Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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I know, I know!! Could it be "Bad Beat"? If I'm right, what do I getty?? How about a D/L walrus video? :D :confused: :D

If even so, I loved "BB"--it was a great episode for both Danny and Lindsay---together and separately. How cute was Danny in that episode? How cute was Lindsay in the dumpster? I loved how she gave it right back to him! "Footage from your 30th birthday party, Messer?" He was shocked that she said so, but you know it just turned him on. :lol:

My Fluffiest Child of all said: "okay the ffy nicknames are weird, although I'm sadden I wasn't given one, but oh well. I'm the resident angsty."

Uh, did you think we wouldn't give you a 'ffy' name? Welcome to ffy, Lynnffy! :lol: And we like weird. Weird is fun. :p

Later. :cool:
Auda!! You are soo good! What gave it away so quickly again? Do I need to make these harder?

I watched the ep with the DVD commentary on, and found out a couple of funny things.

In two different scenes, when Danny and Hawkes are interviewing persons of interest at the tv station about Tara Stansfield’s murder, the tv monitors show weather reports with temperatures in the the 70’s and 80’s when the shot is supposedly taking place in November in NY. Just a little gaff there.

Also, when Flack is canvassing the building and the fat furry dude opens the door wearing just his underwear, apparently during filming there was an alternate gag take where Eddie made a joke instead of saying “Nevermind. Carry on, sir.” Eddie looked left down the hall, then looked right, and said “Eh, alright, make it quick.” and joined the guy in his apartment. CSI:NY really needs to release gag reels!

And you gotta love the head tilt shots in Bad Beat!



And this was also Adam’s first eppy!!
Auda!! You are soo good! What gave it away so quickly again? Do I need to make these harder?

Nah, you don't need to make 'em harder. You gave it away (for me at least ;)) when you listed the Flack line. It's a classic. Ugly naked man with Flack....what a sight! :eek: He had to put up with some weird characters. I love how they flashed between Lindsay in the dumpster with the Flack scenes---but never mind that!!

"Bad Beat" was just a great episode. It was another episode that contains an important novelty for our ship: Walruses.

I love how she goes up to tease Danny and no one else. Their body language is perfect. :D

Mer, you are love. :)

I miss Mo. :(
*hands Auda tape of the pool table footage* D/L’s version of a walrus documentary. :devil: *hugs*

Oh, and the commentary also mentioned that Bad Beat had a little hint of Lindsay’s secret because of the way she got a little bit of a lost look when listening to the 911 call tapes about the A case fic (the one who’d been killed with the shotgun).

Ah, I know I just got back in here, but sadly I must go to work early tomorrow, and it is after 1 a.m., so I am off to bed.
G’night everybody!
*Mo skids into the thread, dripping wet after her sprint through the worlds biggest downpour!* Hello my loves! :D Did I hear someone asking for me...:
anyone got a catchy tune we can sing? *peers around for usual suspects who always come in singing*
Happy to oblige! ;) *Mo clears her throat and then starts singing along with the king of love songs, Mr. Phil Collins "You'll be in my heart! Yes you'll be in my heart! NO matter where we go!"

Mer-bear honey asked:
Where’d Mo go again?
I'm here hon! I just had a bit more moving (not me, for my new sister-in-law and brother's new house) to do and then they came home so I was visiting...but anyway, here I am! Nothing can keep me away from all my lovely shippy dearies! :D

Fluffy Twin Aud wub whispered:
I miss Mo.
*Mo snuggles her Fluffykins!* Awww here I am wub, no worries I'm not going anywhere...

Liffy love the icon/pic thing you made! That rocked! Lol, rubbing it in non-D/L's faces but just enough to be funny not mean...love it! :lol:

Dutch dearie groaned happily:
*stands up again and starts singing along with Mo - this has to be one of those nasty side effects of my addiction
:lol: Yay! *Mo grinned and cheered!* I got Dutch to sing with me! :lol: That's one side effect of your addiction that I highly appreciate! ;) Heehee, I always like another singing buddy! :D Aud sings with me, and Mer sometimes...but one more is always good! :D

Fluffykins Aud laughed:
With all this ffy stuff I've decided that from now on I'm calling myself, Audaffy!! Catchy, huh??
Lol, it's catchy...but I gotta admit the whole Ffy thing makes me think of "Daffy Duck" from Bugs Bunny! :lol: Not that that's bad, cuz I loved Daffy, that's just what it makes me think of! :lol: So we're all "ffy's" now then? So then I would be Mo-ffy then? Mmmmmm, makes me think of "Little Miss Moffet" and little Miss Moffet dealt with spiders and Mo doesn't like Spiders! :p (talk about a stream of consciousness there huh! :rolleyes: )

Awww Dutch, those smile pics you posted are GORGEOUS!! They both look SOO happy! Danny and Linds really have the most beautiful smiles...I LOVE them! *Mo stares at the smiles and sighs happily!* :D

Liffy bud grinned:
^^Ooh, I LOVE BRAD's NEW SONG!!! MO!!! You've gotten me hooked on that song. I think I truly did play a whole D/L video in my head whilst listening to it.
It being: 'Oh Love' by Brad Paisley ft. Carrie Underwood. It's superb!
I told you!!! See isn't it amazing!! I'm telling you, I put the CD in after I bought it and seriously had that song on repeat for the first like 5 days after I bought the CD!! It is awesome! :D

Rad niece, Aud wub, Catey dear, I would say I was on the "had no idea what shipping was" boat" but I think in a lot of ways I was born shipping! :lol: Although like you I probably didn't know what I was doing was called "shipping"...but from as far back as I can remember I was pairing couples up on tv shows or movies! I LOVED it!

