Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

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I'm back!

Actually, My neighbor's grandson has passed away and I have been over at their house to help them out. Please keep him in your thoughts. He was 18 years and I found out today that he was an only child.

And we are about half way till the premiere of Season 4. Who's ready for that?

And now I have to say what my hair color is. I have blondish-brown hair with blonde highlights. And my hair is short.
And we are about half way till the premiere of Season 4. Who's ready for that?
What!? Only half-way? Guys, I don't think I will make it...
Okay drama aside.

Actually, My neighbor's grandson has passed away and I have been over at their house to help them out. Please keep him in your thoughts. He was 18 years and I found out today that he was an only child.
Oh, Im sorry. He's in my prayers :)

Question for those who are good with internet talk... (this is wayyyy OT btw) what does FTW mean, and am I really that dumb that I can't figure it out?
The way I know it is "For The Win". Hope that helped Rad ;)
Okay, we've had discussion of favorite songs, favorite activities, favorite vacations, but here's another one for the world of D/L: What do you think their favorite guilty pleasure would be? I'm talking about something that they love to do, or watch or read that they would be embarassed to have the other know about. And Liff and Mo, it does not have to be something naughty, no matter if I used the word "do". lol Anyway, since they are a new couple, what do you think they would do their best to keep the other from finding out that they like?

And on the subject of being able to do the one eyebrow lift when skeptical about something, I can do that too. Embarassingly, I learned to do it when I was a teenager and had an obsession with a different tv show and that character did the one eyebrow lift. I'm pathetic, I know. Laugh amongst yourself if you have to, but it's a useful thing to be able to do now that I have kids. One look at the eyebrow going up and they know they aren't fooling mom. lol
*Liff pops in with a cup of hot chocolate*

Brr...I'm cold. Mind you, I'm asian and we're from the tropics. Winter is unknown to us. (I'm ignoring the fact that I've lived overseas for half my life for the sake of argument) :lol: hehe.

Morning all! Or, well it's afternoon for me here. *chuckles* ;)

Dani said:
By the way, does anyone know if Chell is in a really affected London area? :(
I have no clue actually, does she even live in London? I haven't seen her online (here or messenger) in a while now, so I hope all is well with her. For anyone out there who's listening, send some rain here please! It hasn't rained here since last year!!

[insert single eye-brow raise look here]
Can you actually do that? Cool :cool:
Well...no I can't actually do that. My brother has convinced himself that he can, but he's delusional. :lol:

Stuffy wubs said:
*waves arms in air dramatically*
*gigglesnort* I had to lol when I read that :lol: For some reason I pictured a ball with nubbly arms running around...wait. I have an emoticon of that, no wonder :p

Rad said:
I've been in MAJOR Harry Potter mode, I mean so bad, I finished the book in 14 hours. WEIRDOOO...
That must make me a freak then cos I finished it in 9 hours. :eek: Oh the sadness that is my life *holds hand up to forehead in dramatic pose. Holds for a moment and the skips off to look for more strawberries* :D

Catey said:
Okay, we've had discussion of favorite songs, favorite activities, favorite vacations, but here's another one for the world of D/L: What do you think their favorite guilty pleasure would be? I'm talking about something that they love to do, or watch or read that they would be embarassed to have the other know about. And Liff and Mo, it does not have to be something naughty, no matter if I used the word "do". lol Anyway, since they are a new couple, what do you think they would do their best to keep the other from finding out that they like?
*stomps foot on ground* Hey! What do you mean it doesn't have to be dirty? :p Okay, okay, I'll have a shot at innocence for once. Gimme a minute...

You know, I somehow think Danny's seen as someone who likes to go out and party alot, at least, maybe before he met Lindsay. But I think they'll spend alot of time together just doing nothing, sitting together cuddling on the couch, without saying anything - just happy to hold each other. *melts* I think that wouldn't be something they'd publicly advertise, and there's still the whole "I don't cuddle" episode with Danny. He cuddles big time ;) and we know it too. Linds loves it and I think that's just something they do to get away from it all. You know, the good ol come home and just...cuddle to drive away all the day's nightmares. Add in some strawberries...and (alot) of tongue wrestling and you have the perfect D/L evening. Complete with shredded clothes.

Okay...so it got naughty by the end of it, but you guys get the idea :p I love my fluffy thoughts.

OT: Just as a side thought, I've been dubbed the Gutter King? Well...I've been called King Liff in the Sandle thread too :p :lol: Guess my naughtiness is all me then ;) right Catey hon? I'm naughty everywhere :devil:

:eek: Catey you can do the one-eye-brow-lift? :p That's cool. I can roll my tongue, flare my nose and block my nose with my lips. I have more control over my upper lip than most people :p hehehe.

