Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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D/L Army? Wow! There are still places available? :lol:

I just saw the thing about the petition and I signed already :) Everyhting to keep the fluffy couple together for a long time (real meaning: FOREVER). I am with you, he flied all the way just to support her, this is not just something, this is a real Love, and they deserve to be together since they first met :rolleyes: I mean, it's obvious that D/L can't take over the show and have many episodes centred on that, but they can still be together, and they can still show some scenes every here and there, without exagerathing. I mean, as much as we would like to see them interacting a lot, I know that's not possible or good for the show, so I don't ask for that. I just ask for Danny not cheating on Lindsay :eek:, keeping them together and show them as a couple every once in a while.

Well, other than that, I would proudly use a banner like yours, but I really don't know how to make those :rolleyes:
Hey guys!
I signed the petition, and I’m happy that the number of members of D/L army is growing. I’m sure that TPTB won’t ignore us!
Keep those signatures coming everyone! We passed the 150 mark a long time ago.

catey in regards to your question about TPTB reading this petition...I think they will once they see just how many signatures we have gotten. I've thought about this as well, so you're not alone :) but all we can do is have faith *hugs*
Liff bud could you be a darl' and make one for moi?! ;) i love the way u have changed urs! hehe
DL Army rox!!! PTB>> listen up!!!!! :D
Hello, my darlings!

I've only got but a moment before I must run to work, but I wanted to let you know where you could get some of these lovely banners/avvies. Just Clicky here

I will be back after work with 3+ lines of good on topic posting and another challenge! Have a great day, everyone!
Chelle huni!!

Of course I'd love to hun. I've actually made a few. :D

Like Mer said^^ clicky there, I just posted mine up :D
^^May I use one of them as well, please?
Though I don't know how to put it like you do, that when you click go directly to the petition, it would be better than nothing. And I do support them, obviously...
By the way, if I am allowed to use them, who should I credit? The name that appears below the icon of the post the one I want is?

I would really like to see that they took in consideration the wishes of fans and shippers. Afterall, they already made the most difficult thing, to put them together (even though with them too was not that difficult, considering they had everything to be together :) ), now it's easy to keep it that way...I think....
Feel free to use any of them there =) I can help you with the clicky links, just PM me when you figure out which banner you want.

Credit the user who posted the banner hun =) safest route there ;)
The numbers sure are growing fast on the petition...already up to 191 signatures...

Keep up the good faith on our lovely couple... to destroy the best couple there is like destroy the wonderful dynamic between team members... Hopefully the best is yet to come.. for them to take steps forward and grow together as a couple..
thanks Liff bud **Hugz to u!!!** hehe

im soo glad we are almost at the 200 mark!!! this petition is gonna be huge!!!! im so glad we are doing this - DL is not something tht PTB can just drop at the drop of a hat :( Noooooo!!! Not on our watch baby!!!!! :lol:

Well now lookie here! Where did all these purty avvies and banners come from I wonder? ;)

193 signatures. Amazing...and remember everyone, 'tis the weekend. Once Monday and Tuesday come around we are going to have tons more people.

DL Army
hello everyone!
its nice to meet you all! just want you all to know that I am a D/L shipper for life and they will not be any splitting up of this perfect couple! i will defo sign the petition.
Yeah it sure turns up so many great avatars and banners supporting our favorite couple...
I'm really no good at making them but I thought what the heck.. see what Danny/Lindsay do to me... they made me enter my artprogram *lol*
Nina hun, don't mean to be a nag, but I think your avvie is a wee bit too big. You should resize it to a max of 22x75 px before modie whacks you :D


Teehee, such pretty banners! Oh and I uploaded more onto messermontana for your viewing pleasures :D

D/L is love - there's no escaping it!
I love how involved we're all getting. Aren't like 3 seperate people making banners and icons and stuff? Awesome. This shows what kind of action we'll take if anyone wants to threaten our lovely ship.

We're amazing, and I love it.
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