Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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I’d really like to go to NYC, too, but I’m 16 and I’m sure that if I asked my parents to let me leave they would burst out laughing. :(

PintSizeGenius said:
About my fic, I had the next few chapters written up on paper, but i think my mum threw them away!!!
I’m sorry for your fic, I hope you’ll write it soon!

I really like the pics, especially the pic from Bad Beat, where they’re watching the tape. Danny and Lindsay seem very interested, maybe they’re making notes… :p
Liffy!! Come and join Anffy and I under the pool table. Lookie, we made a little mirror that we put in one of the pockets so we can see what's going on above! :lol: Aren't we clever? *high fives fellow buddies*

:p I'm older than you Liff, so you best start listening to me. PSG you don't have to :) but I have my eyes on you Liff *eyes him suspiciously*

Anyone wanna hang out with us under the pool table? Y'all are welcome...the more the merrier! We have yummy M&Ms here ;) and we've set up a video camera to record all the "action" up above on deck. Yes, we have a mirror and camera....us DL fans have got it all :)
*Jen runs to the pooltable to make peace to the Ffys! She throws M&M-cookies around and has brought milkshakes...to drink, this time*

I'm coming! I need a dry place, 'cause it's raining bad here. I'm all wet - for the third time today :mad: - so I need lots of friends to warme me up. Does anyone bring good stories/movies or music with them?
*Nat runs in and throws M&Ms back at Jen!*

Hey guys....those pics^^really cheered me up yesterday when I popped in but I didn't have time to post. It hasn't rained to day but it did for the last couple. News reports said that a large resivoir was about to flood is we had any more!! :eek:

....I'm glad that I don't live there!!

LRC...well what can I say....That's the ep where we all came in here for a good moan I think! There were many awkward moments and the space that they left between each other was huge compared to SOOH! Here are a few pics showing Danny reation..I think he looks like he's about to cry.....

It's funny... I alays think everyone is the same age as me in here. I'm 17. And when you guys tell your real ages it shoots me into reality check. :lol: We all sound the same though... oober crazy fangirls. :lol:
I'd tell you my age, but I'd have to die of embarassment, compared to the age of most of you! Let's just say I've been married almost 11 years, and have 3 kids. North of 30, south of 40. Feel like a teenager, and I love D/L as much as all of you. Most of you are all dealing with school, I still am, as my children are school age, and I have to tell you all, I hate it more now than when I actually went to school.

Now, back to D/L. I'm still not sure exactly why I started shipping them, especially at my age(LOL), but I'm glad I do. I can't imagine not shipping them now, they just belong together. These two were actually my first pair ever that I shipped together in any tv show. But once I started, I've expanded, although most of my ships revolve around the CSI shows. But D/L is my favorite, and I think always will be, unless they get toooooooo angsty. I can't deal with that, even if I am a flungsty. But for now, make room under the pool table, pass the M&M's, I'm heading for under the pool table now!
*hands bowl of M&Ms to catey and anyone else who is joining*

JenP, I love your icon hun! Very sweet :) and yours as well catey since they're the same. But that was an adorable scene no doubt *sighs dreamily*

I have no clue how I got into D/L; guess it all stared when Lindsay arrived. All I know is that I asked for S2 on my xmas list and when I got it, I was incredibly happy and put it in the machine that day. Now as for season three....the *morning* it's out, I'm heading up to Wal-Mart and buying it. No way I'm missing this.

Speaking of which, for everyone in Canada and the States, the S3 DVD will be released on October 9th. So get marking those calenders, D/L fans! Oct. 9 is a big day for us :D

You know what else makes me happy? Knowing that Carmine and Anna love their own ship! If Carmine saying "This is only the beginning" and Anna remarking "Lindsay cares for Danny a lot" doesn't prove they don't love their own pairing, I don't know what does.

ETA: I managed to watch COTD today at work with someone. I was just waiting for them to say something at the hand-holding scene, but alas they did not. I'm sorry but I'm not sitting and watching the news when there is no one in the room and I can very easily switch it over to a rather more interesting show featuring my OTP :)
*Mo dances into the thread...grooving to some "Sexy Back" by the very hot Mr. Justin Timberlake!* D/L is SO bringing sexy back! :devil: Heehee! :lol: Speaking of good music (lol, what I was kind of! ;) ) Go check out Miss Kelly Clarkson's new CD, I bought it today...love it!! :D And now back to our regularly scheduled fluffy-fest! :D

Angel bud said:
now, finding danny’s apartment is going to be challenging!
Lol, I think we're up to the challenge! ;) Turn a pack of D/L obsessed shippy fans loose on NY and I'm pretty sure with our combined brain power we could find it! :D Aud Fluffy Twin, you're up to the challenge right? ;) We could do it! :lol:

on wikipedia entry for 'lindsay monroe', there is a link for 'making love'...i thought that was funny.
That is awesome Angel! Oh my gosh, I love it! It's fitting too...heehee, D/L is hot and making love is what they be doing! ;)

Cutie pie Soph grinned:
I love the look in their eyes, it shows just how much they love each other.
Yup that's exactly what I'm saying too hon! That's why I can like the eppy, even though it's angsty! Cuz the love they have for eachother is so very clear in their eyes you cannot help but see it! And that makes me happy, very very happy! :D

Spoiler Queen honey Catey laughed:
You don't want to know how old I am then!
Awww hon, Lol, it's all about being young at heart Catey dear! ;) That is all that matters! And Jen hon don't feel old, I'm 25 too and I am fighting feeling "old" with all my might! :lol:

I just like to see a happy ending
I definitely agree with you on that Catey hon! Happy endings are my most favorite things ever :D As long as the ending is happy it's all worth it! That's what I say! ;)

Liffy dude winked:
Ooh...I think I'm just going to go join Mo in the gutter. Can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be, hmm, joining my darlin' Stuffy under the pool table might be fun! hehehe, just a tad bit uncomfortable. All we'll be hearing is moans coming from above...