Mer-bear asked:
Mo, got a question for you whenever you reappear. We like a lot of the same country music and I know you are a Kelly Clarkson fan, so I was wondering if you had heard the new duet of her with Reba singing Kelly’s song “Because of You”?
First of all I'm pretty sure I've said this already...but yay that we both like country and Kelly! (Or wait, do you like Kelly?) :lol: Anyway, yeah I have heard
Kelly and Reba's new duet and to be honest it's not my favorite...not because I have anything against Reba (I love her!) but "Because of You" is probably my favorite song Kelly sings and she does it so amazingly well...it's is heartrendingly beautiful when she sings it and I think it loses some of that when she sings it with Reba and that annoys me. So I'm mixed about it! ;)

Alright y'all...it's late here and I should be off to bed...I do have the day off tomorrow, but I'm sleepy after waking up super early this morning to pick up my bro and new sis-in-law from the airport! So I'm off to bed! Sleep well my dears and I will be back later! :D

*Mo yawns happily and climbing into her bubbles drifts off to sleep as she shimmers away!* :lol:
Hey, hey! *Jenffy jumps around, 'cause she's the first to reply after the Carmine interview!*

Hey guys! Did anyone read the interview CSI Files had with Carmine? I liked it when Carmine said that the D/L-thing was a GOOD thing :lol: He also said that the courtroom-scene (which I BTW finally saw yesterday) was supposed to be like: Oh, now you do want me? Well, you have to convince me first! So basically, nothing ever happened between Danny and Lindsay until SD!

He did however said Danny was maybe doing something horrible to Lindsay...the word cheating fell...

O, little boy is crying and big girl has to be picked up from school. Have to go through the rain AGAIN :mad: On a bicycle, so I'll be really wet! O well, maybe some of that chocolate milkshake will get off me. And you get some too, Liffy!

*Jenffy gets a watergun, fills it with lemonade-syrup and points at poor Liffy*
hey shipper/crew loves! just read the interview too. what a friday, im having one of those days (something i dont want to bring to the thread! boo!) and i think the interview just might have added to it. no other comments right now. *stepping out of the thread for some 'self/alone time'* ps great head-tilt piccies, and yes, mer, there should be gag reels.
I saw that interview. It's great that Carmine was all for DL, and it rocked because I could totally tell the interviewer was anti-DL. Carmine shot her dowwwn. :lol: DL is a good thing, we know it, he knows it, TPTB know it, soon all will know it!
Radical618 -or should I say Radffy now- said:
I saw that interview. It's great that Carmine was all for DL, and it rocked because I could totally tell the interviewer was anti-DL. Carmine shot her dowwwn. :lol: DL is a good thing, we know it, he knows it, TPTB know it, soon all will know it!

I'm glad I wasn't the only one seeing the interviewer was not into D/L at all! I felt the interviewer kept on asking questions about D/L, 'cause she wanted to make clear that D/L isn't such a good thing...Did he tell her the truth or what! :D
But I sure hope the 'cheating'-thing Carmine talked about isn't going to be... I do think there'll be problems for D/L, 'cause as a new couple you have to find a way to form yourselves around each other. And I definitely hope TPTB will show us that!
ooooh vexus pretty picture!!

sorry i haven't been here... I've been in Germany for two weeks!

Honestly i think that if Danny ever "cheated" on Lindsay it would be some mistake. An ex girlfriend comes back and wriles (sp?) him up or a girl on the case flirts with him. But lets just hope for the best!
I can't imagine Danny would cheat on Lindsay when he's waited so long for her. So, my guess is there are some problems with different expectations. You know, Lindsay wants to take things a step further (maybe moving in together - wouldn't that be great!) and Danny gets cold feet and does something stupid...Gives a lot of tense on the workplace!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to next season! I'm off now, go out for dinner with some people from my korfball-club. Not that I still play, I ruptured my Achilles tendon, but luckily I'm still invited! See you tomorrow!
I don't think that Danny would cheat on Lindsaybut the writers may do something to make it 'look' like he is!

I was just reading this Carmine interview..

CSI Files: Have you been given any hints about what might be next for Danny and Lindsay in the next season?
Giovinazzo:I did hear a little bit about there's going to maybe be some wayward Danny [behavior] this season.
CSI Files: Is there going to be another woman, or might there be a love triangle in the works?
Giovinazzo: I don't know if we've got to go so far as love--he does the things young men do.
CSI Files: Oh no! Is he going to cheat on Lindsay?
Giovinazzo: Well, you never know. I think that's a possibility, that maybe she wasn't all Danny thought she'd be. Maybe he's already looking elsewhere.

I'm not sure if it needed to be in a spoiler box but I thought you may want a look!
No way is Danny going to cheat on Lindsay. Why? Cause it's not Danny. We all know how much he has changed since Montana came along. He's a different person now. Besides, it's the oldest cliche in the book.

There's some other things I want to say regarding the interview, but I don't want a pie in the face from Modie, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

From what I picked up while reading the interview, Carmine likes the D/L relationship. Granted he disagrees with certain aspects of how it was played out, but in general he likes it :)
I can't really either see him cheating on her...
Wasn't it right after Snow Day aired there was a little tidbit of an interview or whatever and Carmine said they couldn't not do anything with this,,and that it was just the beginning for them... then to give a cheating comment in this interview..rang like he was toying... there are no way in a interview like this to see his face, or hear his voice.. so just seeing it as words can sound harsh... I'm sure we don't have to worry to much...

To build something like this up for 2 season to have him dump her or cheat on her in the beginning of season 4... will hardly make me like his character better.. and it would just be bad look overall... like that was the only thing Danny wanted...to get her to sleep with him...and from what I've seen for 2 seasons...that isn't the case...the man is in love ,,
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