Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Lol, you're picking the hardest time to stay SF in my opinion Liffy bud! Well okay maybe it's harder when Sweeps season comes around...but still now when is when all the fun speculation and juicy details come out, hopefully! Good luck with staying SF dude, I'm sure you can do it, I just know I can't! :lol:

Lucky you that you don't burn bud, I don't usually which is why I was brilliant and didn't wear sunscreen! *rollseyes!* I won't be doing that again! :p

I really do like your names...Owen Daniel and Isabel Aiden are totally cute! They would be absolutely adorable, smart, charming, spunky children for sure!

Chocolate milkshake huh...yummy! ;) :lol:
Thanks for setting the poll up. I slept till 10 today then was dragged out of bed to a bookstore. I did vote by the way, I'm really excited for the new name. No lie.

I would think staying spoiler free at the end of a season would be harder than now. Honestly, what happens at the beginning of the season? An awesome case usually but nothing too shippy.
No problem honey...I was totally excited to set it up, I just didn't want you to feel like I had stolen your fun or anything! ;) So I'm glad you're cool with it! :D And yeah, I'm totally excited for the new name too...it's gonna be fun, for sure! :lol:

Yeah I guess that's true...maybe it's just me who has a hard time staying spoiler free at any time so I see it as a struggle regardless! :lol: But yeah now that I think about it, it'd be harder when things are coming to a boil at the end...like if I had tried to stay SF toward the end of this last season when we were finding out all the juicy kiss/pool table scenes...I think I would have gone insane! :lol: :lol:
Enters singing "Under the sea, Under the sea, Darling it's better, Down where it's wetter" *got that cute song stuck in her head txs to lobster Mo* :D

I haven't been sleeping well so I am dead tired
*hands Mer some sheets too* :)

It's so cute how your icon links to your sig
Txs Delia...D/L just match... ;)

Liff If you make it sf till the premiere I'll bake you a pie of your choice...Especially during those long summer months I need all the pieces of information I can get...(and not just for this show *sigh* :rolleyes:)

As for names, I love the ones you guys already suggested. The idea of Italian names is cute too. What about Angelo or Giovanni for a boy and Angela or Stephania for a girl?

"under the sea, under the sea" I can just imagine Lindsay watching 'the little mermaid' with her kid(s) :)

Voted too and Aud you've got mail!
:lol: :lol: Oh Dutch you are TOO cute! :lol: I love Little Mermaid and I so feel a bit like Sebastian right now! *Mo sighs and spreads more aloe on!* The one good thing about this sunburn is that it got me out of work for the day...my back is too burnt to try and sit with a work shirt against a rough backed chair all day...so that's nice...other than that, not so much! And yeah I can totally see Linds watching Disney with her kids...what would be even cuter though, is Lindsay coming home from her shift to find Danny snuggled up on the couch with their son or daughter watching and singing along to Disney...now that would be totally cute! *Melt!* :D

Yeah Dutch hon I'm with you, I need any and all info I can get during these dry summer months...and if they're juicy spoilers all the better! :D

Thanks for all the voting y'all...rock on! ;)
^ Well if the weather here stays like it has been the last week(s) it's not going to be a 'dry' summer :(, but a very wet and boring one and that makes me crave for some hot spoilers. :devil:

The idea of the whole family watching the Disney classics is so sweet...especially when they all sing along...I think one of their favorites to watch as a family will be 'the Little Mermaid', but I think Danny's favorite is 'Peter Pan' :D and Lindsay's is 'Beauty and the Beast' :) and they will both try and show their kids their favorites as often as possible... ;)

Yeah...we're on page 24!
Y'all have now sucked me into this name thing. What about Sophia? It's Italian, and can't you just picture a cherubic little girl called Sophie with Danny's eyes, and Lindsay's wavy brown hair pulled up into two bouncy pony tails? (What do ya think, PSG? ;))

Okay, time to play Name That Episode! *crowd cheers*

Today’s episode hints:
1. Sid quotes MacBeth while going over a body with Mac.
2. In one of Danny’s major scenes, the music being played is ‘Rompee' by Daddy Yankee.
3. “I was taught that instincts point you in a direction. Science confirms a theory.”

C'mon, I wanna see some pictures, thoughts, memories, etc! Go D/L'ers!
Awww Mer bear, I love the idea of DL's kid being called Sophie or Sophia. I personally don't like my name, i just don't think it suits me since it's more a girly girl name IMHO, and i'm a tomboy through and through :lol: But i could imagine Danny and Lindsay having a little Sophia. So cute!

