Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Thank everyone!
Liff you're really getting ahead of us now...I don't even know if it'll be boy or girl...Can't you come up with some names that are suitable for both??? :)

I got an idea: maybe Louie finds out he has a baby somewhere. The baby is brought to him because the mother can't take care of it anymore. Then Louie dies (I know, it's sad) and Danny and Lindsay adopt the child! Wouldn't that be a great storyline!
*Abby comes in glad for the good news and congratulates with Jen*
Jen hon, congratulations! I’m glad that there will be another D/L shipper!

I'm biased, I think Owen Messer is adorable, AND, I think Danny wants a baby boy too
I agree, definitely I can see Danny father of a little boy. Surely, Owen is really cute, he always reminds me of my nephew. He’s lively and active at the same way :)

Del, I like your idea. That could sound banal, but a lot of children need a family and I really admire who adopts children and rises them like their own.

Carolina, I’ve just read your fic and I love it. I left a review.
We're at page 22! So that means: new thread names! I haven't thought of one yet, but I'll do my best...
Congrats to Jen. :)

You guys are so awesome!! I wub you all. Liffy, you especially rock! Amazing words, dude, amazing words. ;)

Yea, page 22!! I guess it's okay to at least start thinking about names!! Before last week I would have said the title should have something about the pool table thing, but now I'm thinking along different lines.

How about "Don't Go Breakin' Our Hearts"? Corny, I know.

At this point anything could happen with the season, but we'll just have to see. I can't wait until NY spoilers pop up.

Question of the day: What are two things that you would like to see happen with D/L this year??

Peace, dudes! :cool:
Congrats, Jen! I have 3 myself, glad our next generation of D/L shippers is growing!

Aud, the first thing I would like to see happen with D/L this year is to see how everyone reacts to Danny and Lindsay being together. I would love that there is some acknowledgment of the relationship, not a hidden thing.

Second, I would like to see Danny and Lindsay do things together, and actually be in a relationship, like where Mac and Peyton were out at something together last year. Let's see them be a couple, not just a one night stand or a hidden relationship.

Just my two cents anyway.
Thanks Catey! It'll be my third too! We need a different car now...

You said something that made me think of a title:

Feel free to make it more 'usable'! See you all tomorrow, I am going to bed. I'm so tired the last couple of weeks... :rolleyes:
Congrates Jen! :)

Hey guys someone in the spoiler said that spoilers are in for two episodes but they got to go and get them!
Thanks Natty. Just saw the spoiler-thread...still nothing...

BUT SPOILERS ARE COMING!!!!!! Can't wait to see what TPTB is planning to do to our lovely ship!
Spoilers, season 4:
Not much to tell yet, all the team is on one case, and I have yet to hear about any D/L scenes. Most of what I've heard doesn't involve our ship, but I'll keep you updated. Oooh, I'm so excited, spoilers!

I think there is only one case, Danny and Hawkes are teamed, Stella and Flack have some scenes, no mention yet who Lindsay or Mac work with.
Thank You!!

Got spoilers! I don't see any mention of Danny and Lindsay but I'm sure we'll have scenes since the first episode the whole team will be working together. **I'm curious as to what sends Mac off.
WE (collective CSI:NY fans 'we') HAVE SPOILERS!!

Gah, I can't even tell you how excited I am that spoilers are coming out!

As was already mentioned, if the whole team works together on 4x01 we will probably get a shot or two. And, supposedly it happens soon after Mac returns from London, so it would seem TPTB are only having a few weeks go by rather than months like last year. Which means the D/L relationship will still be fresh, and Danny's injuries probably still healing.
*Mo skips into the thread, giggling and happy...singing along with Liffy and Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood..."Oh Love!" * :D Hello my lovely shippy buddies...it is officially summer in WA now! I mean it was officially summer a couple weeks ago I know, but today we had our first HOT day and let me tell you...third floor apartment with no fan, yeah it's HOT! :lol: *Mo grins and blows her hair out of her eyes and off her neck!*

Fabulous guttery neighbor Liffy bud sighed:
Mo huni! Love your avvie! I think I need something particularly DLicious too and you've gone and gotten Brad in my head again "Oh Love"!!! I can see them swaying on the balcony to that song....and it's raining...and there's a soft breeze....and my mind just signed the gutter-permanent residence form. I now live in gutterville. Hey neighbour!
First, high five on permantely making the gutter your home! I've found that once you just give in and accept that fact that it's where you live it becomes a whole lot more fun! ;) :devil: It's what I did! :D And yeah for getting that song stuck in your head, it's so good isn't it! :D Nice scene you painted there by the way...love that! I can totally see that in my head!

