Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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And the episode in question is...*drumroll*..."SUPER MEN"! xD

I'll work the clues backwards:


Lindsay firing a gun at the end of the episode.


"You're very excited right now for someone who's telling me we don't have a suspect."



Hammerback identifies COD of 'Super Man' -- diffuse axonal injury to the medulla of the brain.

Okay, so I liked this episode. It was intriguing. Favorite shipper moment? Danny's: "I might ask you to marry me" line, and Lindsay's glance. Also, Danny trying to ask Lindsay out to lunch, which turns into an epiphany for Lindsay and she figures out the room service cart thing. LOL.

All in all, I liked this episode. I always love it when D & L work together!
LB, you rock my socks!

That was so awesome that you posted the pics to match the hints! I thought I was going to have to give this one away.

Here’s the pic from the lunch invite scene. As they are discussing it, you can see where they have the whole ‘no personal space’ thing again :devil::

Also, I love the ending shots showing the whole team doing their day-to-day jobs, the unsung heroes.
Mercy: Great challenge! :D
Ladee: Awesome pictures! :D

Oh WHERE IS MY Moriel baby? :( Come out and play with me!

Rad: You can call me "Del" if you want. :p I've been on this thread for AGES now. *narrows eyes playfully*

Liff: YAY! I'm F-I-E-S-T-Y! :lol: Oops! Sorry! I meant that Moriel can have Thread 18. :lol: And I'll take Thread 19. Sorry but you have thread 20. It's just that I've asked since Thread 15.

Dutch: *Offers a hand and pulls poor Dutch from under the pool table!*
"I'll be there for you! When the rain starts to fall, I'll be there for you, like I've been there before!" *Mo bounces in happily...anyone want to guess what I was watching? :lol: * Hello my shippy dears! How are you all this fine evening? I had a pretty good evening myself...I made a new avie, which I love...(totally distracted myself at work today coming up with it! :lol: )

Del bud very kindly and in a non-threatening way :lol: said:
Moriel sweetie!: Im so sorry to get back to you so late, but you can have the next thread.
BUT DAMN IT, Thread 18 is MINE or else I'll kill.
*Steals Danny from Mo again before dissapearing!*
Okay first...no killing hon, pwease I likes living! ;) And I'll even be nice and let you actually borrow my Danny for a bit! (But we have to return him to Linds soon, cuz they had "special" plans for this evening! :devil: And second...or wait third...
Lol, you mean you get thread #19 right? ;) Cuz this next one is #18 (the one I want! :D )...and I can have that one, right?! Thanks hon, thanks a million!! :D :D Yay! :D Lol, so we're gonna play huh...what game? D/L's planning on playing Twister later! Heehee! ;)

Cutie pie Niecey Rad giggled:
AUNT MO! Yay you're here! Sometimes the DL thread is not as colorful without you and your huge posts. I loooove them!
Awwww thanks honey! You're too cute! :D I try of course to make my posts nice and long and full of fun info, well or at least full of fluffy ramblings! :lol: One or the other at least! ;) Heehee! :lol: Cuz we all know, if there's one thing I can do well...it's ramble! :D

Rockin' bud Liffy asked:
Ooh can I open 19? I've never opened a thread before
Mmmmmm, I think Del wanted #19 bud...but you can call dibs on #20 if you want...lol, we should have a sign up sheet or something! :lol: Lol, cuz I don't want to steal too many of them, I just like doing it so much! :lol:

Darlin' Dutch asked:
Since we're talking about opening threads....when can we start talking about new thread titles? (I always forget - is it page 23?)
Yeah I think it is page 22...which is good cuz the other thing I did while I was bored at work today was come up with some fun thread title options! (yeah work is S-L-O-W!! :lol: ) Anyway...as soon as we can post them, hit me with all your best title options and I'll make us a lovely poll to whittle them down! :D I can't believe we're almost to needing another thread...I SO love this ship! It rocks!! :D