I'm still tryin to figure out your challenge! :lol: i really should re-watch my DVDs. That's a job for the summer hols. Only two weeks of school left! Man I hate it!

I voted! Hard to choose tho! They're all brill!

L8er guys!!! Love y'all! xxx
I figured out the challenge! It's Cool Hunter. I love how she promised Danny something in return for helping her. Especially since it involved food. Though, I've noticed in season 2, he wants to get food with her, a lot. And then she figures out something and it ends. It's just my observations. I love how she calls him cowboy. It made me sort of laugh.


Also, I love the idea of them having a little girl named Sophia. That such an adorable name and she would probably be one of the cutest. Though I also like the suggestion of Bella. For some reason I just see them with a little girl. Danny would be so great with a little girl he could spoil.
Dutch hon suggested:
but I think Danny's favorite is 'Peter Pan' and Lindsay's is 'Beauty and the Beast' and they will both try and show their kids their favorites as often as possible...
Lol, that's hilarious! I think you are totally spot on with those movies for the Danny and Linds, I can definitely see Danny loving Peter Pan and Linds would love the sweetness and romance of Beauty and the Beast! Nice hon! :D

Mer-bear asked:
What about Sophia? It's Italian, and can't you just picture a cherubic little girl called Sophie with Danny's eyes, and Lindsay's wavy brown hair pulled up into two bouncy pony tails?
Awwww, all this talk of babies makes me want one...lol, or at least makes me want D/L to have one! And I totally think a little Sophia with her Daddy's eyes and Mama's spunk would be totally adorable! :D I really do like the idea of a little "Messer-Monroe" running around out there...especially a little girl, so cute! :D

Older sis...Bella?!
Little sis...Sophie!

Fallen you beat me to the challenge answer! Yay for Cool Hunter! That was a total classic D/L eppy! "Make Tracks Cowboy!" Gotta love that! :D And Danny carrying her across the roof...and him asking her for drinks and even dinner! Yay! D/L love in full force! :lol:
I voted too! Can't wait to see the new name of the thread!

It's great to read all your comments about the baby-names...Who knows, I might pick one out! :D

I just saw Live Or Let Die...

'Does it turn you on?'
'Wow, slow down there, Montana!'

That was great to watch! I never saw it before! But I'm glad they were suddenly rerunning old epi's, 'cause that means I'll have to wait for SD.

:lol: I see you all thinking: is she mad!? No, I'm not. If they were continuing new epi's, SD would've been aired right in the middle of my holiday! And now they wait for me to come back. That's great, right?

BTW: my husband and I decided we want to know if it's gonna be boy or girl. Last time, we didn't know. Now, I just want to know what it's like, knowing it in advance.

Well, I'm going to sleep a bit. Being pregnant makes you very tired... See you!
Ohhhh, Jen LoLD is an awesome eppy! I love that one! :D So much good stuff in that one, especially that scene...we get Danny licking his lips and giving his Montana a quick once over...lol! Ahhhh, good times! ;)

Congrats again on baby Jen hon, I can't decide if I want to know boy or girl when it comes my turn...I guess it's good it's not my turn yet...but I dunno! :D Either way, yay for you! :D

Oh and fun times y'all...I found out when Season 3 of NY comes out...October 9th is the official day of DVD release!! :D :D
Conrats once again Jen. If it's a boy post pronto and name him Owen :D

:lol: I'm just kidding. My exam results come out tomorrow and my nerves seem to be on a rampage. I don't think I'll be getting any sleep tonight -gah!

LoLD is the phone-sex eppy right? :) I loved that - Linds darlin' is secretly testin' out Danny's fetishes. :lol:

I seem to full of them thoughts today... Hello, I live in the gutter and Mo is my neighbour.
CH was on today at work and I didn't get to see it :( ugh

Jen love congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you and your husband. I just know you are going to make a great mom :D

mer your challenge stumped me...I remembered the eppy but I couldn't figure out the name. Your a crafty one ;)
Jen: :lol: I love that episode!
The sex-talk was so... raw!
Danny's face was so cute when Lindsay hung up on Adam and he was on the computer... He said, "very attractive".

Of course he knows that his Linds is very attractive. That's pretty clear! :D

Merc: I knew that eppy! Too bad I wasn't quick enough to get caps! :p Thanks so much for putting it up though!
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