Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Here, Catey-catey-catey! Ooh, you have more info on spoilers? Do PM me, please!

And per y’all’s request…

Time to play Name That Episode! *and the crowd goes wild*

Today’s episode hints:
1. Hawkes wins a game.
2. “Oh nice. So I’m solving and buying?”
3. An interesting find on the A case: the victim's hands have been surgically enhanced by a procedure whereby pelvic bone tissue is fused to the knuckles.

You know the drill: pics, thoughts, behind the scenes speculations, etc!
*Mo bounces back in...* Hi I'm back! No deck chairs...but I did get a Dust Buster! :lol: (Awww the things that get you excited when you're a "grown up"! :lol: )

Rad honey you are just SO cute! I liked Seas. 2 D/L too, but then again I really did love Seas. 3 D/L too...I just love them in general! :lol: Nice thread titles by the way hon! I like those! ;) Good suggestions! :D

Mer-bear! yay for the challenge! *Mo claps and cheers loudly!* :lol: Okay I'm gonna find the answer...but first, can I say my first thought after reading clue #3 is "Ewwwwww!" :p Lol! :lol: Okay so....it's....*Mo scampers off for a sec...
Okay I'm back...and I know the answer but since I have not seen the eppy I'll just post a pic from it that I found and let someone who has seen it post the answer! :D (And don't feel like this was easy Mer hon, I cheated and googled it since I didn't remember seeing that one! ;) )

ETA: Removed pic since it had the title of the eppy right on the page, don't want to give it away! ;) :lol:
I have the answer: Corporate Warriors! I finally got one.
It was the Hawkes winning a game hint that solved it for me!

Okay, here's a pic from it!
I just love the expression on her face!
Lol, nice Catey! And yeah that expression on her face is way too cute! :D I seriously need to go back and rewatch all of Seas. 2! (Like it'll be such a hard ship! Lol, the hard ship will be tearing me away from my tv once I started rewatching eppy's! :lol: ) But I really do, cuz I remember the key D/L moments, but there are a lot of smaller ones I forget, plus just all the cases and fun details that I missed...yup that's gonna be a summer project for sure! :D
Well, this is where I remembered Hawkes playing chess. When Mercy said Hawkes wins a game, this is what I thought of:

I know it's not a D/L pic, but it's part of the game! This is what I thought of when Mer gave the clues!
*Mo stares at the pic Catey posted...* Mmmmmmmm, wait what happens in that eppy? Cuz that pic in that scene looks familiar...so maybe I saw it and just don't remember what happened!

Hey here's a fun question for y'all...if Lindsay had a tattoo...where would she have it and what would it be of?!! ;) :devil:
And you call yourself a Smacked shipper? *shakes head sadly* Cannolis? The quote in the hints was between Mac and Stella.

Hawkes and Flack work a case of arson where the guy was trying to get his girlfriend to move in with him, but didn't know her 10 yr old son was home sick, playing chess online with the guy's daughter.

Mac & Lindsay work a case where the vic had his head cut off, so Mac gets to play with sharp objects (while wearing a tasty black t-shirt).


Danny and Stella work together on the case where there is a Matrix like fight flashback in a pool hall, leaving behind a shoeprint on the ceiling.


Remember now?
Yeaaaaahhhh....nope! :lol: Definitely didn't see that one! So I can still call myself a Smacked shipper! ;) Heehee! :lol: Sounds like I definitely have to see it though! Mac in hot black shirt, a Matrix fight on the ceiling, and of course D/L both looking hot in it...yup gotta see it! :D

As for my tattoo question...I see Linds as a rose on the hip kinda gal myself...although it wouldn't suprise me if she had something a little more risque in a bit more racy place! :devil: Anyone else? ;)
Mercy: I LOVE STELLA AND DANNY AS A TEAM! They have such a brotherly affection for one another. It's endearing, so thank you for that picture! :D

Mo: I think that Lindsay is a heart on the hip sort of girl. It just seems... so sweet. Although I wrote a fic about Lindsay getting a belly piercing too, however out of character it must be!

I can definitely see Danny drawn to Linds' tattoo!
Hello shipper friends! You guys rock!! :)

As for Linds tattoo?? An eight ball of course. Danny and Lindsay should get each other's name tattooed on their arms. How trashy!! :lol:

I think Linds would get a tattoo where only Danny could see it. I think she's still pretty conservative. She might do something like Rachel did on Friends. Worked for Ross! :devil:

Whatever you all decide with a thread title is fine by me. This one was my idea, so it will be cool to see all the ideas that you all come up with. Rad made some good suggestions. ;)

Later. :cool:

P.S. Is it okay that I keep staring at Mac in the black shirt? :eek: :devil:
Aud: you watch Friends too! :) That's where I got my heart-on-the-hip idea. Rachel got it! :D

Danny/Lindsay#18: Stripping down at last.
Danny/Lindsay#18: Canon-can't get better than that!
Danny/Lindsay#18: Pool table marks canon.
Danny/Lindsay#18: You Found Me When No One Was Looking
Del hon, yeah I could see Linds as a heart on the hip kinda gal, and I definitely agree, I see Danny totally being drawn to Linds' tattoo! (There's something about a girl with a tattoo...I don't know why, but guys like it! :D )

Aud wub!! *Mo snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* :D Hi hon! Ohhhh, an 8-ball tattoo would be AWESOME! She should SO get one of those! :lol: I like it! Mmmmmm, maybe I'll get an 8-ball tattoo in honor of our ship! ;) Heehee!
I agree too Fluffykins, I see Linds getting the tattoo where only Danny could see it...makes it more fun finding it! :devil:
And yeah hon, it's totally okay to stare at Mac...he is a fine man in that black shirt! ;)

Del dear, Friends rocks! I love that show! And Rachel's heart on the hip was totally cute! :D Nice title suggestions by the way hon! :D
Mo: glad you agree with me about the heart-on-the-hip! :) I would love a tattoo like Sara Sidle's though, a black star on her ankle. ;) But that's just me.

Mo: Yes! Friends rocks!

Did anyone else jump on the sofa or squeal or do anything along those lines when Rachel entered and said, "I got off the plane!"
I love the thought of Linds having a "secret" tattoo! It just seems SO hot to me! I could totally see Danny being into it too! :devil: He'd have fun searching for it! ;) Heehee! :D I've wanted to get a tattoo for a long time, but can't decide what to get...that 8-ball idea is totally growing on me Aud wub! :D

Del, Friends totally does rock!
Did anyone else jump on the sofa or squeal or do anything along those lines when Rachel entered and said, "I got off the plane!"
:lol: :lol: Oh honey...you are not alone! For the whole second half of that episode while Ross was driving and then talking to her in the airport I was curled up in a ball of tension on my couch...and then when Ross got home and heard Rachel's message I was like..."Let Her Off The Plane!!" and then when I heard her say "I got off the plane..." I literally stood up on my couch and shrieked, no joke!! :lol: :lol: Pretty much like what I did when we got our D/L pool table scene at the end of this NY season! :D I am a fluffy shipper to the core and I tend to get vocal when my ships finally get together! So you are not alone in your shrieking for joy hon! :D
For thread titles, I still like
Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says I Do

However, if you just add a couple of quotation marks, like so...
Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"

*whistles innocently*

Tattoos? Needles are baaad. But if she got one, I would say it would be something a little unusual, like instead of a rose maybe a more exotic flower, maybe a line of orchids or a group of orchids .
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