Jenn hon who should so pop in here more often!! brilliantly said:
And the episode in question is...*drumroll*..."SUPER MEN"! xD
Okay, so I liked this episode. It was intriguing. Favorite shipper moment? Danny's: "I might ask you to marry me" line, and Lindsay's glance. Also, Danny trying to ask Lindsay out to lunch, which turns into an epiphany for Lindsay and she figures out the room service cart thing. LOL.
Nice one Jenn!! Well done! I LOVE this eppy for so many reasons! This was a great eppy! From this lovely moment right here:
all the way to the awesome ending! I love how they show the whole team at the end acting like well "supermen" doing their unsung jobs like you said Mer that rocks...it's just one of the best eppys!

Okay my dearies I'm off to grab dessert! Yummy! :D

*Mo grins and dances off in her fluffy bubble!* :lol:
First I need to say Moriel your avatar is amazing.

I love the episode Supermen, the goofy smile Lindsay has after Danny's "proposal" it is so cute. There was just so many subtle moments in season two that just confirmed the attraction and connection. ah sigh, sometimes I can't tell what I love more those parts of Season 2 or the full on acknowledged DL angst of Season 3.

I think I am still in shock that they are really and truly canon. Seems like so long ago that I was so greatful for the proposal and phone sex moments that I could have never even dreamed of pool table secks in an episode. It is so surreal. My bubble has been strongly reparied because I have spent the last 8 hours reading fanfics.
Awwww thanks Daytime that's so sweet of you! :D *Mo grins and blushes...* I'm pretty pleased with it I must say...it turned out quite well! :lol:

And yeah I agree...I love Supermen...I swear I remember watching that eppy and when that "proposal" scene came on I got the hugest goofy grin on my face and I literally didn't stop smiling the whole eppy after that! It was just one in a long line of scenes and moments confirming just how perfect for eachother these two really are!

Perfect PTB...perfect...and not even you can mess with perfection! :lol:

*Mo nods definitively and shimmers away in her fluffy bubble!*

Pssst...Fluffy Twin, where is you? :D
Daytimedrama: Hey there! I'm sorry that I haven't welcomed you before... :(

Lol, you mean you get thread #19 right? Cuz this next one is #18 (the one I want! )...and I can have that one, right?! Thanks hon, thanks a million!!
Moriel: YES! That's what I meant, sweetie. Have Thread 18, and I'll take 19 with glee! I love your avvie by the way!

:) *Joins Mo in her fluffy bubble and gutter!*
Good almost noon every one

first of all I love the banners of the D/L Army and the name too and I too love your avatar Mo

I love the Supermen Epi too and I have to watch it again to catch all the cute moments you mentioned. I usually just watch the proposal scene where I would have paid some good money to hear Lindsay thoughts

as for the thread name - dont we have a long list of suggestions from when we were oppening this thread? not that I have anything against ew ones but some of them were pretty good so we should definitely take them into acount.

and I just wanted to add that I finally finished my honeymoon fic. took me ages but its finaly done :)
"Ohhhhh, it's a Jolly Holiday with DL, DL makes the sun shine bright...happiness is bloomin' all around them, daffodils are smilin' at the breeze...when DL holds their hands, you feel so grand, you're heart starts beatin' like a big brass band...!" *Mo giggles and waltzes into the thread, not sure why she had a "Mary Poppins" song in her head, but not really caring since it's fun!*
Good morning shippy buddies! Have I said yet how much I love summer...it just makes me happy to wake up and already have it sunny and beautiful outside even early! And add to that the joy of a having such a wonderful CANON ship and grand shippy buddies and I'd say life is pretty great! :D
(Lol, wow I'm really fluffy this morning! :lol: Yay! :D )

Awwwww, glad you like my avie Del & Lina (can I call you "Lina", carolina?!) It's pretty fun! :lol: Del dearie, thanks for letting me have #18...that's so fabulous of you! *Hugs!*

