Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Was anybody having trouble loading up a avatar? I can't get mine to load up. I want to have a I support d/l *Pouts** :(

I love how everybody is jumping on the bandwagon. D/L all the way!
messermonroe No worries... I didn't take it as a nag thing *lol*
I made it smaller ,,hopefully it's enough...
And I saw the banners you did,,,great ones.. :D
Hmmm, how to jump on the bandwagon without changing my avvie or sig. I signed the petition, so I guess that counts. Right? Maybe I'll do something with my location. We all know I support them, perhaps too much. Is that possible? To support them too much? Nah, who am I kidding, supporting them too much is like breathing too much. It can't happen.

Okay, so if my avvie and banner don't say it, and for some odd reason you all forget, I SUPPORT DL!

has Mo been here lately. I miss her, we haven't talked in long time :(
Don't worry, Rad. I haven't changed my banner or signature either, but you all know that I support D/L. I think it's great how we can all get behind something so fast. Our devotion to this pairing runs deep, doesn't it? I think it's amazing how fast we can rally!
Hey guys, you really need to get back on topic and discuss your ship. Not petitions and banners and such. You've linked to the petition and that's fine. Feel free to link to it again if you want but there's been no talk of anything except the petition and banners.

Remember, three lines of on topic discussion needs to be included.

Rad & Catey, I am getting ready to send y’all a pm with a suggestion.

But anyhow, I feel a challenge coming on…
Time to play Name That Episode! *crowd cheers*

Today’s episode hints:
1. COD on the A case vic was a diffuse axonal injury to the medulla area of the brain.
2. “You’re very excited right now for someone who’s telling me we don’t have a suspect.”
3. One of the shots in the ending sequence shows Lindsay discharging a firearm.

Post those pics and tell us your thoughts on the eppy in question! What was going through your mind during the various scenes, the storylines, and of course the shippiness!
Modie said:
Hey guys, you really need to get back on topic and discuss your ship. Not petitions and banners and such. You've linked to the petition and that's fine. Feel free to link to it again if you want but there's been no talk of anything except the petition and banners.
Woops, sorry Modie guess we all got a little carried away there :lol:

D/L is so love it's hard not to get carried away...

Rad said:
We all know I support them, perhaps too much. Is that possible? To support them too much? Nah, who am I kidding, supporting them too much is like breathing too much. It can't happen.
*shakes head* Can't happen hun. *nods* I agree with you, it's like breathing too much. Hehehe, D/L is love.

What do you think the Messer's first-born will be called? in fact, I'm wondering what playing surface he/she is going to be conceived on... :devil: [/dirty thoughts]

I've got a new storyline up on my fic for anyone who's interested. It's about a murderer who's targeting Linds for hurting "him". I won't tell who "him" is! Mwahahaha.

Cheer's guys! Is Mo back to wedding duty again? Damn it give her back! :D
We're sorry Modie. Your banner is hilarious though. Ending now.

So anyway, I think mini-messer will be cinceived on a ping-pong table. Foosball would be a little difficult, I suppose that if there was a glass over the top it ould be easier to *ahem* move around on. :lol:

Thanks for the pm Mer, if only I knew how to do that linkie thing.
Good morning, good morning, good morning!! *Mo skips in, almost singing Catey's favorite song without thinking! :lol: * Hello and happy Monday all my shippy buddies! I had a fabulous full weekend, it was gorgeous sunny weather here and that meant a lot of people were over and a lot of time was spent outside! But it was good! :D But I missed you all and as always am so very glad to be back in here! :D As you can tell I apparently have my enthusiasm and optimism back (and on a Monday morning no less! :lol: ) so yay for that! :D Love all the petition signing and supporting of D/L, that's is definitely awesome! I signed it and definitely support them! :D

Mer-bear pointed out:
Danny says "Are you having as much fun with your doll as I've had with mine?" He sais this right after processing evidence with Lindsay, so I maintain he was referring to Lindsay as his doll. Aww. So fluffy!
Awwww that's very fluffy! Yay, I'll have to go back and rewatch that eppy again to see that part! :D That is way too cute though....so we see Linds' face after he says that? It'd be great if she gave him a cute look or something! :D

