Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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For being hungry all the time, Danny sure is fit.. but we all know what he does to stay fit... play pool... :devil: Looks like we're down to the final pics for thread name. I voted btw, and I'm crazy excited.

Liff, I'll bake you some M&M cookies if you make it... I've got faith in ya too!
I voted again. I always love when it is time to choose a new thread name. We are a creative bunch!

Liff, why do you think the name Giovanni is evil? Hmm?

Alright, I've got a 9 hr shift at work today, so I won't get home till late. I wondering if y'all will be on to the new thread by the time I get back! :lol: I've got a name that ep challenge ready for the new thread.
Hi guys! I’m a new entry! I’m a italian girl who loves CSI:New York and obviously... I’m M&Ms. I love Danny. He’s so awsome *-*! He’s my ideal boyfriend. Sometimes I identify in Lindsay cuz we’ve a lot in common. For example we come from beautiful, but isolated towns. I hope that when I’ll be able to leave from here I’ll transfer in NY ;)!!! Okay, now I go to see Zoo York... I love this eppy! :D :D :D
See ya later!
*comes in with cotton candy, slushies/snow cones, fried dough, balloons, stuffed animal prizes, hot dogs, soda, and candy from coney island (all the junk food! its your time to get spoiled for the month)*

congratulations, buddy Jen, im so happy for ya. a baby is truly a blessing. cant wait for a new baby DL shipper!! :)

all the DL baby names! squeal!! i like the name “Lana Noelle Messer” (something i thought of a long time ago).

stuffy! what are we playing now?? and youre part of the DL army---what are the colors? you missed CH?!?! OH, i love the rooftop carry! ;) it was my first DL moment; the rest is [a beautiful] history.

dutch, *hug*; i like the under the sea song too (i heard a version of this song on someone’s myspace page that was amazing…but the person closed her account! it was like a techno-version); makes me just wanna dance around. :cool:

Ms. Auda, *raises hand* thanks for the writing assignment. you said something earlier and i was gonna comment but now i forgot! :eek:

mer, personal space invasion! danny and lindsay are sooo good at that! “personal space? what personal space?” :p

Cuz wub, now what mischief have you been up to? trying to stay spoiler-free? im betting with stuffy (lets bet 5 virtual DL currency) here that there is no way you could stay spoiler-free, maybe for the first couple of episodes but once the DL-ness picks up, youre gonna cave!! double yes on having “Daniel” as Danny and Lindsay’s son’s middle name. :D

Mo! how are ya doin’, captain? *hands her more glitter*

hi dani!, nice to see ya!

HI and welcome, CAM!

food/smex discussion: danny’s gonna need some recharge after all the calories he burned doing ahem with lindsay. give the guy a break. :devil:

not to re-hash stuff, but im slow to jump on the bandwagon: yep, im sure theres going to be angst for DL. its almost a given, no? i berry much DISLIKE the cheating factor too. cheaters are badddd. bad just bad. i would lose complete respect for danny as a character if he cheated (or even for lindsay if she cheated).

better cuter happier things: i was watching super ep SOoH; i noticed that in the scene of danny's hallucination, there was a color-coordination between him and dream lindsay: lindsay's wearing a cute solid pink shirt while danny's wearing a solid baby blue dress shirt. (traditional and sometimes challenged) pink and blue = girl and boy. aww how cute, the little boy is dreaming about the little girl. boy likes girl. girl smiles at boy. boy forgets he is really at work and girl is really far away. boo.

going to sign the petition, vote, and i’ll probably see ya’ll on the new thread as these last few pages always go FAST. good luck to the thread opener whoever it may be (youre gonna make us proud!).

*peers out from under the pool table in the middle of a SPIT/SPEED game with DL-themed playing cards with stuffy*
^^OI! where has RL taken you too Cuz???

OOH OOH OOH. Guess what....
I got my IB exam results. :) THAT DIPLOMA IS MINE!!!!! WITH A BLOODY 38 POINTS!! :D *faint*

Now, I see a teeny blonde, shy of four, runnin up and jumpin' onto daddy's arms, carryin' a drawing he just did in school. Awwww :) Danny must be so proud, and Lindsay's beaming! and I need to write this into a fic, so I'll just "poof" off in the search of some kind of ventilator cos I really can't breathe and I think i burst a few veins when i got my results and I really need to lie down.

Bye! :D
I guess they would like them all, in fact, because Disney movies are just awesome
You're so right Dani! And I think Danny's goofy enough to already have a large collection of Disney DVD's stuffed away somewhere... :D

Lol, strawberries eh? Wonder where you got that idea..
LOL, no idea *whistles*

Mo, you and Liff have ruined poor little innocent me for life...I think I have to take up permanent residence in the gutter too... :devil:*starts packing*

I have to say I'm not a fan of the name Giovanni (sorry Dutch!) I think it's evil.
Why do you think that Liff...my best friend's dad is called Giovanni and he's just the best Italian papa... :)

I've got a name that ep challenge ready for the new thread.
Yay Mer! New thread, new challenge...can't wait...

