack was probably giggling (we know he’s not awkward with D/L bantering) inside to their little playful attitudes! dont forget the PAT too! :D cabana boys! ;) and stuffy, lindsay has her ways...when it comes to danny! :devil:

i love how innocent and rather shy danny can be when he's around lindsay. its TOO cute. :)
Hello my lovely D/L shippers! :)

Dutch Darling!! :( Gah, I'm worried about you bless your heart. I can't believe this happened. I'm so glad that you are okay---I hope you feel better soon. I say you get some rest and watch our lovely couple on DVD's or whatnot all day. We'll take care of you! ;)

Thanks for posting the pics---I love that "Come here, stud" look that Lindsay's got on her face. :devil:

See y'all later. Gotta drive back to work. :cool:
Aww Dutch! Get better hon :) Not to stay OT but I got a concussion once...stupid mailbox... Anyways :lol: Rest up so you can come back and party with us. Speaking of parties, we should have another one. Another party thrown by someone else because mine was kind of a dud :lol:
dutch love, I hope you feel better. Here are two gifts from me to you:

Only one button left hun ;) :devil:

Edited to add my answer to catey's question since I haven't done that yet

Lindsay - wearing Danny's shirts when he's at work and she's at home.
Danny - listening to country music, since his Montana is from the country.

Edited a second time in response to catey's purty spoiler box...so Liffy go play with Linds for a sec

I heard that there is no DL interaction...and that Angell is returning. For how long I'm not sure, but apparently she's in this episode. Not overly keen on this, since we don't need more damn rumours about her and Danny
Dutch, I do hope you are better soon. So sorry that happened to you. Check your email, I sent you something to make you feel better.

Ah, ILuvJonathanTogo, don't worry about the party, it was fine. I wasn't around as much as I like last weekend, but you did fine. By the way, what's your nickname for on here? I know it's probably been said, but I'm crappy with remembering all the nicknames, and there are many on here. lol.

Liffy and Mo, you can be smutty in your guess for the guilty pleasures, I just said it didn't have to be. So give in to your temptation, and tell us what you really think!
Spoilers are starting to come out for episode 4x04, which is named "Time's Up". Not much to tell so far, it's a time travelling story(?), and I need more time to tell you guys about any potential D/L. I do know Lindsay is in the lab a fair bit, and that it is a two case episode. And Danny works with Angell and Stella on a case involving a deli, and a sacrifice. I shudder that Angell is back, but how the person dies in the deli is making me laugh to much to write about it. I'll be back with more as I find out!
Is is wrong for me to think about Danny doing kickboxing as his guilty pleasure?

I don't think so! :)

We get some more spoilers! As much as I want D/L to be in every episode together, it's impossible to do that. We have to see them mixed up with the whole cast too. I'm not particularly thrilled that Angell is back but I'll have deal with that. Thank you Catey for the spoilers. it sounds like a great episode.
Okay, here's some more
A case involves Mac/Hawkes/Lindsay and Flack. This is the time travelling case. Not quite sure how they will pull that off. B case is an college co-ed in a deli, who dies. Little if any D/L in this episode.
Hello my dears! *Mo skips into the thread, perky as a peacock (is that even a saying? :lol: ) that it's finally Thursday evening...meaning tomorrow is Friday baby!* :D How are y'all this fine evening? The sun finally came back out here, so it's beautiful again! :D

Darling from my birthland who needs to be careful! Dutch:
still have a bit of a head ache and I'm feeling a litle hazy, but those lovely D/L pics helped a lot...
Wowza hon! *Mo hands her Dutch honey some ice, tylenol, and a loving Danny to soothe the pain! ;) * You gotta be careful hon, we need you alive and well and kicking around here...concussion's suck, so I feel for ya...been there, done that, playing soccer, not so good! Take care of yourself okay hon! :D

Aud!! *Mo tackles her Fluffy Twin and snuggles her!* Hi wub! :D

Awwww Stuffy dearie, that daisy is gorgeous (my fav flower! ;) ) and that pic of Danny...*Mo swoons and begins to drool...!* :devil: Wow...that man is GORGEOUS!! With those muscles and all that skin showing...ohhhhhhh wow baby! *Mo unconsciously licks her lips...* Yummy baby! :devil: Thank you, thank you! ;)