Dutch dear said brilliantly:
Danny & Lindsay are the Ross & Rachel and the Luke & Lorelai of CSI: NY. Whatever will happen they will always end up running back to each other ...Now I start ranting too...Mo is there strong, hot coffee in your bubble?
Okay first of all, yes dearie there most certainly is strong coffee in my bubble...that's rule #2 for the bubble...rule #1, must be a fluffy who won't pop the bubble and #2 says there must be strong coffee! :lol: And as for the other, I so TOTALLY agree with you! I love Ross/Rachel and Luke/Lorelei and I definitely see Danny and Linds being like them...I just hope they don't go through as many breakups and angst as the other two couples did before they got together! :D

Fluffy Twin dearling Aud Wub asked:
Did we let our wubbable couple out of the broom closet or what??
Hi Aud!!! *Mo huggles her Fluffykins!* And nah, we locked them in there extra good and tight for now for safe keeping from the PTB trying to mess with them for the time being! :lol: But it's not like they aren't finding things to....entertain them :devil: while they're locked in there! ;) Lol! :lol:

Chell!!!!! Hi bud, we missed you in here! *Mo grins and giggling runs over and smooshes a nice big banana creme pie in Chell's face and runs away!*

Darling Niece Rad asked:
has Mo been here lately. I miss her, we haven't talked in long time
Awwwww Hi Honey! *Mo tackle-hugs her cute angsty niece! I'm here! Yeah we seem to have been missing eachother lately...but I'm here! :D

Gutter dude Liffy winked:
What do you think the Messer's first-born will be called?
Ohhhh, good question! I love the baby name game question! I have tons of baby names I love...in fact I think I might have to think on this for a bit...but I've got several so when I come back tonight I'll post them! :D And I can't decide which they should have first...boy or girl...Danny with a baby girl would be the cutest thing EVER! But I could see Linds really wanting to give him a son first...so I dunno! As for where it was conceived....pool table anyone? :devil: :lol:

Is Mo back to wedding duty again? Damn it give her back!
:lol: :lol: This was the last weekend for that...we had a big reception for the newlyweds at my parents house and now the wedding month is officially over! It was really fun, but I'm ready for some normal life now! :D

And speaking of normal life...I have to be grown up :p and normal :rolleyes: and head on outta here to go to my J-O-B...sad day I know! :p But I will be back later this evening, with an answer to Mer's challenge (good one today hon!) and a couple baby names...and a new avie to support D/L!! :D Until then have a fabulous Monday and remember...no matter what y'all....

WE ARE CANON BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Mo grins and nods firmly and then climbing into her fluffy bubble, shimmers away!* :D
Moriel sweetie!: Im so sorry to get back to you so late, but you can have the next thread.

BUT DAMN IT, Thread 18 is MINE or else I'll kill. :lol:

*Steals Danny from Mo again before dissapearing!*
AUNT MO! Yay you're here! Sometimes the DL thread is not as colorful without you and your huge posts. I loooove them!

Wow, I feel a little threatened be Kissme up there. I'm backing wayyyyy off, you can have the next thread, as long as nobody dies. :lol:

Love you all!
*Liff pops into thread carrying 2 big cream pies and sploshes it on Del and Stuffy*

Hello! :lol: Del's being feisty today *pets Del* Hehehehe.

Ooh can I open 19? I've never opened a thread before :D
^ Sure you can! Don't want you to go and kill people too... ;)*hides from delia under the pool table*

Since we're talking about opening threads....when can we start talking about new thread titles? :) (I always forget - is it page 23?)

Sorry Mer, but I cannot figure out what ep it is :eek: and I have no time to look for your hints...

I think it's pretty hilarious if there first child (and second and third and...) will be conceived on the pool table...so many memories...just hope the child will never find out... :eek:

I still think Daisy is pretty sweet for a girl... :D

Mo I agree about the number of break ups between L&L and R&R, but I suddenly had the strangest image of Danny running around all Ross-like "We were on a break!" :p and it made me smile...I know *bad shipper*... :eek:
No Dutch. It's page 22, so we're a little closer than you thought! :D

Didn't sign the petition yet, but will do tonight or tomorrow. Just don't have the time right now. I'm stuck under a pooltable, hiding for the Ffy's....AGAIN!

Just had a BIG moment: did you guys know you pronounce my last name as 'pool'?? :lol:
We all bettre start thinking of fantastic new thread names. I don't think I've inputed one since like 14 or something. I'm way past due. I'll let my little shipping head lead the way, hopefully it'll stay clear of the whole cheating thing. Hmmm, ideas a flying now. :lol: Can't wait for all the choices, you guys always have awesome ones!
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