Welcome Cam and may I just say that the name in your profile is beautiful and would be great for a D/L baby. :)

*takes some candy from Angel* glad to see you in here again and nice catch on the hallucination colors...btw what's that sticky looking thing in your avvie?

congratulations! Lie down? No way! :p We need to celebrate...see how much cake we can eat before we start throwing it at each other again :lol:
Oh thanks! My name reminds of a italian sovereign: Eleonora d’Arborea. Maybe it can be a nice name for the D/L baby. You have to remember that the actor that plays the part of Danny has italian origin! Do ya know that Carmine is a unusual name in Italy? Usually the italian guys are called Andrea or Marco. In my opinion Andrea is a great name! ;)
Congratulations Liff!!! :D :D :D Unfortunately, I’ve two years to do in my orrible school, yet! :(
Thanks Dutch and Cam for the congrats! You guys are awesome!

New gutter resident Dutch said:
Mo, you and Liff have ruined poor little innocent me for life...I think I have to take up permanent residence in the gutter too... :devil:
:devil: Mo dear! We're gettin' a new neighbour! You'll like it here, we've got D/L love plastered on every inch of the neighbourhood. Angsty thoughts can only accomodated in the pub though :lol:

my best friend's dad is called Giovanni and he's just the best Italian papa
I have no idea why I think that, I know some pretty mean characters and they're all called Giovanni for some reason. Darling you best friend's dad will now be excempted from general dislike of Giovanni's! :D

We need to celebrate...see how much cake we can eat before we start throwing it at each other again :lol:
Oh? I can help you jump start that hon! *splats cake at Dutch, ducks behind gate with Mo and hands her a piece to throw (over said gate and not at me)* :D

Cam hon, I love the name Eleonora d’Arborea It's so...high-class (due to lack of a word).

Well I'm just gonna lurk around for a bit before I go out to dinner! Cheers

Pssst...where are you Stuff wubs? Me mishes ya! Hope you feel better soon! BAD dog! rawr.
I voted. I'm so excited for the new thread, I have no idea why, I guess it's a good sign of how D/L love is enjoyable, as we are fast :rolleyes: Seriously, I don't know, but I am excited!

Liff, congratulations :D *aplauds* Good work!

Mo, you're welcome...And thanks for the polls.

A new fellow shipper?! *celebrates* Welcome Cam :)

Thanks Angel(is this OK?), it's nice to 'see/meet' you too ;)

dutch, I can totally see Danny having a Disney movies collection of his own, and showing it to the kids *in a rainy afternoon in NYC, proud daddy Danny and the little kid sit together and enjoy one of the most amazing princess stories from Disney and sing along with the beautiful love songs* :rolleyes:

About Giovanni, er, the only time I have ever heard that name was in the kids series that I loved and used to see religiously :p The guy made some kind of work to stole his own stradivarius to get the insurance money, and he broke the girl's heart, but in the end he wasn't that bad so, I don't know what to think of him anymore :confused: Anyway, I guess the name fits either a lovely father and a gang boss' name :p

*Dani leaves the D/L thread with a packet of M&M's in the hand*
Well, my best friend’s name is Laura. She joined in this thread. Laura is a very common name, but is very pretty :D! Giovanni mmmh... It’s not very common in young people. Usually it’s a name used by not very young men =o)! :)
Ready Angel? One...two...THREE! *throws balloons full of ice cold water at Liffy, then giggles and hides behind Danny*

Why do you think that Liff...my best friend's dad is called Giovanni and he's just the best Italian papa...

Twenty bucks on dutch :lol: just kidding Liff wubs :D

stuffy! what are we playing now?? and youre part of the DL army---what are the colors? you missed CH?!?! OH, i love the rooftop carry! it was my first DL moment; the rest is [a beautiful] history.

Yeah I was pretty mad that I missed CH...even though I have S2 on DVD :lol:. NA was on today, and apparently I've got someone hooked on the show *is happy* but she missed the litle DL convo near the beginning *is sad*. Hopefully she'll be back in next week cause LOLD, SM, AA, RSRP, and SH are on *is back to being happy*

Awwwwwww my poor Auntie Mo is sick? :( I have just the thing to make you feel better...*sends in a topless Danny with a silver platter of soup, juice, a nice fluffy pillow, and a big blanket*

boy likes girl. girl smiles at boy. boy forgets he is really at work and girl is really far away. boo.

:lol: :lol: Oh that is just too funny! Angel you always know how to make me laugh.

Liffster I am so proud of you! Congrats hun on getting the grade *huggles*

Looking forward to the new thread y'all! *waves bye-bye to this awesome thread cause it'll be gone soon*

ETA: Angel I am in love with your avvie :D
No posts for almost 9 hours? Where’d everybody go? I feel lonely. :(

Well, hmm. I was hoping to post today’s challenge to an audience so we could have some competition, but I guess who ever gets here first will have the best shot. ;)

So, without further delay, I present to you:

Name That Episode! *crowd cheers*

Today’s episode hints:
1. The B case vic was shot in the eye.
2. Mac tells William Mamet, (D.J. Pratt’s lawyer): “Get the hell out of my building.”
3. The DNA of tree bark places the suspect at the scene of the murder on the A case.

