Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Just had to share....good night everyone! I'm gonna catch some sleep (yes, I know it's only 10 PM, but since my son is awake every single night this has become my new bedtime...)

BTW: you know what the best part was of SOOH? My husband even smiled when Danny and Lindsay almost kissed each other! :lol:
Anffy, why don't you talk to our lovely pal Liffy? He knows a lot about my swords; I prod him with them a lot. I have three :D and am planning to buy another one in a few weeks.

My break was amazing!!!! I was the only one in there today. I was like "Eeeeee!!!!!" and lay down on the couch and watched 'Trapped'. If only it were just me every day.

Oops *is embarrassed* Sorry Cheffy buddy, I totally missed you! And you left a comment on my FB not too long ago...*hides*

Jenffy hunny, I'm so glad you enjoyed SOOH...and your husband is a shipper! :lol: awwwwwww
Cateffy, here! What an interesting concept, all the ffy names. Except with Merffy, it makes me think of that old show, Murphy Brown. lol. I'm not even sure you can pronounce mine!

Oh, my wonderful shipper world. I'm like you, Auda. I didn't really know what shipping was until D/L, but I got a quick crash course. I just knew that I liked the two of them together on the show, and quickly fell into the fanfic universe. I just couldn't get enough stories of the two. Now, I check ff.net every night to see if there are new stories, or new chapters to favorites. Then, I started searching out places like this, and one day, finally got up the nerve to actually post on this forum. And met a lot of wonderful people who suffered from the same affliction. I *wub* you all!
Radffy here, still not knowing why I'm infact Radffy, and I'm still begging one of you to tell me. I was on that "had no idea what shipping was" boat for a while. Basically it started with Gilmore girls (Luke and Lorelai for those who know what I'm talking about) then once I relaized I was shipping Danny and Lindsay, I relaized I'd been shipping Luke and Lorelai for ages.

I have you all to thank for opening me up to the wonderful world of shipping. (not to be confused with the wonderful world of Disney, but very close :lol:)

So, spoilers are coming soon I'm sure, anyone going to *attempt* to stay spoiler free? I might. It wont work.
Stufy: Hello, apparently... I'm Delffy. :D Haha, that made me laugh.

Rad: I love your icon. Seriously. So adorable! :)

Thanks everyone for the pictures! :D

Damn, I really need to come here more often. :lol:
Glad you like my icon Delffy, I love your banner btw, Sandle is becoming more amazing everytime I see them together. No lie.

But onto DL. They're love. You guys think we'll be getting anymore DL action in s4?
Darlin' Stuffy said:
Anffy, why don't you talk to our lovely pal Liffy? He knows a lot about my swords; I prod him with them a lot. I have three.
Oh I know about them alright, they're plastic, and like to break. I've had more than enough experience laughing at them, it's fun for the whole family! Err...

:( Where is Chelle? I mish her, CHEFFY!!

Naughty Jen said:
horrible milkshake Liffy always splashes around...
Just for calling chocolate milkshake horrible, you get a squirt. *squirt*

*Liff tiptoes behind Vex and pokes her off the pool table* There, now more room for the occupants :D Care to join us UNDER the pool table? We're having a party and Stuffy brought along her plastic weapons for sporadic prodding. :D

Damn it...I think I'm coming down with some kind of virus, which explains why my brain is in a mush, and I'm full of incoherent thoughts (i spelled it right - I'm still okay).

Ha! That's a laugh Liffy. Where's that trident of yours, hmm? Oh, there it is...lying in the corner, all broken to itty bitty pieces. Ah well.

I hope y'all didn't mind that I gave everyone nicknames. I just thought it would be a neat thing, have a room full of Ffys who love D/L. You aren't going to throw M&Ms at me are you? Liffy I know you are :p *prepares watergun ahd checks D/L cam in the process*

I come bearing two beautiful gifts:

ETA: Anyone wanna venture out with me for a sec? The view is always better from the top :devil:
Vexffy I like the name, it suits me!

*Oh! Recovers from the poke and goes under the pool table and grabs a plastic weapon from Stuffy and waits for Danny to come by and for spoilers to show up!
fallenffy, that's definately interesting. Though, I think my dog thinks I'm crazy as I've tried to pronounce the name a lot while he's around. But thanks for the name Stuffy! And I love those pictures. Especially the second one. I melted when I saw it.

dutch, I adored yours too. They both have the most beautiful smiles.

And now I wait in anticipation, partly for spoilers, but partly to what Danny and Lindsay are doing up above.
i cant go spoiler-free, no way...i'll try berry hard though!

Cuzzy Liffy, what is up with these swords that belong to stuffy? *throws liffy's trident up on top of the pool table*--oops! :p youre on your own, stuffy venturing off up there! its HOT up there. :devil:

nice new names there, shippers! enjoy the edible treats under the pool table. :cool:
*sneaks into thread* Psst... here I am, Dutch!
Where’d Mo go again? Sorry for going MIA, I’ve just been completely drained of all energy. Tired all the time.

Mo, got a question for you whenever you reappear. We like a lot of the same country music and I know you are a Kelly Clarkson fan, so I was wondering if you had heard the new duet of her with Reba singing Kelly’s song “Because of You”?

Discussing who is going to try to go SF? Me, no way. Spoil me, baby!

Rad, you always have cool icons! This one is great!

Okay, get your thinking caps on!

Time to play Name That Episode!” *crowd cheer wildly*

You know how it goes… when you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, so we get multiple answers and pics. You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want!

Today’s episode hints:
1. “Nevermind. Carry on, sir.”
2. The B case vic was killed by a coworker.
3. When examining a bloodied and ripped jacket, Lindsay finds GSR.

Good luck, y'all!
okay the ffy nicknames are weird, although I'm sadden I wasn't given one, but oh well. I'm the resident angsty.

I so am Not cheering wildly. I'm the one sitting in the corner, going, "boo get off the stage!"

Do we get season 1 or 2 hints at least? Thats so not fair. oh wait, were there smacked in this episode?
'I wish I were more fluffy' said:
I'm the one sitting in the corner, going, "boo get off the stage!"
And I'm the one getting ready to whack you for raining on my parade.

Dutch at least likes my challenges, so there :p.

'I wish I were more fluffy' said:
oh wait, were there smacked in this episode?
Not really, more like minor smacked obstacle depending on your obsession level. I gave you a clue, so guess dangit!
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