Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Are we all sharing how we first fell in love with D/L? Err...okay - all of yours are rather...err, clean. :lol:

I told Del she didn't want to know - ahhwell, I guess I'll share it anyway :D

Unfortunately D/L isn't my first ship cos I have a gazillion others, but they're definately the one at the top of the mountain! Wee.

Yes anyways, I watched S2 and thought the new girl Lindsay Monroe was pretty cool...and the flirting was awesome...and then I came across a smutty fic (don't even ask why, it was in my inbox) and my eyes widened and I had a whole new fondness for watching D/L - can you blame me? These 2 are hawt onscreen/offscreen/fics/vids/mind anywhere - u name it, they're hawt.

They could take a bath together in cold water and it'd be steaming by the end :devil:

Darlin' Mo said:
Ya know, for a second there I thought you were hitting on our Stuffy
;) No comment :lol:

So Mo I got Brad Paisley's new album hon! Which of them are these songs of love you speak of? (gah, maybe I should listen to it first huh.... but tell me!)
I remember watching ZOO York on vacation while S1 was still premiering here and I thought they were really sweet. but the moment I became a shipper was in 2.16 when he was carrying her across the roof. it was like - WOW they are hot together
*Mo bounces into the thread, Phil Collins singing loudly in her head..."You'll be in my heart, you'll be in my heart, from this day on, now and forevermore...!" :D * Awwww good song! I love music, especially love songs, they just make me happy! :lol: Apparently I'm a dork today! (Then again, I'm kind of a dork everyday...yay for that! :lol: ) Anyway...without further ado...Good morning my shippy buddies! Guess what day it is??? That's right my lovelies it's Danny and Lindsay's favorite unofficial holiday..."HUMP DAY"!! :devil: Of course every day with them is usually Hump day ;) but still! :D I'm sure they are celebrating it in true fashion...under the covers gettin' busy! :devil: :lol:

Abby buddy giggled:
“It’s impossible! You see chemistry everywhere!”
When she saw the pics of Snow Day, her face was priceless!
Lol, that's awesome hon! I love those type of moments, when you can look back and go "Um not to rub it in your face...but ya know when you said "never"...hahahaha! Told ya so!" :lol: I feel like doing that sometimes to all the D/L doubters out there who claimed D/L wouldn't happen...I try not to rub it in their faces cuz I'm nice like that...but still... ;)

Del hey hon! Yay for a permament LJ account...did you not have one before? I's confuzzled! :lol: Glad you like my avie, yeah they are pretty dang adorable and hot and yeah gotta love em! :D

Liff dude you freakin' rock! :lol: I love how you fell in love with D/L! That is hysterical and it totally works! Love it! :D
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Ohhhhhh I knew it! You so were... :lol: Nice! ;)

As for Brad P. I'll tell ya the songs...but first listen to the CD and tell me which ones you think I mean! ;) (I know I'm so nice this morning! :lol: )

As for when I fell in love with D/L...honestly it feels like I have just loved them forever! :D I know I first posted on here after like All Access or Supermen...but that wasn't the first time I saw them for sure...I think it was right around City of the Dolls where I saw them for the first time and from the first second I was hooked...I'm like you Abby I see chemistry everywhere and I could just tell they were gonna be good together! :D

Okay time to go be responsible :p I so wich I could be a lazybones and chill at home...if only! :rolleyes: Awww well, adulthood calls...at least for the next 8 or so hours and then I'll be back to our land of Fluffy love! :lol: (Wow I'm funny today! :lol: ) Anyway...have a fabulous day shippy buddies and I'll catch y'all later!

*Captain Mo grins and climbing aboard her bubble shimmers off!* :lol:
Ahoy and aloha to all my buddies! How are we on this muggy and sticky Wednesday morning? Everyone who's in England...I'm thinking about y'all cause I've seen the pictures of the flood and it ain't pretty.

Ya know, for a second there I thought you were hitting on our Stuffy

Mo my love you always make me chuckle :)

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As for you...*squirts Liffy with ice cold water and throws M&Ms at him* :p
^^ YIKES ! Oi, what was THAT for?? Jeez, that was cold... grr.

Be nice dear or I wont help you with your LJ layout! (mwahahahaha....) :devil: D/L is purdy - it makes EVERYTHING PURDY.
*showers Liffy with hot water and sends in Montana to give him a giant hug and slice of cake*

There we go :) our sweet country girl knows how to make us feel better.

Hun, you know you love me :D
First cold and now hot? Oh well, at least I get Linds and Mo is happily galivantin' off with Danny whilst his face reflects his longing for his Montana :D ahh...hehe.

Of course I love you Stuffy hun! We're the Ffy's! Now where's cuz...CUZ!!!!!

Ooh, listened to the CD! All I can come up with is "Oh Love" which is...so sweet!

"Oh love...." Their voices are too good together!
I feel like I started a D/L anonymous group here! Hi, my name is Catey, and I've been shipping D/L since 2005. It's an addiction I can't seem to resist. There is no hope, and I don't want to be not addicted to it.! lol. Once you start, you can't stop!
*gets up, clears throat and speaks up*

"Hi, my name is Sandra and I've been a D/L shipper ever since Zoo York. Never had shipped anything before so I didn't know what hit me. :eek: I'm glad that I've joined these DLA (Danny Lindsay Anonymous) meetings and found out that I'm not the only one with this serious addiction." :D

*blushes :eek: and sits down again*


I feel like doing that sometimes to all the D/L doubters out there who claimed D/L wouldn't happen...I try not to rub it in their faces cuz I'm nice like that...but still...
LOL, Mo I must confess I've been tempted quite a few times to do that too, but I guess in a way TPTB did that for us... ;)*hands them some more cookies* - keep it coming, but may I just request some angsty moments :p
Here goes me! :lol:

Hi, I'm Jenny. I live in the Netherlands and I'm a Danny/Lindsay shipper. Shipped a lot before, just didn't know I had to call it 'shipping'. It's probably an addiction and it's contageous, 'cause everyone around me seems to be caught by it :lol:

I came in today and got some bad news: my avvie had been refused!!!!! I immediately decided not to try again, but since a lot of you in this thread were glad I finally got an avvie (thanks Dutch!) I thought I'd give it one more try. And here it is!

