Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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This is so fun, learning about everyone's shipping habits. I love you all dearly, did you know that? Loving all the pictures we're getting in here btw. The one of Danny up there, guh. I could just sit and stare at Danny all day long. No wonder Lindsay never wants to leave his side. :lol:
crew--great confessionals going on here!!

welcome to the Ffy family, Audaffy! :p

oh yeah, Rad, i’d never want to leave danny’s side either. (lucky lady lindsay!) :)

cousin liffy LIVES in the gutter. enough said. *fiddles around with the cameras and casually smashes a cream pie in liffy’s face :lol: *
Welcome aboard Audaffy *hands her a cookie*

Hmmm...this gives me an idea...

Moffy; Merffy; cateffy; Jenffy; naffy; Audaffy; Radffy; dutchffy; caroffy; vexffy; delffy; nikkiffy; fallenffy; PSGffy; Anffy; Liffy; Stuffy...I hope I didn't miss anyone :(

Erm...that was my very lame attempt at giving you all Iffy names. By all means make up your own cause mine are rather bad :eek:
*hums along with aud*..."...we're expecting you...Love, life's sweetest reward...Let it flow, it floats back to you... :eek:

Okay, I can handle this addiction, but someone please give me something to keep me from singing those fluffy songs... ;)

Those 'ffy names are funny Stuffy but I now have a twist in my tongue from trying to pronounce some of them... :p

Love those pics...thought I share some too; just for fun...

Lovely smiles:



BTW Where is Mer? :confused: I miss those challenges...
Moffy; Merffy; cateffy; Jenffy; naffy; Audaffy; Radffy; dutchffy; caroffy; vexffy; delffy; nikkiffy; fallenffy; PSGffy; Anffy; Liffy; Stuffy...I hope I didn't miss anyone

Stuffy I love the names, naffy :lol: does that make me sound a bit naff?!?

(Oh secong thought do American's use the word naff ??)
Moffy; Merffy; cateffy; Jenffy; naffy; Audaffy; Radffy; dutchffy; caroffy; vexffy; delffy; nikkiffy; fallenffy; PSGffy; Anffy; Liffy; Stuffy...I hope I didn't miss anyone

Stuffy I love the names, naffy :lol: does that make me sound a bit naff?!?

(Oh second thought do American's use the word naff ??)
I love the pics dutch :)
*is confused abour the ffy-ness*

Why is this happening? I like it, I'm just crazy confused.

Hope you all are splendid!

Love the names, Stuffy! But some are hard to pronounce! :lol: I think Soffy will be easier to pronounce that PSGffy :lol: Great names tho!

Love the pics, Dutch! So cute! I love Danny's fangs! :lol:

I'm sure Mer bear will come back soon! I miss her challenges too! Even tho i'm hopeless at them! :lol:

Gotta love ya and leave ya. Have coursework to do! :( Man I hate school! O well, only 2 and a half weeks to go!

Peace! PSG xxx
^^Liffy, Anffy and I are known as the Ffys. aud called herself Audaffy...so now we all have a name that ends in Iffy (hope y'all don't mind - just thought it would be cool)

Where is everyone today? It's quiet in here...anyone got a catchy tune we can sing? *peers around for usual suspects who always come in singing*
Nat walks in listen to her Rascal flatts plylist...

*People pass by and you call them by their first name...watching the clouds roll by..*

Hey my fellow DL buddies what are you all doing.....It's started raining over here again ! :(

Stuffy look at me 'Loc:'<<<

Where is everyone today? It's quiet in here...anyone got a catchy tune we can sing?

Good point, a tumbleweed just blew past me :lol:
^^Ooh, I LOVE BRAD's NEW SONG!!! MO!!! You've gotten me hooked on that song. I think I truly did play a whole D/L video in my head whilst listening to it.

It being: 'Oh Love' by Brad Paisley ft. Carrie Underwood. It's superb :)

I love the Ffy names Stuffy, but why 'iffy'? I'm technically the only 'iffy' here. You're an 'uffy'. Hehehe. I'm just being an ass again, ignore me.

Dutch should be called Duffy ~it just sounds better and much easier on the tongue too :lol:

I'm like frekin' tired right now, and I don't even know why...oh yeah - lugging a new hi-fi throughout an entire mall does that to you! but i wubs my new toy :devil:

Cheers my darling! I need to go finish vacuuming.
*Jennfy comes in the Ffy-room, happy 'cause it's just a few minutes until SOOH finally airs in the Netherlands, hasty 'cause those few minutes give her to little time to make a good post*

I think we all got a little crazy in this DLA thing...now we're all Ffy's! I think in the future I'll take an umbrella with me to protect me from that horrible milkshake Liffy always splashes around...

The problems with my first avvie were something about the size and something with the pixels??? Well, I got it from the Fan Art-thread, so I didn't pay attention to it. Thought it'd be good...

I'm going to leave our fabulous DLA meeting, 'cause I'm going to feed my addiction. See you all, maybe even tonight!
Hehe I love it naffy!! *starts dancing with fellow buddy*

Awww it's raining there? It's sunny and humid and muggy here. It's a pool day....except that I don't have a pool *is sad*

*gasps* Rascal Flatts? I LOVE them!! Have you ever heard of Emerson Drive? I just listened to them a while ago and now I'm addicted to their song 'Fall Into Me' (probably cause it's a D/L song hehe)

Dutch should be called Duffy ~it just sounds better and much easier on the tongue too

*throws hands up in air* At least I gave everyone a name. What did YOU do? *eyes Liffy and prods him with her sword* :p
Hey guys!
Here the weather is sultry…now mugginess is more unbearable because I’m writing with my niece on my lap.

I really love Rascal Flatts…My favourite song is ‘Where You Are’, but I also like ‘What Hurts the Most’...I can't stop listening them.

Dutch, these pics are lovely! Especially the first…I hope that in the new season we’ll see other moments like that!
*comes in with dutch’s vacuum cleaner :D *

danny and lindsay are ALL GENUINE SMILES ;) ! i like it when they are happy cause it makes me happy…making it all well in Ffy-Land.

stuffy, your list of Ffys is HILARIOUS. you know i love it! yup, we ARE known as the Ffys! im going to need to see a license for that sword, young lady. :p how was your daily break?

jennffy, watching SOoH, huh? a definite DL super ep!!

ive got no song contributions but (OT) i have a spice girls song stuck in my head (just read about the reunion).

ps dont forget cheffy :).
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