I'm such a freak...I know :lol:
Good morning people! :D *Mo skips into the thread...happy as a clam...* Good morning and guess what today is? That's right once again it is our shippy couple's unofficial anniversary/favorite holiday...Hump Day!! ;) Happy holiday to all of you! :D

Yay there's my Angsty nieces...Hi Rad, Vex! :D Wow Rad hon, I'm impressed you plowed thru HP that fast...and Vex sorry to hear about your neighbor...that's sad!

*Mo looks around the thread to make sure everything is as she left it when she was last here....* Stuffy's still flirting with Liffy....Check! Liffy's still in the Gutter where he always is....Check! :lol: And everyone is loving our D/L couple and getting dragged to the Gutter by Liffy or me or both of us :D ....double Check!! Awwwww, things are all good! :lol:

Ohhhh Catey you ask about Guilty pleasures and then say no naughty thoughts?? That's like putting chocolate in front of a girl and saying just look at it!! :lol: Alright I'll attempt to not be naughty (I think I can manage for 2 seconds! :lol: ) Mmmmmmm....I could see Linds being a Pro-wrestling fan for some reason...and no one knows but she secretly loves to watch that! :lol: And Danny...mmmm, lol okay this totally popped into my head and I don't know why...but I could see him loving to use Linds' girly smelling shampoo for some reason I totally see him doing that! :lol: :lol: Dunno why, it just fits! :D

Okay that said I gotta go! Work calls and unfortunately I can't hang up on it! :p :lol: So I will see y'all later! Have fun today! ;)

Catey I'm totally jealous of your eyebrow lifting abilities by the way! Can't do it and would LOVE to! :lol: I can curl a mean upper lip though! ;)

Okay...later y'all! :D

*Mo shimmey's into her bubble and glimmers away!* :D
DoWaR is on today for those in the states. they skipped over SOoH! dutch or anyone else: do you have screencaps for the “pass-by-we’re-so-together look” danny gives lindsay at the beginning of the episode in the wine cellar? i want to see! happy hump day. cuzzy, yep it is Moo…and ”Wally”. i really did name the cow Moo.
Anffy!! I saw you over at DLC babe. Woohoo time to party :D

So psyched for DOWAR!

Ask and you shall receive (btw I absolutely loved that look):

yup, that was me over there. wizard-ress stuffy! you made my DOWAR cap wish come true! ;)

catey's guilty pleasure question: (besides each other) danny: taking several shots and playing pool every night after work; lindsay: bubble bath with champagne and candles at night after work.
Howdy my shippy darlin's! :D *Mo sashay's into the thread...grooving to some Micheal Buble tunes!* :D

Wow where is everyone this evening? We all kinda chillin else where? Come back, come back wherever you are! :lol:

Stuffy hon, I love that cap you posted!! It's so fabulous...lol, the look on Danny's face is SO clearly a "Hey baby!" :devil: look, it's awesome!! Thanks for finding it hon! :D

Okay DoWaR is on...yay for fun! ;)

*Mo skips out to go watch some D/L! :D *
Hye everyone! Humpy is completely mad at me because I didn't post yesterday, being Hump Day, but I had to babysit my cousins. Anyway, I see that there wasn't much movement around here. Where are you all, dear shippers??

messermonroe said:
Dani said:
By the way, does anyone know if Chell is in a really affected London area? :(
I have no clue actually, does she even live in London? I haven't seen her online (here or messenger) in a while now, so I hope all is well with her. For anyone out there who's listening, send some rain here please! It hasn't rained here since last year!!
I didn't even mean London, but just if she's in a very affected area. My bad, sorry :rolleyes: But either way, I hope that everything is fine with her and that the situation gets better for all that people ;)

Vex, it's awful to hear about your neighbor's grandson. I am so sorry.

Cool :cool: Catey said:
One look at the eyebrow going up and they know they aren't fooling mom.
:lol: That's great ;) It must be so cool. But I especially loved the way you told it^^

Guilty pleasures?? Er, that one is really hard. And I have no idea. Because it's supposed to be something they hide, therefore they try not to act like they have them even to us :p I really don't know. But we can always spy them when they're alone. Well, that if they can leave each other for one second :p

DoWaR is such a nice episode to them, because after everything that happened in Montana :D, they get to work together, which is cool :) Well, everytime they 'work' together is cool, anyway :devil: Thanks for the cap.

And stuffy, I read your fanfiction (until chapter 3), and even though I can't review there, I have to say that I totally LOVE it! It is sooo adorable ;) *hugs buddie for being such a cute writer*
Stuffy hon, I love that cap you posted!! It's so fabulous...lol, the look on Danny's face is SO clearly a "Hey baby!" look, it's awesome!! Thanks for finding it hon!