I probably have the same one as someone else again (sorry catey), but I'll keep on searching when I have time!

Just 24 hours until Sleight out of Hand...well, for me then! :)

EDIT: Did you see the first spoilers for CSI:Miami are in? That means the spoilers for NY have to come soon, right??
Hey catey it's like the Pringles commercial...once you pop, you can't stop! :D

*steps onto podium and waves to fellow buddies*

Ahoy there shipmates. Just call me stuffy :) I live in Ontario, Canada *waves to catey* and have loved D/L since...well I can't exactly remember the moment I started shipping them, although it was around Zoo York or those parts. I gladly admit that I am addicted to them, and my family knows it cause my mom teases me. D/L is my addiction :p

I too am glad I've jumped aboard this ship, cause then I'd never met all you lovely people. That and I just couldn't resist :) cause seriously, it's Danny and Lindsay we're talking about here. DLA member and proud of it :D

*shyly steps back down*

*Edited because I can't even spell Lindsay right* :eek:
Hey guys!

Since everyone's making a speech i'll make one too:

Hey, I'm Soph and i've been shipping DL since the start, although at the time i didn't know what it was called. Then I found this forum and was hooked! I'm addicted and I tend to drag my friends into it too! :lol:

I'm glad to be aboard too, coz then i'd never have met all you lovely people, who i love! DLA member and darn proud of it! :lol:

Liff and Stuffy, you guys crack me up! And i love the "no comment!"

Love you all! Catch y'all later! xxx
*anffy joins the Ffys, Spoiler Queen, and Jen under the table*

now what are my Ffys up to?? *showers both of them with large bubbles* im here!

preface: this is gonna be a long one and i loved all your comments on this page!! ya’ll rock. really, you do.

nat, thanks for posting those images of danny! i never looked at the screencaps for LRC’s last scene---he DOES look like he’s about to cry. in one of the very very few times (RSRD has this too), danny is vulnerable and opening his heart completely to this country girl who has already changed his life. he never once flipped out on her for standing him up; he gave her the benefit of the doubt…gave her a chance to explain herself. he stuck by her knowing that this was the woman he wanted (and still wants!) till death do them part. he waited patiently, gave her space, still watched over her (snake bite question), and ultimately had to be there for her knowing that she was in great emotional pain (even though she did not ask for him to be there; she was trying to be so strong). danny took it upon himself to listen to his heart/instincts that were obviously telling him that NOTHING will stand in his way to lindsay; he went to her. even if they didnt get together, he needed assurance that lindsay was okay/he needed to see her through. he would never do this for just anyone and im sure he knew this: this time was different, the girl was different, this love was different but true—special and once in a lifetime.

It's funny... I alays think everyone is the same age as me in here. I'm 17. And when you guys tell your real ages it shoots me into reality check. We all sound the same though... oober crazy fangirls.
^^^ Rad! who are you calling a crazy fangirl? *blushes* meee, yes I admit it, hugs Rad. it IS so funny that we all sound the same! spread the Danny/Lindsay love (nods with nat)!

aww, catey, age doenst matter at all in the DL world! its great that we have all different age groups here---gives us some perspective from time to time when we’re not all being the crazy fangirls we are! besides, i love hearing stories about your little future DL fankids.

happy ending
^^^ Mo & catey! *eyes lightly drifting over the horizon…*

Captain Mo, im reporting for duty. the anchor is up, masts are looking good, and rudder is doing fine. i cracked myself up when i saw the link for ‘making love’ under lindsay’s entry.

Darlin' Mo said:
Ya know, for a second there I thought you were hitting on our Stuffy

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^^^ liffy, cousin, tsktsk. are you sure we’re related? re: your coming to liking DL and comments---you can be one naughty boy! :devil: watch out, stuffy. :lol:

both their apartments would stay hot 'n steamy all day/night
^^^Auda! mental image. mental image.

Jen, pretty av! im blanking out right now between the heat I just walked in from and work…what episode is that from? and your name is in the theme song for DL’s pool night!

pal stuffy, take me to work with you NOW. i need DL during my breaks. i wouldve started a slightly audible squee if i were seeing the hand-holding, then shove something into my mouth to pretend i was just chewing loudly. October 9? MARKED and ready. whoohoo! *quietly cheering for features, features, DL features, features, features* yupyupyup, cant hear it enough that carmine and anna b are DL shippers! its like music to my ears.

hello dutch, welcome to the group. we’re glad you could make it to the meeting today. :lol: :lol: im glad you still found time to say hi and drop in! we’ll of course still be here if you need to get that work done. yup. DLA!

“DLA”-- with that: call me angel, anffy, angel <3, etc. (im pretty cool with any nickname). im in my early 20s and i started D/L shipping around May 2006. ironically, i was two beaches away from carmine at the time (he was at Malibu Beach, if im not mistaken) when he shot the photos for that tvguide issue.

delia, you and your LJ! its always so pretty.
abby, funny incidence! her facial expression must have been priceless!
Hey, I'm Rachel, and I've been shipping D/L since 2006. My intensity for this couple has increased dramatically over the past year, thanks to my support group and those two lovers themselves. I live in FL and will be a senior in high school next year.
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