C'mon, we still have 44 more posts after this one till we get a new thread, lets fill them with a D/L goodness of pictures, quotes, thoughts, memories, etc!
Catey! You got it! You got it! *hands catey a cookie*

2x22 Stealing Home it is! The ep with Sid’s revelation to Lindsay about the nickname “Montana” and the Sara Butler/James Vackner case. Interesting side note, the ending scene where she visits Vackner in prison, the music being played is the same music from the season three NWILL scene outside of the apartment where Lindsay is taking the jewels.

Flack asks “So what’s next?” and Danny looks proud of Lindsay as they walk off towards the interrogation room after she says “Arrest James Vackner. It’s time for some answers.” (A little blurry, but I couldn’t find a screenshot that captured it clear).

And then a picture of Lindsay in interrogation.

ETA: Forgot to mention, y'all should go to YouYube and check out Sugah66's latest video "Just the Beginning" Definitely reccommend it. *nods*
Hello my shippy buddys! *Mo saunters into the thread...finally feeling more like herself this lovely Friday evening!* It's Friday! Yay, I love Fridays! :D And I just got back from seeing a way cool movie..."Transformers"! Now I know, I know...before y'all go running away shrieking with laughter, it's totally a great use of two hours! It's entertaining and hilarious! And for us ladies....Josh Duhamel is in it....nuff said! (Yummy!) Okay where was I...oh yeah...D/L wub, awwww...how much do I love them! Yeah I pretty much adore them! They make me smile...made me smile all day today as I planned new thread ideas instead of working! :lol: Yeah I totally did that! :D

Mer-bear grinned:
I always love when it is time to choose a new thread name. We are a creative bunch!
I know we really are, I'm always amazed by how many clever ideas and ficcies and titles and fun discussions we have in here! Y'all are brilliantly creative! Applause to y'all! :D And great job on the voting y'all!! I'm massively excited for the new thread, I've got some fun ideas to use for this thread opening! :D

Angel honey asked:
Mo! how are ya doin’, captain? *hands her more glitter*
Awww hi Angel hon! I'm doing well! Thanks for asking ;) Ohhh yay glitter, thanks!! :D

Dutch babes winked and giggled:
Mo, you and Liff have ruined poor little innocent me for life...I think I have to take up permanent residence in the gutter too... *starts packing*
YAY!!!!! :D Heehee! :lol: *Mo giggles and claps giddily...* it's about dang time you moved down here permanently, babes! ;) We have fun down here that's for sure and neighbors...they're always good! ;)

Liffy bud grinned and high fives giddily:
Mo dear! We're gettin' a new neighbour! You'll like it here, we've got D/L love plastered on every inch of the neighbourhood. Angsty thoughts can only accomodated in the pub though
Ehhhh, they might not even be allowed in the pub bud! ;) But we definitely have every single square inch of this place plastered in D/L love...and I'm pretty sure Danny and Linds have initiated...yeah like that :devil: every surface in this place! :devil: Oh happy gutter living!! :D

*splats cake at Dutch, ducks behind gate with Mo and hands her a piece to throw (over said gate and not at me)*
*Mo grabs the cake and then looks at the cake and looks at Liff and looks back at the cake...then Mo giggles and takes a bite of the cake and smooshes the rest happily in Liff's face!* Sorry bud, I really couldn't resist! ;)

Stuffy darlin' asked kindly:
Awwwwwww my poor Auntie Mo is sick? I have just the thing to make you feel better...*sends in a topless Danny with a silver platter of soup, juice, a nice fluffy pillow, and a big blanket*
Oh dear lord...remind me to get sick way more often if that's the way I'm gonna be treated! ;) Happy day for me! :devil: Heehee, Stuffy you rock hon! I'm not sick though...sunburned but not sick...I'm gonna keep the topless Danny still though...okay?! :devil: :D

Mer-bear good one hon, and I knew the answer to that challenge, without any help! :D Cuz I LOVE Mac saying that line! :D Plus that is one of the most fabulous D/L eppy's ever..."Have you ever even seen a wheatfield?" and the "crush" comment moment! How can we not love that!!! :D :D Catey hon, good job on getting it so quickly, that's awesome! :D

And can I just say, I LOVE Linds in interrogation, she kicks ass! Especially when she's pissed at a suspect, I love it! :D

Alright my dearies...I'm off to bed...any of y'all who haven't voted, vote! Yay for lovely thread titles, yay for us! :D And keep posting and we'll have us a purty new thread very soon, yay us! :D

Night my dears! :D

*Mo giggles and then dragged herself to her fluffy bubble and shimmers away with plenty of extra glitter! ;) *

Psstt...Aud my wub...how ya doin? :D
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