Spoiler Queen extrordinaire Catey winked:
Liffy and Mo, you can be smutty in your guess for the guilty pleasures, I just said it didn't have to be. So give in to your temptation, and tell us what you really think!
Lol, Sweet! :lol: Thanks hon...although I think my real thoughts on that will most definitely get me whacked by the meter! :devil: Heehee! Oh well! Hmmmmm....I think Danny's guilty pleasure is Linds' gorgeous behind :devil: and I think Linds' guilty pleasure are Danny's hands...(yeah take from that what you will :devil: :lol: )...Oh and Catey hon, do share the other spoiler details you've got...pwetty pwease?! :D
Angell is back hmmmmmmm, okay...but before I freak out about that, (cuz I totally could believe me! :rolleyes: ) we can't forget about the PTB's promise of continuing D/L in this new season! I don't think Angell returing will be a problem for our ship..the writers know better than to mess with us or our ship at this point! ;) Our ship is golden! They're so CANON they can't be stopped! :D

And that...as they say...is that! :lol:

*Mo grins and nodding her head definitively steps up into her bubble and glimmers confidently away!* :D
Mo glad you liked the pics. Alas, that button is for dutch *runs and hides before her fellow buddy can dump sauce on her for saying that* But Danny still wubs you ;)

It's not that I'm worried Mo...I just don't want any more nasty rumours circulating of Angell and Danny, both from the show and the fans. We've had enough of those :rolleyes:. catey love are you going to be okay? :p I know the way that college girl dies is..well...strange to say the least (that word can't even begin to describe it).
Lol, I think since Dutch bumped her head so hard she can have that last button Stuffy hon...this time! ;) Heehee! I am envious though...all that yumminess underneath, oh yeah baby! :devil: And Danny's still my guy, no worries there! ;)

And yeah by the way...I agree with you on the spoiler response! For sure :D
And Danny's still my guy, no worries there!

*giggles* Well technically he belongs to Montana, so...I kid! *runs from buddy who is holding a rather large bucket of ice cream*

But yeah, that picture is heaven. rawr.
Ah, ILuvJonathanTogo, don't worry about the party, it was fine. I wasn't around as much as I like last weekend, but you did fine. By the way, what's your nickname for on here? I know it's probably been said, but I'm crappy with remembering all the nicknames, and there are many on here. lol.
I don't think I have a nickname incase I missed something...:lol: You can call me Sarah for now :)

There was rumours about Danny and Angell? I never knew that and now that I do, eww. D/L always and forever :lol:
Lol, don't tempt me Stuffy hon! ;) *Mo looks at the bucket of ice cream then at her buddy...then she giggles, takes a spoonful of the ice cream to taste and dumps the rest over Stuffy's head!* :lol:

Lol, I agree Sarah... :lol: Ewwwww, indeed! :lol: It's D/L all the way...210%! :D :D
*giggles cause it's infectious* You wouldn't dump that bucket on my head, would you now oh dearest Mo? You wubs me too much.


There was supposed to be a scene with Danny and Angell sometime during the third season where they're talking and it's clear that Danny is thinking about Lindsay (this was when she was in Montana) but it got cut. Also I think there was some stuff brewing from the fans who dislike DL, just to rattle our cages a bit. Anyways, Mo is right...it's DL all the way. We're getting good news on Wednesday regarding them, and we've already got the news that they, and I quote, "will be together". I'm not cocerned about her working with Danny for those reasons. I just think that they don't need to keep bringing in characters. They already added Flack and Adam's girlfriends; I think that's enough. The six main characters, Sid, Adam, Angell, Kelly, Flack's g/f, Drew... :eek: that's a lot of characters to keep tabs on.

And I just realized that this box in incredibly long :p

*swoons off for now whilst sipping on a fruity drink*

Edited because apparently I can't spell
^^Don't worry, Stuffy! Sometimes I can't spell either. :eek:

Howdoo, Shippers! :D It's TGIF! Wonder what our famous/or infamous :lol: couple are doing? Still in the broom closet I'd imagine. :devil:

I wonder if Wednesday will give us any different news from what Kristin told us. She told us pretty much what we wanted to hear...

Y'all have a lovely day now. :cool:
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