*giggles* Not a problem. All I had to do is search my picture folder for it...which took a while since pretty much every other picture is DL :) course it was near the very bottom, but I got to see all my lovely pics as I was searching. I squeed like crazy last night when that scene came on *giggles again cause it's so fun*

And stuffy, I read your fanfiction (until chapter 3), and even though I can't review there, I have to say that I totally LOVE it! It is sooo adorable *hugs buddie for being such a cute writer*

*blushes* Awwwww thanks hun :) I really appreciate that. Chapter 4 is now up. FF was being evil a few days ago, but now it's all good.

*giggles some more* I taped DOWAR last night. I missed this before, but in the wine vault after Flack makes that "6.5, little shaky on the landing Messer" comment, Lindsay gives Danny a huge smile as she walks past him...and may I just say, she was pretty damn close to him. SQUEE!!!!

Everyone is welcome to join us up on the Lido deck. We're celebrating the half-way point (two months today!!) of the summer hiatus. So come and party it up with your fellow DL fans, fruity drinks, and cabana boys :D
Morning all! My, where's everybody? This place has practically cleared out! Hulloooooo!

DoWaR was such a cool episode. Haha, "Screwed to death", haha, I can just see Linds rolling her eyes and thinking "I can't believe I fell in love with this bum"....hee, but she still loves him :lol: Those two are so cute.

I watched our "explicit love scenes" again...and it can definately be dubbed as "the-scenes-that-never-fail-to-make-me-smile-like-an-idiot" :D

I missed this before, but in the wine vault after Flack makes that "6.5, little shaky on the landing Messer" comment, Lindsay gives Danny a huge smile as she walks past him
I saw that too, haha. It was somewhere between a smirk and a big smile, otherwise it was an exchange of "I love you" and "I want to take your clothes off the moment we get home." :p

Hey I wonder if there are any caps of Linds lookin' naughty :devil: There has to be...some...somewhere. Aside from the SD ones.
I saw that too, haha. It was somewhere between a smirk and a big smile, otherwise it was an exchange of "I love you" and "I want to take your clothes off the moment we get home."

Only you would come up with that Liffy ;)

*scratches head and peers around empty room* Anybody here today? Where's that darling Mo? Probably still sleeping since its only 6:30 where she is. Hey you! Get up! *reaches through screen and pokes Mo*

Hmmm....naughty pictures of Lindsay. I think I can brew some up with ye.

"And WHERE do you think you're going?" Yeah I'm horrible at captions.

She looks kinda sly here...she's a sly vixen! :lol:

Credit goes to stolen-glances.com
Gooooood morning!! *Mo looks around for a moment at the practically empty streets of Gutterville and wonders where everyone is....then remembers that Danny and Lindsay had an especially vigorous "celebration" last night and everyone had camped out in their backyard to peek at them...!* :devil: :lol: Anyway...Hi peeps...Stuffy, Liffy morning you two! :lol: *Mo sneaks up and tickles both her cute buddies!* :lol:

Awwww, love the "Vixen" Linds caps you posted Stuffy hon, those are fabulous! :D She's so adorably sexy in those, gotta love her! :D
I missed this before, but in the wine vault after Flack makes that "6.5, little shaky on the landing Messer" comment, Lindsay gives Danny a huge smile as she walks past him...and may I just say, she was pretty damn close to him. SQUEE!!!!
I totally noticed that too hon, it was way cute! :D I loved watching this eppy again, I caught so many new things this time around...there were just so many looks and smiles and just such ease and total love and cuteness between them, I went to sleep with the biggest smile on me face! *sigh...giggle!* :lol:

Okay my dears...I should head off to work...have a wonderful Thursday to all of you and yay that our summer hiatus is halfway over! :lol: (although it almost feels weird yaying that, cuz I love summer...but I want my new D/L too! :lol: )

Later y'all! :D

*Mo grabs her coffee and climbing into her fluffy bubble shimmers prettily away!* :lol:
Hey guys I'm back! :) I had a weird accident two days ago :mad:...while helping some friends move a heavy part of their wardrobe dropped on top of my head :eek:...I was knocked out for a few seconds and after they took me to the doctor (I didn't wanna go :rolleyes:) he suspected a mild concussion...I had to stay with my parents for 48 hours...still have a bit of a head ache and I'm feeling a litle hazy, but those lovely D/L pics helped a lot...

Read something about guilty pleasures...

Somehow I think Danny just loves to sing along, as loud as possible with all kinds of silly songs, while taking a shower and Lindsay loves to watch soap operas when she's alone so she can cry when something 'bad' happens. :p

Yay for being halfway the hiatus! :D

*Is off to lay her head down again* :(
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