:lol: :lol: Liffy bud you rock! Ya know, for a second there I thought you were hitting on our Stuffy ;) Heehee! As for joining me, definitely feel free to join me in the Gutter...the more the merrier! :devil: :lol: Although it looks like we've now got a party going on under the pool table, so maybe the Gutter's moved locations temporarily! :devil:

Wow, poor Jen and natty, it's raining where y'all are...but by me, it's 80 degrees and gorgeous! Not to rub it in! ;)

Angsty cutie niece Rad giggled:
We all sound the same though... oober crazy fangirls.
Lol ain't that the truth hon! And that's really all that matters! ;) As long as we all love the same ship (which we do!) and have fun going crazy together (which we definitely do! :lol: ) then it is all good! So it's ALL good! :lol:

Spoiler Emporess Catey sighed:
but I'm glad I do. I can't imagine not shipping them now, they just belong together.
I am definitely glad you ship them too! It wouldn't be the same around here without ya! That's for sure! And I 100% agree, Danny and Linds...they just belong together...it's that simple...that perfect. They just do! :D

Stuffy dearie grinned:
Knowing that Carmine and Anna love their own ship!
I know isn't that fun to know! It's one thing to have a ship where the actors are so-so about it and not really into it. But when the actors are into the ship too and want the characters together and like them together and are rooting for them...it makes it that much better and somehow the chemistry even that much hotter! I love it! :D :D

Alright my dearies...time for something cool...it's still hot here! *Mo fans herself and sighs...* Awww Summer! :D

Psssttt...Fluffy Twin, where is you darlin'? ;)

*Mo grabs a popsicle and shimmers off in her Fluffy Bubble!* :D
Okay Fluffy Twin!! You love Maroon 5, D/L, musicals, Hugh Grant, etc. But Timberlake?? That's where our brain gets separated! :lol: I wub you though. You should write a ficcie where D/L have some fun with "Bringing Sexy Back". Lol.

Coolin' off? I better not post any hot fics then! How about pictures of popsicles?? :D

I wonder how D/L cool off? I would think that both their apartments would stay hot 'n steamy all day/night. ;)

Later. :cool:
Aud wub!! *Mo giggles and tackles her Twinny!* Awww not a JT fan so much hon... :lol: That's okay, he's not my favorite, but he is cute and he's got some songs with good beats! ;) And I wubs you too! ;) Hmmmmm, D/L ficcie bringing sexy back...*Mo grins and rubs her hands together gleefully....* now that could be fun! :lol:

Oh heavens no, heat it up to high heaven hon!! Post them hot pics, and hot fics and all that hot stuff! Bring it on wub! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

D/L cool off? Heehee ;) I'm thinking they just don't ever cool down :devil: Like you said Fluffy Twin...I'm thinkin' that things with them are always hot n' steamy! :devil:

Lucky them! :D
*runs in*

I'm so busy this week it's not even funny anymore...I've managed to quickly read some of the posts I missed, but there are just so many :eek: WOW :eek:

Love all the hot and pretty pics! And the idea of us grazy people running around NY is just too funny... :lol:

LRC so not my favourite ep (hate their hallway conversation), but the pics are pretty...perhaps I'll watch it with the sound turned off... :D

Glad you got the avvie working Jen...looks great... :)

Well I hope to have some more time tonight...later

*runs out*
Dutch! :D *Mo manages to hug her buddy very quickly as she runs in and runs back out!* Yeah we've been posting alot lately...fun times! Lol, sorry you're busy, but I feel for ya...been there, done that! :lol:

LRC pics are very pretty...definitely agree with that...just remember the love in the eyes, the love in the eyes makes it all worth while! ;)

*Mo giggles...* Lookie...I'm a "Captain" now! Sweet!! :lol:
Hey guys! I've been missing again for while! :( I'm so sorry guys, but I GOT A PERMANENT ACCOUNT ON LIVEJOURNAL! Whoohoo! I had to beg my mom though. :)

Mo Your avatar is SO ADORABLE! I just want to HUG them! :) Don't you? They're too adorable!

I'm 15 and :D I started shipping D/L since Season September, 2005. :D
I’ve shipped D/L since the first time I saw them, in September 2006, when the crossover with Miami was aired, during the 4th season of CSI Miami (Season 2 of CSI NY was aired four months after).
I remember that when I noticed their chemistry, my friend burst out laughing and said “It’s impossible! You see chemistry everywhere!”
When she saw the pics of Snow Day, her face was priceless! :D
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