Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Since I honestly believe I need to be part of the DLA here it goes:

I'm fallen and I've been shipping Danny and Lindsay since about two months ago when I began to watch NY. I watched a rerun of All Access and remembered seeing them and the rest was history. Within a week, I was crazy about them, or at least by the time I watched a rerun of Stealing Home.

But, seriously, I believe I'm going crazy of this ship. Yesterday, while it was raining outside here, I was looking out my window and having a daydream about Danny and Lindsay in the rain. And later that night, I was looking through my room when I found two tiger stuffed animals. At the moment, the two tigers are sitting atop my laptop screen, to which I have even renamed them Danny and Lindsay.

I like this craziness. It's..different. And fun.
I have so many episodes that I love with them two, but my favorite is always going to be zoo york, closely followed by all access. I love the way her nickname montana rolls off his tongue.
I think i need to add two cents worth here.. *clears throat*

OK what can I say about myself.My names Natalie but every one on here calls me natty or batty (guess why<<<!) Well I have been a DL shipper since that memorable ep at the zoo, zoo york.I honestly didn't that I was a shipper well then again I didn't know what it meant untill I found this wounderful site while searching for 'Danny/Lindsay spoilers csi ny'- I think that was my google search all those months ago :lol:

Anyway i'm a DL shipper from the heart ad am proud to be DLA member! Well if I wasn't I wouldn't have met all of you lot :)
Yes, I too am a member of DLA.My obsession, I don't think that's too strong a word, started with Zoo York and built up slowly until the hand holding in City of the Dolls,now I know I am an addict for life, and can't wait to see Snow Day- which just happens to show in the UK on my birthday!!!Please ,TPTB, give us lots of D&L moments in series 4, or else...
Jen, no problem about the avie! A lot of the D/L scenes result in many of the same pics, with different sayings on them. And when I first qualified for avies and banners, mine got rejected to. I had some wonderful people on here help me locate a new one, and I have changed them occasionally on here. I should find a new one, but I really like her head on his shoulder. It just fits perfectly, and they are great together.

Boy, DLA is growing rapidly! Don't be afraid, tell the story of your obsession. We are all in the same boat here, and we don't judge.
^^When I first qualified for an avvie it got rejected too, but that was simply because it was too big. But since I make all my avvies, I just resized it. Was that all your problem too? *shrugs*

It's the end of Hump Day for me, well...it was 24 minutes ago :D And now I'm off to attend my "Danny/Lindsay imagination class" better known as sleeping and having sweet dreams.

Cheers my darlings! *leans up to place a bowl on the pooltable, only to be hastily grabbed from above, before more moans ensue*

What exactly ARE they doing up there? hmm...lets take a peek see...
Did you see the first spoilers for CSI:Miami are in? That means the spoilers for NY have to come soon, right??
Spoilers should be out within the next week. I've been checking my source several times a day and as soon as they're out, I'll be posting in the Spoiler Thread in the NY forum. As well as on my LJ and a couple other sites I moderate.
messermonroe, I have to depend on the kindness of people who can actually make them. I've dabbled in making a couple, and haven't been satisfied with the results. I belong to another forum that always seems to have plenty of avies, but they are too big to use here. So, I have to request them for here when I do want a new one. Thank God there are so many talented people here!

1CSIMfan, I know, I can't wait for the spoilers to begin again. I was kind of surprised about Miami's being out now, but it is getting toward the end of June when some of the spoilers do seem to appear. Can't wait for the NY ones!
Oy vey Liffy...is your mind ever out of the gutter? :p although 'tis a rather nice place; all my buddies are here.

Thanks Mod for the update :) much appreciated.

I am so loving this DLA. Funny story about D/L...on the weekend my mom said "Danny and Lindsay can survive a day without you" (she was referring to me not being on here) and my brother laughed, than she laughed, and then I started laughing. But she's a shipper as well so it's all good :D when Danny came into the courtroom in SOOH she said "Awwww" and I couldn't stop grinning. I'll never forget that :)

Psst Liffy...we installed cameras, remember? They're hooked up so we can watch the action through someone's (since I don't have one) laptop. And blast it, you stole my saying! ;)
Here's a picture that will get you through these hot days of summer! :


I don't know, I think it just got hot in here! :)

Thank you for the update on the spoilers! I've been waiting for them.
*Mo cracks her knuckles and clears her throat dramatically before standing up and approaching the podium..."Hello, my name is Moriel, Mo for short, and I have been obsessed with Danny and Lindsay for the last 15 months at least! I used to think I was alone in my love for these two, but now that I have joined DLA I realize that this obsession is something that affects so many more lives and has roots in so many more people than I ever could have imagined!" Mo clears her throat again..."Now in honor of D/L I would like for everyone to stand and sing with me, "Love is in the air! Everywhere I look around! Love is in the air! Every sight and every sound!" :D

Stuffy dearie grinned:
Mo my love you always make me chuckle
Happy to oblige honey :D ...And by the way, he totally was! ;) I can tell about stuff like that! :lol:

Cool dude Liffy bud guessed:
All I can come up with is "Oh Love" which is...so sweet!
Great guess bud, that was one of the two I loved! There were a bunch of good ones on that CD, fun, good, sweet! But it was "Oh Love" that I loved and the one "With you, Without you" (I LOVED that song! It's sad, but still, so good!! :D )

