Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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^^ You have so much faith in me Del it's frightening... :rolleyes:

Hmm, I have to admit 'Dominic' isn't one of my favourite names either. As a middle name it's cute but not a first name; I dunno, maybe because all the Dominics I know are such asses :p

So are there any new spoilers out yet? -This spoiler free thing is getting to me. Really. :( Is anyone here SF? Cos if there's none, then I might just have to revert back to my usual 'spoil me' self. :D
Hey guys!
It’s hard to decide what’s the best title…I like them all! But finally I voted…

About the tattoo, I hope she’d go with a spider, because I think that the bug dinner is one of their best moments and I like spiders (not as a food! :p).

messermonroe said:
Okay, I'm going to ATTEMPT to be spoiler-free this year
Ehm...definitely I'm hopeless...I’ll never be able to stay spoiler free…I can see the episodes a year after they are aired in USA and I can’t wait all this time!:rolleyes:
You aren't the only one, Abby! I was the first to read the spoilers were in, but unfortunately, I couldn't stay awake long enough to read them :(

I am a little concerned, though, that there's no mention of Lindsay whatsoever...

Oh, and I did vote! Can't wait to see what the new thread title's gonna be! We're all a bit quiet, when it was time to choose a new title in thread no. 16, we absolutely rushed into a new thread...Now it seems to take days. But it could just be a feeling :D

How's the pooltable? A little crowded, I guess? :p
Im attepting to stay spoiler-free. my laziness may help and I love surprises too but Im a curious girl - damn genes so who knows how this one goes

as for what I would like to see in - I love your ideas of a scene with the 2 of them doing something totally couple-y. a date that gets interupted by work, a walk in a park, or simply her bringing him a cup of coffee cause he has to pull a double

what about a girls name? cause I would love to see Danny being a protective dad to a little princess with his eyes and her mamas hair and smile. I think her name could be something Italian sounding - like Sofia or Gina. my choice was Mia Monroe Messer - like the 3 Ms :)
Hey everyone! Happy 4th of July to all of you in the USA! :)

I guessed 'Corporate Warriors' right! It's for some reason one of my least favorite ep's...the only part I like is Danny and Stella in Little Italy... :D

I love all the new thread names and really had a hard time picking five...I can't believe we're almost at a new thread already. :cool:

Catey txs for putting those spoilers in here...Of course I've read them, I don't even try to stay SF anymore...I love to find out more asap...
At least the first ep the whole team is working together...so that means D/L are working together Yay! :)

The idea of matching tattoos is great! (Liff you're idea is hilarious :lol:) I think they should both have a pair of M&M's (yellow & red) tattooed on their lower backs. :devil:

I would really like it if TPTB put in some scenes in next season where they do the little things together that some of you have already mentioned...eating, talking, dating and then have work interfere (again :mad:)

Later! :)
Messermonroe, good luck in staying spoiler free. I congratulate anyone who can, because it's been a long couple of months for me with no spoilers. I was all over them once they came out yesterday. Go for it, because I gave up trying long ago.

Dutch, I feel like it's the end of a long dry spell.

Well, I voted in the poll, and it's nice to see some of our choices from last time crop up again. We had so many last time, I should have given you all more choice on the first poll. Still, thanks for getting it up.

I was going to post that pic of Mac from Corporate Warriors last night, but didn't because I was looking for a good Lindsay or Danny one, since we are the D/L thread. Mac in that black shirt is another reason I got totally hooked on CSI:NY in the second season. He looks amazing in it. He should dress down more often. But that's for another thread. lol
:eek: blank boxes.....more blank boxes *shuts eyes*

:( this is....incredibly hard. I was THIS close to running my mouse over those boxes out of habit. *smacks hand*

I've got a partner now! Carly you're trying to stay SF too? LoL, in my LAME attempt to keep busy, I'm randomly making avatars for LJ. I have 138 to fill anyhow and I'm only at 58 :D Photoshop is getting alot of love from me!

My temptation will probably prevail when there's a D/L spoiler (none yet right or I'm going back to SM pronto).

Isn't 'Corporate Warriors' the ep where Danny says "don't quote me Montana, but not everything's connected"?? Or something along those lines? Yeesh, since I don't have any of the dvds, my knowledge of past episodes is zilch. I make up for it with my dirty thoughts :devil:

Dutch agreed:
The idea of matching tattoos is great! (Liff you're idea is hilarious :lol: )
Glad you think so too hun :lol: I read about it somewhere...that way if anyone drugged either of them got that far (which is why it's on their asses) -they'd know better :)

Everyone must be off celebrating their holiday :) Hope y'all have a great day! Or what's left of it anyway...
No. It is mac. He says "don't quote me on this Lindsay, but not everything is connected". And that is before he removes the man's head. :)
Ok, so for some reason I thought that we could only vote for 2 thread titles, and I had the hardest time chosing my favorites...Then I read better and find out that afterall I could have picked 3 more. I mean, it would be hard as well, just not as hard. I don't know why I confused the numbers :confused: *thinks about the need of changing the lens of her glasses*

Anyway, Carly(may I call you that as well?) I do think Mia Monroe Messer is such a good idea for their little girl. People could even start to call her M&M because of Mia Messer :p

About being spoiler free, good luck to those trying. I sometimes try to ignore spoilers as well, but it turns out to be pointless, as I always end up knowing all the details, when they are not spoilers anymore, before actually watching the episode :rolleyes: I haven't seen the finale yet :( So imagine what it is like to try to be spoiler free until I get the episodes. If that happened, I wouldn't know yet that WE ARE CANON :D So it's kind of ridiculous, because it's impossible to be here and not knowing it. So I found it stupid to avoid spoilers boxes to know things a while after in the board as well. At least I don't have to make any sacrifice. Though I do think that for those who do get the episodes decently, it might be a good idea. Surprise is always good ;) But if, for me, to have that good thing that's surprise, I have to stop being in here, well, I do prefer enjoying the board.
of course you can call me that, Dani

I dont know wheter I manage to stay spoiler free but with me it is so that I have a vivid imagination and I can come up with something in my mind to almost anything and it never matches the actual picture and then Im kinda disapointed and I dont like it. I dont mind knowing little details, but when it comes to actual scenes I rather watch it then read about it

Im glad you like the name suggestion, now Im not sure whether is mine or I read it somewhere. well, I think it is sweet either way
Well, I've never succeeded in being spoiler free, I just thought it would be a good time since we're canon, our pair just made love on a pool table, and we have miniscule things to worry about like where their clothes are....

no comment to that last thought....I have none of them. (whistles off)
kissmesweet said:

Vexus darling: where are you??

I am doing my finals in Human Resource and Accounting this week. I'm about to throw my computer out the window because of accounting :mad:

And I'lm weak, I can't stay spoiler free. I've never been able to. So I'll be reading the blank boxes.

I voted "A Bet a Benjamin, I Do"
Okay, I think basically everyone has voted, any problems with me posting a new poll tomorrow morning?

Spoiler free? I laugh in your face. No I'm just kidding, that's the adrenalin speaking, 10 games of volleyball can do that toa girl. No spoiler free for me, I gave that up the first CSI spoiler I saw. :lol:

Oooh, I'm excited for the thread nameeee.
Spoiler Free??? Goodl luck you guys! You'll do way better than me!! I went nuts over the S4 spoilers that came out yesterday...CSI: NY S3 Season final is next week in NZ and I can't wait to see th D/L!
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