I think Owen Messer is adorable
Awwww, okay that is WAY cute! I can totally see them having a little boy and naming him that! I love it! I could also see them having a little girl though and calling her Isabella Grace, and calling her Bella for short...couldn't you just see Danny holding a tiny blonde girl with blonde ringlets and cooing "Awww Bella" to her? *Mo swoons and melts at just the thought!* Guys and babies! *Sigh!*

Lucky Jen announced proudly:
I'm expecting a child!
Awwww CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so cool hon! Yay for you, definitely yay! :D

Fluffy Twin Aud honey winked:
How about "Don't Go Breakin' Our Hearts"? Corny, I know.
Awww hon, I just wub you! :D Lol, it's corny but I like it! :D Stay positive though, remember we will prevail...or better our ship will prevail...no hearts will be broken! :D

Question of the day: What are two things that you would like to see happen with D/L this year??
Ohhhh good question babe...hmmmm, I would like to see them hold hands, just like on a normal walking down the street holding hands...it's one of the those really simple, but somehow so sweet and connected couple-y things ya know! And I want to see them on a date, like a real date...it can interrupted for a case or whatever I don't care...I just want to see them out together not at work! :D

Happy lucky Jen suggested:
Ohhhh, I like that too hon! That's good! I like this y'all we're gonna have a great list to choose from I think! It could take a while to narrow all our choices down! :lol: But that's okay, it's just part of the fun! ;) Yay for new threads...fun times! :D

Spoiler Queen Catey, lol, I swear my heart started racing the second I saw those spoiler boxes in your post hon! Lol! :lol: I hadn't even read them yet and my blood pressure started to spike! :lol: I can't wait until we really start to get good details!

Oh and since we're coming up with titles...here are some ideas I came up with while at work today (yeah I was real productive! :lol: ) Some of them might be ones suggested for when we were making this thread that I thought we could reconsider if we wanted to! :D
"Pool Table Smex...says it all!"
"I'm Glad We Did this!"
"The Pool Table saw it all!"
"I got you....covered!" (guttery implications!) :devil:
"Pay Up, or Put Out!" :devil:
"Pool Table made them CANON!"
"CANON from the Zoo to the pool table!"

Okay so once a few more of you have posted your lovely thread title ideas, I will pull them all together and compile them into a fabulous fun poll for us to vote on! So give me all the suggestions you've got! :D

And now I need to go buy deck chairs...fun times for me! :lol:

Yay for a holiday tomorrrow! I love that! Alright I'll be back a bit later this evening!

*Mo grins and shimmers off in her Fluffy Gutter Bubble!* :D
of what I know doesn't involve D/L. I have a lot of spoilers for the episode, but very little dealing with D/L. So, if you don't have a source for spoilers, and want to know, PM me, I'll help you.

Mercy, honey, please put up a challenge! I'm actually on at the same time you are, and may actually be able to answer it.

LadeeBear, glad you joined us over here too. It's nice to see another DLC person come over here!
Ohhhh yeah Mer-bear post another challenge! I likes 'em...pwease! And Catey hon, I'd love to know more spoilers! Would you kindly PM me all the lovely info you have?! :lol: Pwease!

Okay deck chairs...really! :D
Okay, what to say what to say. I miss season 2 DL. I had a whole fantastic rant about it in my LJ just now, chances are you'll all be throwing things at me by tomorrow. *sigh*

I'm crazy excited we've got NY spoilers. The first eppys look amazing! Countdown till September has officially started!

Got some thread names. *ahem ahem*

Danny/Linds #18 - Hugging. Kissing. Playing "Pool".

Danny/Linds #18 - So That's Why It's Called a Snow Day.

Danny/Linds #18 - Pool Tables: Not Just for Playing Pool.

Danny/Linds #18 - They Used a Pool Table. Anymore Questions?
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