Spoiler Queen Catey dear smiled:
It's an addiction I can't seem to resist. There is no hope, and I don't want to be not addicted to it.!
*Mo clears her throat and then bursts out in a fit of fluffy giggles, unable to help herself!* I so totally agree with you! I was gonna attempt to do something cool and be smart about agreeing with you...but I can't, I'm hopelessly addicted to them and I can't even think about not being addicted! Guess that's the sign of a true addiction huh... :lol: When you know you are addicted and don't care! ;)

Dutch honey admitted happily:
I'm glad that I've joined these DLA (Danny Lindsay Anonymous) meetings and found out that I'm not the only one with this serious addiction."
*Mo applauds her buddy and grins back!* Awww yes, dear definitely glad you joined our lovely group, we would not be same without you! ;) It's so nice to know we all just love our fabulous ship! :D

Jen buddy asked:
Did you see the first spoilers for CSI:Miami are in? That means the spoilers for NY have to come soon, right??
Mmmmm, yeah see I'm a bit apprehensive about that...I haven't decided yet if I want spoilers for NY quite yet or not. I want spoilers cuz I want to know what's gonna happen and I really want to know what kind of D/L love they are going to give us, but there is still a very small part of me that is afraid those spoilers are going to be bad...I am a fluffy so it's a very small part, but it's still there...so yeah...not sure if I want spoilers yet! :lol:

Honey girl Angel snapped to attention:
Captain Mo, im reporting for duty. the anchor is up, masts are looking good, and rudder is doing fine. i cracked myself up when i saw the link for ‘making love’ under lindsay’s entry.
*Mo nods crisply...* Well done Sailor Angel things look to be in fine order here, you can take a moment to step to the galley! (Okay I really don't know what I'm saying there...but it sounds fun! :lol: ) And yeah that link by Linds' name, awesome!! :D

Catey hon marveled:
Boy, DLA is growing rapidly!
Lol, I know right! You started a lovely trend! :lol: But then you know us D/L shippers...we love us a good addicted group! ;)

Our lovely Modie who needs to say Hi more often announced:
Spoilers should be out within the next week. I've been checking my source several times a day and as soon as they're out, I'll be posting in the Spoiler Thread in the NY forum.
Modie! Hiya! Okay so I know I said I was apprehensive about spoilers, but in the space of 10 seconds I have changed my mind! (Yeah I know I'm fickle! :rolleyes: ) but seriously I'm getting excited about them...forget fear, bring on the D/L love spoilers! :lol:

Vex hon...wowza on that pic! Danny is SO freakin' hot, gah how much do I want him right now! :devil: Seriously the boy makes jeans and a jacket positively sinful!! :devil: Heehee!

Alright, gotta go finish cleaning my apartment...yay for that! :p Heehee, have a fabulous evening my dears and I'll be back later! ;)

*Mo grins, steps off the podium, and jumping in her fluffy bubble, shimmers off!* :lol:
seems like Im late for the DLA meeting again. well, anyway

hi, my name is Carly and Ive been obsessing about DL since the fall 2006. it started innocently enough but now everything reminds of them. and it helps a lot to know Im not the only one with this wonderful addiction.

Im still not sure whether I will be reading any spoilers. I kinda like surprises. on the other hand Im not sure I will be able to resist.

what Im still awaiting rather impatiently is that article on our beautiful ship in some magazine. any magazine, but with photos please.
Has D/L ever been innocent? If they were...well clearly I went into the club through the back door :D

Ahh...well, I still love them!


:D I couldnt help myself... :devil:
Page 18 already :cool:....I love all those speeches...wow...we're really a fun, but strange group...lucky for us we can join these sessions whenever we want to... :D

How is everyone doing 43 days :mad: after SD? I must admit that I have many withdrawal symptoms, but with all these lovely pics and my DVD's I should be able to last until the first spoilers come out...can't wait... ;)

*stands up again and starts singing along with Mo - this has to be one of those nasty side effects of my addiction :rolleyes:....."And I don't know if I'm being foolish, Don't know if I'm being wise, But it's something that I must believe in, And it's there when I look in your eyes"

we’ll of course still be here if you need to get that work done
Ah txs so much for the offer Anffy...well the work for my boss is done for today, but now I have to clean my house :(...*hands Anffy the vacuum cleaner* :lol:

that I was a shipper well then again I didn't know what it meant untill I found this wounderful site while searching for 'Danny/Lindsay spoilers csi ny'- I think that was my google search all those months ago
I have the exact same story Natty...didn't know what I was either untill I decided that I couldn't be the only one seeing what I saw and google got me here too... :)
With all this ffy stuff I've decided that from now on I'm calling myself, Audaffy!! Catchy, huh?? :D

Okay, I guess I'd better join DLA too! Hello, I'm Auda (ffy), and I'm addicted to D/L (oh, and shopping too!!). It all started back in 2005, before I knew what shipping was. I guess you could say I shipped Ross/Rachel from back in the day, but I didn't have a clue that it was called shipping. I also have become a bonafide thread junkie since 2006. Before that, I was a thread virgin. Oh, my!! :eek:

Dutch is singing!! Yea!! Love, exciting and new, come aboard... :D

Stares at Liff's picture before having to go make a living. Stares at Vexxie's picture of Carmine, I'm mean Danny. Hot. :lol: :devil: :lol:

Later. :cool:
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