And yeah we do have a ton of good suggestions that we didn't use for the last thread title, Lina so we can definitely vote on those again too! As soon as we reach page 22 I'll try to get a poll up right away so we can start voting! :D

So I've decided my summer project is to go back and rewatch all of NY's seas. 2 & 3....and soak in all the D/L I can possibly get to fortify my fluffy bubble...and then I'll be ready when it gets closer to spoilers and stuff for seas. 4! Plus I need to work on my naming Mer's challenges, gotta be quicker with those! ;) Speaking of...got anything for us today Mer-bear?! ;) Yesterday's rocked! :D

Alright my dears...I have to be off to work... :p but I do get tomorrow off for our lovely holiday, well for those of us in the US anyway! :D Have a swell Tuesday my dears and I will catch you all again this evening! :D

Psssttt...Aud wub...Hi! *Mo giggles and waves at her Fluffykins!* I'm working on my paragraph! ;)

*Mo drinks the last of her coffee and climbing into her Fluffy Bubble shimmers away!* ;)
*Liff pops by singing along to Brad Paisley*

FIESTY Del said:
And I'll take Thread 19. Sorry but you have thread 20.
:eek: Woops! I meant 20 huni, sorry bout that. You said 18 and I never checked :p Yep. 20 is MINE! *wanders off to figure something particularly D/L Dirrtay for said event* :devil:

Mo huni! Love your avvie! I think I need something particularly DLicious too :D and you've gone and gotten Brad in my head again "Oh Love"!!! I can see them swaying on the balcony to that song....and it's raining...and there's a soft breeze....and my mind just signed the gutter-permanent residence form. :D I now live in gutterville. Hey neighbour!

What holiday is it tomorrow? *ponders....* :eek: *smacks head*. 4th of July...I forgot :D Oh well, as long as we see you here and all the other USAians :lol: too!

I'm biased, I think Owen Messer is adorable, AND, I think Danny wants a baby boy too :) Can't help it if we all find Danny Jr. running around the lab can we? Spoiled by everyone :D
Liff said:
I'm biased, I think Owen Messer is adorable, AND, I think Danny wants a baby boy too :) Can't help it if we all find Danny Jr. running around the lab can we? Spoiled by everyone :D
Before we'll see any little Danny's or Lindsay's, we get a little D/L shipper! Yes, you do understand me: I'm expecting a child!

The beauty of internet is that you can tell everyone immediately. I'm due somewhere at the end of February, beginning March, so still a long way to go. But you will definitely hear more! See you all *hugs everybody under the pooltable*
Oh :eek: Let me the first here to congratulate you then huni!!! :D :D

Do you have a name yet? If not Owen Messer P sounds great don't you think??


I just had such a lovely daydream of Daddy Danny and Mommy Lindsay - it's so love.
Congrats! Another DL shipper. We're of all ages now, my brother is 8 and though he makes fun of me like crazy, when ever I'm wacthing NY, he always asks, how's Danny and Lindsay this ep? Maybe it's just to amuseme, but it's cute nonetheless. Congrats again! :)
Jen darling, CONGRATULATIONS!! I wish you all the best and I hope that the three of you will have an amazing journey! :D (I sound like a Hallmark card! :lol:)
Now you need to buy even... more socks. *nudges Jen playfully*

I'm biased, I think Owen Messer is adorable, AND, I think Danny wants a baby boy too
I don't know what this means, but can you guys imagine D/L adopting children as well as have their own? :D WHAT A HAPPY FAMILY!
Jen! :eek: GEFELICITEERD! :) *hugs* Great that you put that countdown in your sig...this is so exciting! May I suggest Danny or Lindsay for a name... :p

Liff txs for the help! and Aud I'm working on it! :)

I can't believe I didn't know that the answer to the last challenge was Super Men :eek:...I think the only scenes I remember were of course the 'proposal' one and the 'autopsy' one...I didn't even remember Lindsay shooting that gun :D...Txs for the pics all... :)

I like the idea of looking at the thread title suggestions from last time...but it always fun to try and come up with new ones...
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